" Maybe the Illuminati go by the Bible as a playbook to make things seem like prophecy happens"
You are correct. However, the illuminati was a private University school club headed by a professor, Adam Weishaupt. The illuminati is, in fact, the very same program we have here in America today; whereas graduating students from a university is called an Alumni. Do you see the similarity in the two words? Illuminati - Alumni.
I believe, from reading, that the illuminati was a secret society for university graduates to keep in touch with each other after graduation. The system here in America works in the same way for the Alumni. There is nothing super secret about them related to conquering the world.
However, the Bible is an old and outdated piece. Most things written in the Bible is not meant to be pieced together with the real world. If you ask around deep enough, the Bible becomes only a piece of entertainment. Might I add that if you look to the Bible for entertainment, you may also find entertainment in other books with a great many sequels? Try the Harry Potter series, Game of Thrones, King Arthur, and if you are truly inclined to the fantasy world then go for the Grimms' Fairy Tales. The Bible is a collection of 73 books that can be pieced together based on a single Lore that began in the book of Genesis. Do not misunderstand me, the Bible can entertain a very bored person but it is a very old fantasy book.