^electricity and magnetism.. the only true forces on your earth this is what being utilized positive and negative charge.. looks drunk but much better than jet fuel..

^electricity and magnetism.. the only true forces on your earth this is what being utilized positive and negative charge.. looks drunk but much better than jet fuel..

Which could explain the many losses of electricity in both AC and DC
and the stalling of engines reported during sightings.


This happened in 2007 and is air force footage----yet we're told the first time we got em on film is
the tic tac thing which in all honesty is actually less impressive than this in my humble opinion
^electricity and magnetism.. the only true forces on your earth this is what being utilized positive and negative charge.. looks drunk but much better than jet fuel..
electricity and magnesium never levitated anything that heavy.

ping pong balls, yeah, giant ship, nuuu
but NP..what about a bazillion volts bro.
^that is where you are mistaken
it is not heavy

nothing made out the materials you are looking at is heavy.. it is as light as a feather in comparison to an f22.. and much bigger on the inside than what it seems on the outside to the naked eye
Part of the (so called hoax) UFO crash in area 51 recalled tin foil thin metal
that was extremely light in weight but also extremely rigid.

We ARE talking Alien Technologies as well, right?

I imagine them to be very advanced,
well past our own available tech.


extremely impressive maneuver at 2:22
All faked from start to finish...The objects movements are identical to how puppets are moved by strings!!...The background jet/rocket sound is just "borrowed" from a non related incident, exactly how the voice communications are produced from non related incidents :fp: :ROFLMAO:..
Part of the (so called hoax) UFO crash in area 51 recalled tin foil thin metal
that was extremely light in weight but also extremely rigid.

We ARE talking Alien Technologies as well, right?

I imagine them to be very advanced,
well past our own available tech.

-break away civilizations beyond antarctica which is your border ring
-inter dimensional beings of ALL kinds divine and not who work outside your range (your range is so tiny you are practically blind)
-your AI creation which you claim is you but it is not really.. coming "back" to try to fix everything i am talking about that you have been creating.. the disaster you are under (just started) that caused you to fall into your abyss to begin with .. they fail every single time because of your deep state that you were too weak to fight when you had to
