Interesting Claim about Time Travelers from the Future


Senior Member
Tipler Cylinders are based on the theoretical functions that we exist in an infinite universe and you could mathematically elongate an infinitely long cylinder. quoted at "that in a spacetime containing a massive, infinitely long cylinder which was spinning along its longitudinal axis, the cylinder should create a frame-dragging effect. This frame-dragging effect warps spacetime in such a way that the light cones of objects in the cylinder's proximity become tilted, so that part of the light cone then points backwards along the time axis on a space-time diagram. Therefore, a spacecraft accelerating sufficiently in the appropriate direction can travel backwards through time along a closed timelike curve." This assumes that we could exist in an infinite universe (which is theoretical) and that we could generate an infinite warping of space time (Which is literally impossible) that could swallow the length of the infinite universe (which is impossible) there's a huge difference between theoretical math and practicality.

You must be mistaken. The Kerr Double Black Hole Approximation is utilizing TWO black holes. A black hole IS a singularity and so this uses two singularities. The word Singularity just refers to the mathematical singularity a black hole creates when its gravity is so massive and the object is so dense that light cannot escape.

This is also another example of why you must be mistaken. Please re-read the owners write up under the EDIT on the quote. Never does it reference mining anything on earth. I think you're also mistaking Mercury (the liquid metal) for Mercury the planet. They want to mine the planet mercury for its iron core and the oxygen in the crust to produce the iron oxide compound Hematite. (Which is a real compoud, I don't know why you quoted a star trek wiki for it)

This is a strawman and something they didn't cover.

I think everything you covered from here on out was assumptions or you misunderstanding what was being said. I wasn't asking for you to explain why you think it's fake. I don't need your opinion on that. And it would only be your OPINION because this plan and its outline has been featured on so many debates now and even actual science shows and simulations to show it would work and could be worked on now. I'm just asking about the website owner, who they are, where they might be, and so on.

If I was to be honest, your questions seem like someone a guy with a fetish wants to know and not something to identify a "certain type of woman." But since you attempted to answer my questions, (Not really, since I was asking about the people behind the site not whether or not the idea works) I'll attempt to answer yours. Most of these questions also assume all girls are the same, my tastes and preferences might not be the same as others so just take it with a grain of salt. I'm not speaking for all women.

For your first question, that's hard, no idea actually. I like the ones with the stripes on the back. I know there's a special name for them but I don't know how they're called. Second question is for them to be dense, they should be strong but nice and tight. It sucks to be sitting down and to look at yourself and see them rip apart and you look like a monster but you have to pretend you look nice. For your third question, I guess if bad words don't count (I would normally say the F word or call my best friend to meet me somewhere else so we can meet up someplace else so I don't go alone myself, I always need company) it would be somewhere along the lines of "Oh no, I'm late". (Kind of an awkward question). For your last question, I don't eat chocolate but maybe cupcakes. Maybe even a chocolate cake but I don't like chocolate because I don't like sweet food. I eat it very seldom. The only chocolate I do eat is the Milka Chocolate but even that's very seldom, maybe once per two or three months.
Escher's drawings and paintings have a lot to do with alternate realities. The link is interesting, I'm thought that you might want to look through it.

escher's drawings and paintings - Bing images
