Internet Strangely Quiet After New York City Terror Attack

Common Sense Conspiracy

Conspiracy Blog
After pretty much every act of terrorism on a major city, Common Sense Conspiracy is bombarded with questions and theories about the events that have just occurred. There are usually false flag theories, crisis actor accusations, and plots to impose martial law on the population.
Today, after a truck attack in the heart of New York City that is clearly being labelled by the government as a terror attack, the Internet was strangely quiet. No accusations. A few theories, but mostly people seem to be in agreement that this event was exactly what it was said to be.
We expect that at some point this will end. And it could also be that the government itself is directly responsible. After the terror attack at the Boston Marathon, Common Sense Conspiracy and many other sites were left without a voice in an event that many believe was the testing of a government-sanctioned Internet kill switch. It wasn’t until the day after that many alternative news sites could even be heard online. Perhaps we are seeing an effect like that again. There could also be political motivations. The mainstream media first reported this as “road rage” and only grudgingly called it a terrorist attack when the government left them with no choice as details became available. The mainstream media is very much against President Donald Trump (both sides, the Republican and Democrat sides), and the last thing they want to report on is a terror attack because it plays into Trump’s agenda.
In any case, we will continue to monitor this situation as more information becomes available, and if the pot gets stirred, we will be the first to come through with our analysis.

Source: Common Sense Conspiracy


It's all on Twitter. I'm being called a White Supramecist Nazi by strangers because I do not condone terrorism and want my country and its citizens safe. (I'm not even 100% white). Believe me, you don't want to experience the hate that is on Twitter. I had a lady tell me that terrorism is a necessary sacrafice. What??!

(In my defense, I had a DNA test done. I'm not 100% white and I've also dated every race in the book. My childrens' best friends
aren't white, either).

Chuck Schumer is starting to politicize this by immediately accusing DJT of politicizing. He's not. He wants us safe, too.

So, if you are managing to stay away from all of this nonsense, good for you. I'm trying to break away from my Twitter addiction. The hate on there knows no bounds.

There is still a white-hate narrative on the internet that blames ALL terrorist acts on white people. I'm not trying to start trouble, but you just need to hang out on Twitter for a while to experience it. And of course, I also hear, "So? You deserve it." Why? I actually have low self esteem. I believe EVERYBODY is better than me. I am not a supremacist of ANY kind. I just DO NOT condone terrorism of any kind, either. None of it.
