Is everyone on here an "alien"?


Junior Member
I posted awhile back just because of some very vivid memories of years of what I blv to be alien interaction. I am simply looking for people with similar experiences or those who have heard of such a thing. I don't know where to follow up or what to do to continue my search for answers. why am I being answered by people who insist they are aliens and then post what are obviously beginner photo shop pictures to prove they are who they are. if you are going to lay claim then PROVE it. but photo shop pics and pics of outer space that anyone can steal from the internet isn't going to do it for me. I am not on here to play role play with people and pretend I am something I am not. I am on here for answers...plain and simple


Junior Member
I can sympathize Wanda. I come on here searching for the truth and maybe some answers, and when people try to take advantage by coming up with outlandish stories and photo shopped pics it really burns my chaps. I hope you find what you're looking for.


Junior Member
thank you. I hope you find some answers too. can I ask what brought you to this site? did you have an experience or see something too?


Senior Member
Trick is to Weed out those strictly seeking attention, Sadly the odds of a True ET posting here are .01 in a Billion.

If there is someone claiming to be a ET wait for the wolfs to finish with him to truly judge his authenticity, most of us me included can pin point a Fraud within the first few posts like we did with the person i assume you are referring to.

Those who have been taken by them also have the Advantage of contacting them.


Senior Member
Hi Wanda:
I probably have some non-human DNA. Well, I am part Neanderthal after all.

BEK are probably human/alien hybrids.



Junior Member
sometimes I certainly feel spacey enough, but don't make any alien claims here. I do know I have had TONS of contact though. whether it be speaking to "them" numerous times as a child, or seeing the UFO's (probably around 45 times now) and stuff like that. grew up in and live in UFO central. around here we think you are weird if you haven't had some sort of experience. most are still afraid and will run and hide. but there are those of us that as soon as we here something is going on we high tail it there.


Senior Member
People fear the unknown and it can be scary. Aliens are seen as monsters in movies. However, I do not fear em. Well, I do not fear a mouse. Yeah, even if the furry little rodent has black eyes. :)


judging from the answers they give some times I realy do wonder what planet they came from cause it aint the one I live on. ... but to the question at hand
no we are not all aliens on here I am just a domesticated savage barely even house broke who must be supervised at all times :D


Junior Member
judging from the answers they give some times I realy do wonder what planet they came from cause it aint the one I live on. ... but to the question at hand
no we are not all aliens on here I am just a domesticated savage barely even house broke who must be supervised at all times :D

you made me smile kcwildman-i needed that.
