Is Pope Francis The Antichrist?

Carl Miller

Active Member
A Pope who states absurdities who rambles on about the Gospel speaking insanities. Jesus as a lad would have apologized or begged forgiveness from his parents for having got lost during the feast and caused his parents distress. This shows a sinful Jesus and contradicts the Gospel. So the Pope is a freak. Whoever talks him down should eat crap. That we should forget Christian European origin which dates back to no period of timeframe. Bishops are not allowed to report on child abuse or pedophilia. Ok. A bully will ask ironically cause there are lots of shameless people on the internet. What do we have to do to all this? Nothing. My take is that the Pope is paving the road for the Elite and he has no compromise to the flock and to Christ or the Church. Another Antichrist, and a dirty mouth Antichrist.
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Senior Member
"My take is that the Pope is paving the road for the Elite and he has no compromise to the flock and to Christ or the Church."

A very good summary of what is taking place.

Carl Miller

Active Member
So, Mayhem, you know I have a lot of vacant time as I sit here answering to phone calls. In Brazil the country where I live 7 out of 10 per cent are Roman Catholics. I know this church does not belong to God or to Jesus. A church which lives in apostasy. A church which condones Palestinian immigration and crossbreeding among different cultures to weaken European traditions and customs. How to tag a demon like this. He makes our stomach turn. How ignorantly the flock submit themselves to all This Holy Francis poop bullshit? Not an angry talking. It is dispicable and humiliating seeing people toiling and moiling or whatever giving their best to these pedophile protectors.


Senior Member
Well im Irish no need to go into what the church has done there.

If you look back to the testaments first the old then the new, they have been altered for so many of mankind,
blindly follow faith. That is why the church moves to areas where they can take advantage of the populations for their own gain.

In saying that, they are losing thee battle in europe for followers for what you have outlined.

Oh the truth on this planet they want to hide, for if it was revealed their power would be gone in one day.

Carl Miller

Active Member
You mean the destruction that they perpetrated there, I see... It is once again the dumbing down process of humanity. This poopy Popes gives a s.. to the parish living and Christian Catholic tradition cause he has sold his soul to the demons of this world. Well let's take children out from their homes let's put them under the guiding light of Lucifer: the bearer of light. Let's destroy European culture with alien crossbreeding. It smells Obama it has the reek of Hillary and the fumes of hell.


Senior Member
Thee are many wrapped up in this.

The advice i give is, its all inside you like the macrocosm and micrososm. So above as below.

We are all immortal and we are all gods in the making, in which they try to hide.

Most will just laugh at this, reason man has a blindfold on him and it ever gets worse
as new discoveries point towards what is hidden.

Carl Miller

Active Member
It reminds me of rosacrucian lessons. I would have been of the 12th degree. But most importantly is doing exactly the contrary to what these so called liberal people do. I am pro cleanness of race cause the eugenics is contradictorily speaking the tendency to coalesce cultures. It is a hypocrisy. It brings about confusion and this is the fertile land for technocrats.
