Is Space travel possible?


Currently space travel is possible but not sustainable. Our technology fail us in many regards, however biologically we cannot survive space travel as well. This is a good indicator that we need to master more then energy, mass and acceleration. We need to master gravity, food production in space and above all, find a way to extend human life by another 50 to 100 years.

With the exception of light few things can travel at the speed of light and survive. Force will always be equal to mass multiplied by acceleration. If you have something the size of a car accelerating at the speed of light and anything regardless of its size collide it will be catastrophic. So we need to master proper protection, shielding that can handle phenomenal forces.

If we cannot keep the environment within the vehicle stable chances are we will have a terrible time surviving. Not to mention we do not know what forces will have an effect. We do not know what radiation does at those speeds, we do not know what our own brain will do at those speeds. Simply put at the speed of light a person will travel at the same speed as a thought within the brain. Simply put we will not be able to make a choice fast enough or think fast enough. Electrical components like the fastest computers known to humanity still use clock speeds to process information. Essentially at the speed of light computers as we know it today will be obsolete. Simply put it will not be able to complete a single process in time to avoid a situation.

These are but some of our limitations... Thus humanity will have to travel at slower speeds to make it safe. Thus bioengineering or supper humans need to be created to survive space. This means humanity is dead regardless. Because the supper human will survive and not the human. Meaning an artificial species will travel space and not humanity. This new life will need to be stronger, faster and smarter then any of us because it will need to be able to survive space and make correct decision in a blink of an eye.

Even if we find a way to slow down the aging process, we don't know what will happen to the human brain when it knows it is trapped in a tin-can for the rest of its natural life. Freezing humans and defrosting them after traveling trough space will also remain problematic. If the tech fail and those frozen individuals wake up they might suffer brain damage, physical damage or even death.

So looking at what our Trillionaire supper star is saying, I have to respectfully disagree... Even if we can reach other planets at best it will be generations beyond our own that will reach it. At worst they may not even be human at that stage. They will have the memory of humanity and perhaps share our likeness but it will not be human.

Humanity WILL go extinct. Each life we lose each day is a life lost forever and for that lost-life nothing matters. The living matters for the living the dead is no longer part of this world.

Perhaps humanity must focus on the end of war? Perhaps life in all forms should be respected? Perhaps we need to understand ourselves first before we allow ourselves to think that we are even remotely ready for space, space travel and all its implications.

In order to go forward, we need to put our differences aside, focus on what is important and more importantly focus on what is doable now.

Our Trillionaire supper star got one thing right... Technology don't just simply evolve... It takes hard work, dedication, education and understanding to keep pushing it forward. We can't do this if we are all fighting wars and killing the planet we call home.

Only if we solve enough problems do humanity get the opportunity to survive beyond the day the sun dies.


Senior Member
When nearing the speed of light, your own time goes slower, so you see it as moving faster than light by fast forwarding everything around you. So no need for freezing humans.

There are insects that can survive freezing by replacing all water in the body with a non cristallic liquid. If we send them together with frozen fungus spores and plant seeds to a fertile planet using unsafe shortcuts, evolution and self replicating drones will have filled the entire planet with atmosphere, ocean, plants, animals and hotels by the time we arrive for the first time. Fast forwarding 200000000 years of evolution and city building in 10 years.

Spaceships use liquid hydrogen to fly, so the biggest carbon footprint is in manufacturing ships, which can now be reused by landing standing.

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When nearing the speed of light, your own time goes slower, so you see it as moving faster than light by fast forwarding everything around you. So no need for freezing humans.

There are insects that can survive freezing by replacing all water in the body with a non cristallic liquid. If we send them together with frozen fungus spores and plant seeds to a fertile planet using unsafe shortcuts, evolution and self replicating drones will have filled the entire planet with atmosphere, ocean, plants, animals and hotels by the time we arrive for the first time. Fast forwarding 200000000 years of evolution and city building in 10 years.

Spaceships use liquid hydrogen to fly, so the biggest carbon footprint is in manufacturing ships, which can now be reused by landing standing.
Yes you are correct, Technology can help us a lot with space travel. But in all honesty we need instant travel to truly avoid any obstacle. Wormholes was suppose to service humanity in this regard.

But I don't think wormholes are connected to anything. I see it as a galactic "disassembler" turning all matter back into heat and carbon. I don't think it is linked to an outlet of any kind rather whatever goes in and gets "disassembled" until they reach such a small scale that it can escape as a particle or even as energy only.

As for technological evolution, this is factual it happens almost every day with new inventions and it will continue to push itself forward at an exponential rate. But humans are the flaw in the system. Radiation has a harsh impact on our biological systems. Space is filled with unfiltered radiation and it can even corrupt a robot if it is not properly shielded. So "space ships" will need to be strong and very powerful to not only survive space but to move the energy it needs across such a vast distance.

Is it stand currently we are simply not there yet. We need better computers, better sources of energy, better understanding of our biology and the list goes on.

All fantasy aside, we can get to the moon and a few other planets. This is fact, the fiction part is that we will move at the speed of light or even get escape our solar system. I doubt that will ever happen.

Unless if we can open a door between planets. Does it exist? I think it does, The Einstein-Rosen bridge is for the most part real but I don't think it is the same as an outright wormhole. It might well be but again. If it is naturally occurring then we should have seen one at least once on earth in the 4000+ years of documented history of humanity.

But I am no mega trillionaire, IF I was, I would have focused a lot of money on the Einstein-Rosen bridge because it holds a lot of potential.


Senior Member
Yes you are correct, Technology can help us a lot with space travel. But in all honesty we need instant travel to truly avoid any obstacle. Wormholes was suppose to service humanity in this regard.

But I don't think wormholes are connected to anything. I see it as a galactic "disassembler" turning all matter back into heat and carbon. I don't think it is linked to an outlet of any kind rather whatever goes in and gets "disassembled" until they reach such a small scale that it can escape as a particle or even as energy only.

As for technological evolution, this is factual it happens almost every day with new inventions and it will continue to push itself forward at an exponential rate. But humans are the flaw in the system. Radiation has a harsh impact on our biological systems. Space is filled with unfiltered radiation and it can even corrupt a robot if it is not properly shielded. So "space ships" will need to be strong and very powerful to not only survive space but to move the energy it needs across such a vast distance.

Is it stand currently we are simply not there yet. We need better computers, better sources of energy, better understanding of our biology and the list goes on.

All fantasy aside, we can get to the moon and a few other planets. This is fact, the fiction part is that we will move at the speed of light or even get escape our solar system. I doubt that will ever happen.

Unless if we can open a door between planets. Does it exist? I think it does, The Einstein-Rosen bridge is for the most part real but I don't think it is the same as an outright wormhole. It might well be but again. If it is naturally occurring then we should have seen one at least once on earth in the 4000+ years of documented history of humanity.

But I am no mega trillionaire, IF I was, I would have focused a lot of money on the Einstein-Rosen bridge because it holds a lot of potential.
If humanity won't be the same on other planets, I would be fine with just sending basic forms of life to sterile planets all over the universe.


If humanity won't be the same on other planets, I would be fine with just sending basic forms of life to sterile planets all over the universe.
This may drift a bit from the topic at hand but...

Humanity will not change but for some of us "not all" but some of us have compassion. Some animals show a degree of mercy but most don't. I can go into detail but will reframe as I found that my exposure to nature is not shared by many on a first hand base. Insects have no compassion, they will consume each other alive, they will do terrible things again I will not go into it.

Spiritually I feel we as humanity can do better. Why? Because it is the key to life. If we understand ourselves, what we are what is inside of us, both the good and the bad we can truly begin to unlock a part of ourselves that is beyond life. I desperately wanted to do this but have unlocked the wrong doors first. I got to know the "monsters" that lurk around. Devils and beings that exist within true darkness. I am not talking about a room devoid of light. Darkness isn't a word just like numbers aren't just numbers. Things are alive in different ways and we as humanity got their undivided attention. We are not alone. But movies fiction and the like have numbed humanity to this simple fact.

"Things" use to exist in the days of old. Just because we are brave enough to look back doesn't mean we are intelligent enough to understand what we see.

I am no saint don't confuse me for one, but I also have no reason to lie to you or anyone. Bad things find bad actions and bad things combined with bad actions is a bad situation. Add escalation into the mix and you have a volatile unpredictable tragedy in the making.

Humanity isn't lost it is misunderstood, abused and broken. Fundamentally flawed we move from one bad situation to the next demonizing anyone that doesn't agree with the spoken "now". Humanity was warned of this and yet humanity still walked into it blindly willingly with a high measure of arrogance.

Humanity is to be pitied not to be condemned. When human find its place and understand its physical, spiritual and mental capability, we will be truly limitless, amazing a true wonder to behold. I look forward to this day till then I will try to rectify my soul little by little.
