Is this a real vamp attacking?


Senior Member
I've seen him before. He has part of the vampire genetic frame set, but not the entire sha-bang to allow him to be a full one. I had an alien fraternal twin that I never knew about who time traveled. Apparently my genetic line goes through Europe when they had the junk, not clan vampire outbreaks there. Her time traveling through that era had activated the once submerged full vampire gene, some fifteen years after her passing through that time.

I was well on my way to becoming a full vampire hybrid of some kind, till somebody gave me the canceling bite to stop me from becoming full. This situation was like racing in a car, coming very close to the edge, then jumping out before the car goes over the edge. I don't know whether it was the vamps that gave me the counter bite, or the military. It was too close for comfort.

The lady on the bed is a style of vampire I'm not familiar with. Seemed pretty real to me. But before she attacked the guy on the bed, looked as normal and as hot as any good looking girl. Thanks for the reply, just shook me a little. Never have seen one feed. Kind of brutal.
