Schematic John Bajak Flux Capacitor


This is a document I've put together a long time ago but never got to finish and post. It aims at being an all-in-one reference for the Flux Capacitor. Designs, improvements, feedback/testimonials, and more. We're attempting to come up with the best, most reliable parts and schematics as possible.

What is the Bajak Flux Capacitor?
The John Bajak Flux Capacitor often called Flux Cap or fluxcap, is a small time travel device. It is often mentioned alongside the HDR, Sonic Resonator and other small devices. It's a design that showed up on the old KeelyNet BBS in the 1990s. It's available on a very old website, called Amasci, which is linked at the end of this post. The Flux Cap schematics are available over there, as well as a few old forum posts from the late 90s and early 2000s that share some information about it. We have an on-site copy of the original Bajak file, as a backup for future reference.

In the document, the creator explains how he came to build it by accident, and how it could potentially be used for time travel. He even mentions the possibility of attaching it to a car, in order to create a time travel vehicle. It gets pretty technical towards the end, you'll see.

Here are 2 links to the original document:
John Bajak FluxCap Document (Paranormalis): John Bajak Flux Capacitor Time Travel Circuit
John Bajak FluxCap Original Document Location (Amasci):

The FluxCap is supposed to emit some sort of small temporal field (temporal flux) that would alter the rate at which time flows. It would, for instance, slow down or accelerate a watch by having it oscillate between past and future.

Quote from John Bajak:
In summary, time travel is sort of like constructing a nuclear bomb -but instead of needing critical _mass_, one needs critical _energy_ to "break the time barrier". That energy is 1215.9 microfarads. Play around with it.


Parts List and schematics
B1 27 volt source
C1 1200 uF 50V electrolytic
P1 Piezoelectric transducer (273-073) (value uncritical)
S1 Charging switch (SPST)
G1 25-ohm rheostat (future control)
G2 1M-ohm potentiometer for past control
G3 Switch (SPST)

Transcriber's note: I don't know whether G1 and G2 are really supposed to be a rheostat and a potentiometer, or both rheostats, or both pots. He refers to two rheostats elsewhere, and I was just going to call them pots until I remembered that rheostats would have some inductance.


How to build the Flux Cap
We don't have building instructions at this point. Suggestions welcome.

Does anyone have schematics others than the one above? Actual schematics that are not in ASCII would be greatly appreciated.

How to operate the Flux Cap
The information we have as to how to operate the Flux Cap is as follows:
Instructions for Use of Temporal Flux Generator:

With batteries installed,
Depress switch for 3 to 4 seconds,
Release for 3 to 4 seconds;
Repeat as necessary.


Point transducer output toward the person or thing you want changed. That thing, such as a clock or piece of shelving, Will begin oscillating between past and future. Depending on which side of time you catch it on, depending also on the periods of switch on/off, and direction pointed, _CREATES_ action, derived from oscillating time.

DANGER! _Do_ _Not_ point at yourself For any appreciable amount of cycles. DAMAGE to your time detection circuits may occur, Damaging your overall sanity.

You may in the course of activation, meet yourself. Do not panic; Be reassured that if you know yourself, Only one of you will survive.

The generator is more powerful during Nighttime. If directed toward yourself at night, do not be surprised if you cannot sleep. However, try to sleep. The process of sleep reintegrates yourself. If at all possible, "SLEEP!"

Daytime may bring observations of being darker than day usually is.

Direct Sunlight Radiation is good for burning off disintegration, But communication of time travel existence Is an affect that others may not believe or can comprehend.

We encourage anyone who knows more about the Flux Cap to get in touch and share what they know. For instance, what do the above instructions do? Do they deal with the past? The future? How do you know which way the device is set to?

Links of interest
John Bajak FluxCap Document (Paranormalis): John Bajak Flux Capacitor Time Travel Circuit
John Bajak FluxCap Original Document Location (Amasci):
Report of Unusual Phenomena page, containing info about the Flux Capacitor: Report your Unusual Phenomena: experiment reports

Bajak Report File: John Bajak's Flux Capacitor Report File
Modified Versions of The Flux Capacitor: Schematics - Modified Versions of The Flux Capacitor
Discussion about the Flux Capacitor: Discussion About The John Bajak Flux Capacitor
Bajak Wolf Flux Capacitor: Bajak Wolf Flux capacitor


On a site called Amasci The Science Hobbyist, the very site on which the original Flux Cap text document is and has always been hosted, a user called Blake Bowyer posted a few very interesting messages on the old "Experiments" page. Here they are so that you can have an idea of what kind of experiment and results he came up with. Other people followed and posted their experiments with the Flux Cap later on.

Blake Bowyer, Tuesday, March 10, 1998 at 08:50:20 (PST)
I am only fifteen, but I have alarge interest in time travel. My lunch break is over, so I have to hurry. I recently tested the bajak flux capacitor. Beefore if burned out, I acheived a 2 minute time shift in 7 minutes. have just ordered parts to build a good one. Got to go will right back later with more time.

Blake Bowyer, Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 08:51:12 (PST)
Hi, it's me, Blake again. I have some more time now. Recently I said I Had built the bajak flux capacitor, a time machine. I received the info from an unknown person who saw a little message on time travel I posted up. Anyway I put the circuit together, and I used the beeping from a smoke alarm to provide an oscillating input. I put the machine on top of my watch, which was synchronized with another. I left the machine beeping away for exactly seven minutes. When I returned, I turned off the machine and compared the watches. After I finished jumping around and screaming "IT WORKS", I wrote the experiment down on paper. The watch under the machine was exactly two minutes and seventeen seconds faster then the control watch. I'm going to try to improve it, and I will write if there are any more amazing results. P.S. I think there is a discription of the circuit somewhere at AMASCI, but I'm not sure. Blake bowyer woodbridge , va USA - Thursday, March 12, 1998 at 08:51:12 (PST)
Saturday, April 04, 1998 at 21:55:51 (PST)
These reports on the bajak temporal flux capacitance circuit could possibly not be true. One thing I noticed on the circuit was the positive and negative teminals on the battery. The smaller end on the battery schematic is negative, but it is written as positive. I also am trying to still understand the future and past controls. According to the circuit, you have to hold down the past control THEN press the future control to travel forwards in time. Has anyone else seen this simple glitch in the schematics, or am I seeing things everytime I read my file ?

Thursday, July 16, 1998 at 23:03:42 (PDT)
I am in the middle of my tests on the Bajak Flux Capacitance Time Travel Circuit. As of today, I have had 3 failures. I will try to describe what I did and why they possibly failed to the best of my ability. Test #1 was done the " old fashioned way ". This first test was done by simply taking the components and twisting the connection terminals together. For test one, Due to the rarity of getting parts in Neosho, I had to make 2 substitutions. Sub. one was composed of (1) 1000 uF 50 V cap. and (2) 100 uF 50 V cap instead of using a 1200 uF 50 cap ( electrolytic of course ). Sub 2 I had to use a 1 M-ohm potentiometer instead of a 25 ohm rheostat. Upon testing, I got no audible noise. Also note, I used a piezo transducer with out a driver circuit. I have possible reasons why this test did not work. They are, one, bad connections, two, bad parts, three, incorrect part(s), four, incorrect wire type, and five, faulty wire. Test 2 was done exactly as test one EXCEPT I used a piezo buzzer INSTEAD of the piezo transducer. Test 3 was soldered instead of twisted. The reasons could still be any or all of the five listed above. My final experiment will be conducted soon. I plan to use perf board ( circuit boards ). I will not start construction until I get the correct parts as given in the parts list. I personally think that this circuit has worked once or twice before in the past under the correct conditions. I hope to replicate these conditions and have a actual working model. I do have another theory regarding time travel except the theory I got out of an old book refers time travel as bioelectronic force fields. Just to note, I have never again been able to locate this book. If anyone is interested in the bioelectronic force field theory i have just mentioned, please contact me. Please do not send mail asking for the Bajak Time Circuit. It is avaliable at www.keelynet com. Anyone who has built this circuit, successful or not, I would appreciate any information you have on the conditions you were in when it worked and any changes you had made to the parts list and/or circuits. My final experiment will be posted later on.

Sunday, October 11, 1998 at 19:01:32 (PDT)
There I was researching the flux capacitor when I realised that if something were to travel through time it would stay in the same place it was in when it shifted in the linear time stream. And thus it was obvious that any displacement of an object through the space-time continuum would not likely remain in an useful earthly postion. Since the surface of the earth is traveling at about 920 miles per hour about its axis, and since the earth itself is orbiting about the sun at about 66,000 miles per hour, and of course the solar system is rotating in its place within the milkyway galaxy...... well as you can see, it all get rather stupid and compicated quiclky. As I began to calculate the adjustments needed to the flux capacitor concept in order to displace correctly with the space-time coordinate system, I quickly realized I was stuck with a 27 dimension problem which I would not be able to resolve with my super nintendo powered apparatus. While I have built the flux capacitor system, I have not been able to replicate the dual watch experiment in the same way as others have indicated in the web page. Unfortunately, everytime the system is fired up, the "target" watch apparently vanishes off to somewhere else in time and space. Very weird!!!! At first, in the first trial where the system was run for only seventeen seconds, the target watch became incredibly hot, the hands warped into a perfect french curve shape, and the crystal was shatered in an odd repeating spiral pattern. When a new target watch was substituted and the flux capacitor allowed to operate for 1 minute, the watch merely glowed blue and red and then disolved into thin air. Please help me understand, are these objects really going somewhere? Are they just becoming invisible? The flux capacitor circuit is starting to really bother me. I find it hard to sleep at night and I haven't had the courage to run it for longer than 1 minute. On the last trial I felt like the table was also beginning to show signs of temporal distortions showing up in the pattern on the formica surface (Incredibly wierd!)

Sunday, May 09, 1999 at 20:54:46 (PDT)
Some time ago, after seeing the Bajak Flux Cap. I decided to construct one myself. I could not find all of the exact parts, so I fudged a little and used capacitors that were as close to spec as I could obtain without having to order parts. A little reluctantly I switched on the circuit for the first time, thinking of the story attached to the plans. Nothing happened. I wasn't too surprised. I continued to play with the switches and varied the times and order of pressing the switches. I began to feel a little weird, kinda like I was slightly nervous or worried subconsiously. Maybe I was to a point. Then I got brave and aimed the transucer towards myself from about a foot away. After a few moments, I began to get a slight headache. Excited, I turned on the circuit and placed it on the table and sat with my head over it. The headache grew so intense that I did not think I would be able to go to work that afternoon. The next day I repeated my little experiment. The headache returned. I tried turning the rheostat both times to see if I could detect any changes. Nothing different. On the second day however, after turning the pot each way to its max, suddenly I put the smoke theory of electricity into effect. My rheostat burned out with quite the little smoke and spark show. Quite impressive from only two 9vs. I plan to order the correct parts and rebuild it in a small plastic box. One theory I have on the headaches is, that without a driver circuit, maybe the transducer emits some sort of sound freq. that tends to give humans a headache. I dont have a dog or I would have tested that theory. I am not an electronics whiz, I only know the basic principals behind electric current and can follow simple schematics enough to get by. If my theory is totally off the wall, let me know.

Friday, March 09, 2007 at 18:02:29 (PST)
I'm a college student majoring in physics.. after some research decided to build a bajak temporal flux generator.Well I built an exact replica to spec and got some truely strange and bizzare results..I devised an expiriment where I combined the magnetic (field this device seems to produce) with accelerating kinetic energy.(my car)So after accelerating to 100 mph I took the freeway offramp. I felt like I was on some sort of drug, just like john bajak described a subliminal and accoustical roller coaster.I remember not really liking this feeling a very strange and eery feeling like mild confusion ..A feeling like the world I was in was a complete and utter illusion.The town seemed different somehow. I noticed little things like signs and billboards looked old and faded.. and all the cars in traffic were like what you expect to see a few years back. but nothing significant.The year and date are all the same. So I decide to go to Wal-Mart to check up on the latest available technology for sale. I pull into the parking lot all the while feeling like I had to drive fast It was an almost immutable urge..I park in the side of the lot next to some undeveloped woodlands (I'll post the rest of my expierience later...the library is closing)philip Galindo- Friday, March 09, 2007 at 18:02:29 (PST)

Report your Unusual Phenomena: experiment reports


So, as of now, we're looking for more information on how to build the FluxCap, its parts, and how to operate it. In other words, instructions, parts list, and details that are more precise than what we have above and in the original Bajak document.

Please contact me here or in private if you have info you're willing to share. :) It'll be greatly appreciated.

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Temporal Engineer
The Bajak Report File is completely different from Bajak's original design. For one thing I noticed it was created by Steven Gibbs. I think this is the one where I noticed the value of the capacitor was in millifarads. I've never tried building this design. It also gives instructions to build an electronic switch that takes the place of the manual on-off design switch.


New Member
So does it work? On this forum, some people said it does, but other people like TimeFlipper or Harte seem to be against the idea of any time machines. I would actually be interested in hearing what is your experience with these time machines (in this case, the Bajak Flux Capacitor), whether here or in PMs.


Temporal Engineer
So does it work? On this forum, some people said it does, but other people like TimeFlipper or Harte seem to be against the idea of any time machines. I would actually be interested in hearing what is your experience with these time machines (in this case, the Bajak Flux Capacitor), whether here or in PMs.

I never got the one I built to work. I think it is more of people trying to change the way the original Bajak Flux Capacitor was constructed. Since I have not heard of anyone building one that way other than Bajak, I guess we'll never know. Natural Philosopher claims he got his to work though. But he declined to share his experience probably because of all the naysayers. I haven't seen him around in a while.


New Member
By 'naysayers', I assume you mean people who say it won't work, right? I think I already named two of them just now.

Thanks for the reply. So if you bought a time machine directly from Bajak himself, would that be the copy that works since it's constructed by him?


Temporal Engineer
By 'naysayers', I assume you mean people who say it won't work, right? I think I already named two of them just now.

Thanks for the reply. So if you bought a time machine directly from Bajak himself, would that be the copy that works since it's constructed by him?

I haven't heard of John making Flux Capacitors. I don't even know if he is still around either. I just look at a naysayer as someone as uninformed without any experience at all to back up their stance. Kind of like a politician.


New Member
I don't know if Flux Capacitor is the correct term. By Flux Capacitor, I meant the time machines that Bajak was making. I don't know if they are actually called this, but if I remember correctly, this name is from the time travel book I have.
