John Titor 2 book


Junior Member

In the grand scheme of things, if there are multiple parallel universes and they are infinite with a divergence factor, that means you've already proven your claim in some other timeline. While I respect you are not compelled to further share and I can understand potential consequences of that, it doesn't necessarily mean there would definitely be a consequence. I can only imagine how Einstein felt when he saw the first nuke bomb go off. He would have felt heavily responsible. But in reality, he wasn't responsible. In some other timeline with a higher divergence factor from our own, it could very well have been you that discovered it. For all intensive purposes, most of what you say would be disregarded as fiction in itself anyways, and simply by giving out that information, you can change the future: ie: the future you think may occur, might not occur at all. It's certainly a subject that is bigger than any one entity and we're only starting to scratch the surface. Curiosity is human nature, and provides the drive necessary to move forward. I wouldn't think that any time traveller that revealed themselves would have a mission of proving time travel exists. I'd be more inclined to go back in time and leave a piece of information, rather than trying to explain something face to face with someone that would likely react unexpectedly towards me. No one would want to go back in time and end up in the looney bin. The superverse is at a balance with good and evil and I believe it is a choice, not inherent nature. Sometimes bad things have to happen in order for good things to rise out of the ashes. A forest needs to burn before it can accommodate new growth.


I heard the book talks about ufo and aliens :) which is why I’m gonna order it .

John Titor II is a dangerous predator. Please search our threads. He doxed me. He goes by the names Dana and Gary. If you give him your address by ordering a book and dare to question the material, he will post your personal information all over the internet. We have an entire thread about it here on Paranormalis.


Junior Member
I heard the book talks about ufo and aliens :) which is why I’m gonna order it .

John Titor II is a dangerous predator. Please search our threads. He doxed me. He goes by the names Dana and Gary. If you give him your address by ordering a book and dare to question the material, he will post your personal information all over the internet. We have an entire thread about it here on Paranormalis.

You mean the author of those two books is a crazy person? Noooo!


I will :) I won’t order the book from his website at all .

Do you believe in the notion that all information should be free and accessible? If so, would you be able to digitize the book once you procure a copy, and upload it for us to enjoy? I would purchase a digital copy if I could find one.
