John Titor Discovery


New Member
John Titor Discovery

Hello everyone,

My name is Andrew Gillespie. I have made a very important discovery that everyone should read very closely.

The discovery is reguarding the John Titor Predictions.
It is stated on the John Titor homepage reguarding a certain question:

"Is propane still around in the future?"
"Yes but not very much of it comes from natural gas. Hydrogen is converted
into propane because it's easier to handle."

Hydrogen was created here where I live in Tampa, Florida.

Click the following URL here:

Hydrogen was recommended by President George Busch in 2004.
It should be around by 2005.

Im going to be moving Florida on a certain year.
Wanting to move reguardless of a prediction.

I am now a true believer. Are you?

Andrew Gillespie
John Titor Discovery

Welcome to the plantation Andrew. Thanks for the link, but it doesn't open. Have any updates, or care to paste the article here?


John Titor Discovery

Folks have been trying to replace propane as a 'clean' source of automotive fuel for years. It would have been an easy guess for the authors to insert in their story of titor as just another brain candy item to help lend it more credence.
