John Titor; Why did he Post?


Active Member
Those posts contain a lot of references to my personal life and identity, some of it in first person, as if Titor is playing the role of me, and in a way that I would understand. Coincidentally, many of those references were about things happening simultaneous to the Titor posts. In other words; someone was apparently stalking me and making reference to it encrypted into the Titor posts.

Then, a week before they stopped, I semi-regularly encountered a group of people who had either direct or indirect access to information from the future, or some form of time travel. I know this because they talked about the future without me realizing it until it happened.

There are also things that prove to me that Titor really was/is a time traveler.

TimeTravel_0 posted in my name and pretends to be me, but is not me. TimeTravel_0 missed some important details. I am not fooled.

I am sitting here looking at a trail that goes back at least 3000 years, and it has my name and time/date of birth all over it. Some of it I know I didn't do. Some of it looks like I could have been the only one to know, thus the only one who could have put it there. If I talk about it, that deduction no longer exists.

A big part of all of this has something to do with a friend of mine who was pronounce dead decades ago. Somehow, her name accompanies mine, and in the context of marriage and family. WTF?

Someone is playing sick evil games stalking me for a long time, and I wonder what really happened to my beloved friend, and what it all means.

And that is just a brief overview of part of it. The rabbit hole runs deep. You have no idea. If I felt like typing a hundred pages or repeating myself some more, I might explain it in greater detail with specifics.
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Senior Member
I want to think that John Titor was warning us. However, there were no novel word phrases common in 2036 and rare now. For example, I saw no evidence of 2030's slang in his word use. For example, if you were to time travel to the 1950's you might let out slang from the 2010's or terrible tens as they are known in future years. It could well be that he was an expert at censoring. However, that is usually not the our case. People will often slip up.

Do remember an interesting story on TV about an old man who died and was found by his neighbors after a few years. They claimed that they saw a skeleton in bed watching TV, but that makes no sense.

First off, the electric company cuts off your power if your do not pay. Without power the basement floods and other nasty things occur. Mold would cover the walls all over. People would have been alerted to trouble by the intense smell of a rotting corpse. Often, I cannot stand to be in my house due to the smell of a tiny dead mouse. Maybe you can imagine a person.

Relatives often will appear. They check in on old folks as they want a part of an inheritance and will quickly realize that phone calls are not being answer. Neighbprs are often quite nosy. Sadly, they like to gossip. Often they will remark on the lack of a garbage can mon morning.

If you do not trim hedges or cut your grass.. the city will hit you with fine and those quickly add up.

Certainly, people would be alerted to an uncut lawn of growing green grass. That is a tell tale sign. Abandoned houses attract robbers from all over. They come looking to strip copper pipes. Expect to have broken windows and homeless vagrants move in.

Well, the story simply does not add up.

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