John Titor's Fighting Diamondbacks Militia Is Real


Titor claimed that at the age of 13, in 2011, he joined the Florida Fighting Diamondbacks Militia. At the time he wrote this, there was no Florida Fighting Diamondbacks Militia. The term "fighting diamondbacks" has been used here and there to refer to grassroots militant organizations, but other than that it's rarely used, and never in context of Florida, and never with term "militia" after it. Well, until 2010.

In 2010, a mention of the Fighting Diamondbacks Militia, based in Texas and/or Florida, popped up on the Internet. A photographer documented the group, consisting of adults and kids of all ages essentially preparing for the next civil war. Anyways, this looks to be another crazy weird and obscure John Titor prediction. I emailed the photographer in an attempt to get more info about the group, but he did not get back to me.


This page has been cached since 2010, but folks are only starting to discover it. This just adds more weirdness to the table - this is not being used by to promote John Titor, and it almost seems like it's showing up on the Internet on accident (pretty sure the diamondbacks are an anonymous group).

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You know if we take a good look at how things are going now in the US (Flash robberies, protests in NYC and Washington, youth unemployment, it looks to be that something similar to what John Titor experienced in his timeline (assuming he is real in some fashion) could happen here. I am not talking civil war exactly but more on the lines of civil unrest, violence and Waco incident type scenarios. Here is a site I managed to find

This will probably happen if things do NOT improve. A Nation cannot stand with sustained youth unemployment; just look at what happened with the Arab Spring and Egypt. It COULD happen here...


Junior Member
I agree and anything is possible, if you look at just plain conspiracy stuff, they have been talking about the possibility of marshall law and such for a long time now, but it is amazing the group appeared, I wonder if they were influenced by the titor story.


New Member
Fascinating, The many predictions that have came to be true. At least we can infer that people in the future aren't so self-centered that they would abuse time travel to better their own lives. I anticipate the day humanity changes forever because just as John Titor said, our generation is frowned upon in his time.. We are in fact lazy sheep. Which we all know to be true, yet do nothing about.


West Texas........, really :rolleyes: .................. no way.
The truth behind America's 'civilian militias' - Telegraph

The scenario I have just witnessed may be simulated, but its protagonists are deadly serious. This is a ‘close combat training’ session given by ‘Fireteam Diamondback’ – an armed militia group, or civilian ‘army’, based in west Texas, in the United States. Cochran, a chain-smoking 39 year-old with a handlebar moustache and goatee whose T-shirt reads: ‘Disgruntled Combat Vet – Right Wing Extremist’, is their leader. Biro-wielding or not, he’s not someone you would wish to encounter in combat.


Junior Member
There is also the Kansas Fighting Diamondbacks in Humboldt County Kansas. The leader of this militia group claims his life was changed by a letter from who he believed to be John Titor or a time traveler of some sort. He had a live chat session on Paranormalis at one time. It's archived and his group has Facebook pages as well as YouTube videos. I would link these items but I'm on an IPhone using the network and its far too much trouble lol...but it's there. Google it and also search Paranormalis. Thought I'd add that. Also that the Fighting Diamondbacks, as referenced above, are known as "Fireteam Diamondbacks" and yes they are located in West Texas. I think JTs father was from West Texas.
