Jovial_Kitten's first alcoholic drink

Jovial_Kitten's first alcoholic drink

I'm being taken to the Olive Garden for my birthday by some friends,so they can drive me home and I still get to have some drinks on my birthday.
Problem is I can't choose..The choices are above..and here are some of the ones I think sound good

Chocolate Almond Amore*
Baileys, Kahl?a, DiSaronno Amaretto and vanilla ice cream.

Leaning Tower
A tempting mix of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum, banana liqueur, coconut, pineapple and orange juices with a splash of grenadine.

Strawberry Siciliano
A sweet mix of Captain Morgan Spiced Rum, Hiram Walker Banana Liqueur, strawberries and vanilla ice cream.

I'm leaning towards the Chocolate Almond Amore,and I'm trying to have a drink that is unique to the restaurant..something I can't just whip up at home.
So make a vote and help me decide! I'll let you know what I picked and how it tasted:P
Jovial_Kitten's first alcoholic drink

Either of those are not bad. If you are planning to go hog wild, consider your meal carefully. You don't want anything fighting for space. If you are not aware of the fact that sugar speeds alcohol through your system, just coast.

Have a beautimous evening and a Early Birthday Wish to you, may you stay in this time line all night AND wake up with the whole memory of it. >:D<

Jovial_Kitten's first alcoholic drink

StarLord is right on. All that sugar will speed the alcohol, and it tends to give you a hangover. JD and diet is a good Southern drink. You're a Southern Belle. No hangovers with my favorite "high ball" unless you smoke a lot or just go hog wild as StarLord mentioned. Just remember, the more sugar you take in the more likely you'll be "wearing one" the next day. Have a great time Kitten. God, I remember 21 like it was yesterday, but you don't want to hear about that. I know I don't.


Jovial_Kitten's first alcoholic drink

Avoid drinks called "Hippo Laxative" and "Brain Seizure" and "Roofies Surprise".
Jovial_Kitten's first alcoholic drink

Chocolate Almond Amore*
Baileys, Kahl?a, DiSaronno Amaretto and vanilla ice cream.

This is what I ended up having,just had one and it didn't get me too bad.
I probably could have had two and been fine.
Jovial_Kitten's first alcoholic drink


Main Entry: Jagermeister
Pronunciation: YAH-ger-mice-ter
Function: noun
Definition: a very strong and bittersweet German beverage made from 56 herbs, fruits, and spices; also written J?germeister
Etymology: German 'hunt master'

It has kind of a strong licorice taste. Delicious.
Jovial_Kitten's first alcoholic drink

It's quite delicious. We won't get ya drunk until after the votes :D

And I'll bet you there's people who know I'm only 20 and wondering why I'm talking about alcohol -- In Quebec the drinking age is 18, so you can rest easy moms and dads.
