Just a question about the EBAY time machine


New Member
Just a question about the EBAY time machine

Hey all,

I was looking at the "time machine" that sold on Ebay thread and it brought up a question I thought I might ask you all.

In the description the seller said that it was built sometime in our future (can't remember the exact year, but it was definately in our future). Anyway, that got me thinking. If that was really the case, wouldn't that prove that time has an infinate amount of alternative time lines? Because the plane we're on isn't the same as the builder. We would be the past to him, whereas our present is our time line.

I don't know, I'm pretty new to the concept of time travel and was wondering if anyone had any thoughts on this.
Re: Just a question about the EBAY time machine

No, all that proves is the seller has more intestinal accoutrement than known to be safe and is in dire need of the pink elephant post haste.

The Plane remains the same, it's the supposed alternate 'time line' that is purported to be different.

Question, how could a mismash of electrical junk prove that time travel is possible? Now, the concept of time travel is viable and alive and well, but untill they come up with a working machine it's all conjecture and Caveat Emptor.

Re: Just a question about the EBAY time machine

Yeah, I agree that this "time machine" on ebay doesn't prove anything as far as time travel goes, but I was thinking that if something was indeed created in the future and sent back to our time wouldn't it make it so that there would have to be two different time lines?

Since the future is technically not cemented in stone, isn't it possible that someone that knows the future could make a change (i.e. kill the builder) and thus change a future that hasn't happened, also creating a paradox in the process?
