Just had a followup dream and achieved ET contact--NOT KIDDING THIS IS REALLY STRANGE


Senior Member
I just had a followup OBE where I found myself in a small but comfy nice room with a computer and nice windows and a desk etc.
I start seeing yellow balls of light congregating around in the ceiling. Lots of strangeness.
I then hear a voice it sounds kind of----the best I can describe it is a perhaps slightly more monotone version of
the Maxwell Smart Guy from the TV show Get Smart.

Trying to describe an alien voice is awkward but this isn't a joke this really happened.

He said my name and then he said "You see those ballsof light behind you? You see them? My name is OnyehAxyalon, I come from..."

and he talked about the planet he came from and I could not understand the rest of it, he said something about its food and
what it looked like. Then I woke up.

If I keep having more experiences like this I might make a thread entirely about my ET experiences
or a dream journal. I think this is a legit alien contact cuz this dream happened shortly after the other one.
As for how it felt? Kind of positive actually, but highly unusual.
