Knowing (2009) trailer


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Knowing (2009) trailer

This movie will be released on March 20, 2009.

Movie synopsis:
A teacher (Nicolas Cage) opens a time capsule that has been dug up at his son's elementary school; in it are some chilling predictions -- some that have already occurred and others that are about to -- that lead him to believe his family plays a role in the events that are about to unfold.
Internet Movie Database: Knowing (2009)

This movies looks pretty good, it's the kind of movies I like.
Here's the trailer on Youtube.

Those who visit GLP will remember the thread that was posted there, a few months ago, that matched exactly this film's synopsis.

Re: Knowing (2009) trailer

It looks good. Its kind of weird seeing how he just did that Next movie though,where he was a psychic. Maybe they choose them for roles like that intentionally. Like how Will Smith was in Independence Day and then was chose for the role in Men in Black. If not its a weird coincidence, but I doubt its not intentional.
