Light resistance after using HDR proof


Senior Member
An HDR can go global on the body or you in it. This is a type of field phenomena that many have noted. A while back there was an HDR user that had gone zero all by themselves and then came back again.

This may be because not everyone is put together the same in reference to how the the stuff their body's made of ?

If you begin to note that this seems to be getting to be a problem, then go to a train yard, to where a locomotive is sitting there at idle and either ask, or pay the train engineer off, with $25 or more, to be allowed to hug that locomotive for about fifteen minutes.

The locomotive's grounded to the track, but houses a dynamic electrical motor system, that your body will temporarily sync with. This ought to do it. If the guy ask if you love their locomotive, or are you crazy or the reason, just say that you had a time travel accident and only this will straighten it out. If you're going to hug a locomotive at idle that's just sitting there, make sure it's at the side, just so you don't get run over.

*The formula is active electro-mass, at energy, connected in semi-conductive capacitive and semi-capacitor-flow relay to a large dynamic ground, > this,..Over the mass of in-held variants of a minor respondent to altered time and space active currencies.*You will have to field this equation to numbers, if you want a board equation, don't have the time right now?

= So you're yield out, should be a joined varied electro-mass union, at a greater than leader electro mass, so retiming the smaller variant wandering electro-mass. This should yield as a time space semi-union thus canceling your bodies tendency to wander. A lot of experimenters plus time travelers get this problem from time to time.

Note the excess light, if this seems odd to you, may be a preamble to want to jump in time without your HDR unit, because your body for some reason has learned to jump by itself.

And oh yeah, during the Philadelphia Experiment, people associated with this experiment, both on the Eldredge as well as using time travel related phenomena, also could jump without a device. May or may not be in your case?, but always good to know.
Everybody on Paranormalis has the right to their own opinions, however nobody has proved beyond any doubt that the HDR can transport you forwards or backwards in time....All we ever see are "fantasy stories", designed to fleece money out of people, or to make insecure individuals feel self important within groups of people...

My simple challenge will always be there for someone to prove an HDR really DOES work....The onus of proof always rests on the shoulders of the self proclaimed HDR time-travellers..


Senior Member
Tron, the pictures show two different areas with two different light sources.
And you are astonished that they don't look the same?

Do you know what "proof" means?



Senior Member
Wouldn't you think if the HDR worked each and every time and was successful in Time Travel. Stephen Gibbs early in the piece would have been taken in by the USA Government?.

Either to stop him producing them so Mr Layman couldnt mess around with time, or to show them how it all worked.


Senior Member
Wouldn't you think if the HDR worked each and every time and was successful in Time Travel. Stephen Gibbs early in the piece would have been taken in by the USA Government?.

Either to stop him producing them so Mr Layman couldnt mess around with time, or to show them how it all worked.
The USA Government obviously knows that the HDR does not work, and thats why they allow Gibbs to carry on with his fantasies, to stop people from learning how "Real" Time-Machines work..


Senior Member
I'm comparing the light to its regular light to pro've to you you cannot see beyond the light which I had used the HDR 40 minutes before that happened. I down loaded the pictures too damn fast. Timeflipper I'm about done with you. Do not post on my forum I'm trying to be serious and your just laughing it off. I'm telling the truth. Mayhem make sure he cant post on this thread again.


Senior Member
You are too into yourselves to see the real picture. They've been to my house. They've been to Steve's house. They know it works. They don't want us making millions with this.


Senior Member
You are too into yourselves to see the real picture. They've been to my house. They've been to Steve's house. They know it works. They don't want us making millions with this.
Replies to Steven Gibbs postings are littered with people claiming to have time-travelled by using the HDR, without offering a single shred of proof, therefore you can become the first ever person to prove the HDR does work, by passing the simple time-travel test i offer you....
Are you willing to take the test, or will you just come up with some random excuses as to "why" you wont take that simple test? ;) :D..
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Senior Member
Stop treating time travel like it's childish because it's not. This time travel business is far from childish. It's should stay far away from children. I make sure there are no kids within the building when I turn on my HDR in the show room. So it won't mess with their future. I've stabilized my timeline somehow. I do believe I have made it home since leaving in 2018. You want proof stop being childish and buy one. If you don't believe in it that's your own fault. Don't bash it cause you don't have one. I'm telling you all for the last time stop with the bashing of hDr. I'm done. You will be reported on spot. I try to tell you the difference in the light. The reaction the HDR gave off light. The other picture was to show the difference between both pictures.
