Look into the past


New Member
Look into the past

Hi guys,
I recently found this forum and was quite pleased with what I read. I am interested in time travel and they theorey behind it, but I dont have a solid grasp on everything involved.

A few months ago I was reading some things on how gravity can bend light and that got me thinking. If light that left the earth 2000 years ago is still flying through space somewhere, I wonder if it would be possible to see the light as if looking into events that happened in the past.
Say that humans were to set up a "gravity generator" (gyroscope?) about 500 years away from the earth that would actually bend the light that left the earth and direct it back towards a telescope on earth or somwhere in space. This should (according to my thoughts) let us peer into the past. This would have many many uses. We could see the pyramids bieng built, watch to see where osama bin laden ran off to, and perhaps even see dinosaurs in action.

This has been on my mind for quite a while, and since none of my friends have any clue about this sort of thing, i'd like to get input from you guys on my "invention". What flaws would arise? Has this been though of before? or if this is even theoretically possible?

thanks , I look foreward to reading your responses.

over and out
*patent pending* :P
Look into the past

Welcome Vandel! I think that is an interesting theory and I'm very interested to hear the feedback from some of our most intelligent members!

Look into the past

The idea has been around for a long time, in theory it is absolutely possible. Only problem is that it requires the ability to travel faster than the speed of light. Let us kknow if you come up with anything. :D
Look into the past

Oh, I've never heard anything about this before, but I don't find that hard to beleive either. I do not see how it would have to travel at the speed of light. All it would do is redirect the light to a stationary telescope. There wouldn't be any (fast) moving parts. I would really like to hear your input on this.
Look into the past

for you to "see" 500 years into the past you would have to set the device up 250 light years away(a light year is how far light go's in one year). now what ever distance you set the object is how far back you will be able to look you would not be able to "fast forward" or "rewind" once you get the device all set up every thing would be fine, the only problem is we cannot travel at even half the speed of light so it would take more than 500 years jsut to get it out there and set up, then you would only be able to see a speck of light from the sun, you would need some seriously advanced optical equipment to be albe to look at the surface of the earth, but hey you dont really have to worrie about any of the advanced optical stuff untill you design build and launch the device out into space. but by that point we will all be dead and you would be lucky if any one remebered that you had launched the device at all.
It is a good idea, just not very practical for you to use right now, not to mention that it might be easier to have a small repeater station out there so you oculd jsut braudcast all of tv and radio stations back toward earth from there becasue then you would at least be able to see some up close and personell stuff
Look into the past

It would help to send the device out to the location at the speed of light. Then it will not take 500 years to get there. But first of all we need to develop a propulsion method to get to the speed of light. Well, actually there are working methods, but just not enough money to fund them. Heres a link to Unitel, an excellent company with some wicked ideas of propulsion methods. http://www.unitel-aerospace.com/
Look into the past

Actually, if the universe is finite (i.e., all of "space" is like a huge blob of "stuff") then any light emitted could, as a rule, eventually end up back where it started. Eventually. Several billion billion years later.... :(

Currently, the most popular theories among physicists tend to support the idea that space is a blob, that "matter" is like a bubble within the blob, and that the entire, HUGE blob might be "folded on itself" so that one part of the blob is "attached" to another part. This is where a "worm hole" would occur. Since we are "in" and "of" the blob, we cannot see that it is folded, we would only see that when you enter a certain region of space, you would be able to travel at many times the speed of light. (when compared to the "non shortcut" route).

It is easier to picture this if you imagine bubbles moving in a giant blob of gelatine. If the gelatine is folded so that it develops a "handle" (this term is taken from topology) then you have a worm-hole at the point where the handle is made. Bubbles that would have had to slowly move through the gelatine could move through the blob's "handle" and arrive at a part of the blob that would have taken FOREVER to reach another way.

Question: What is outside of the blob? What "surrounds" the universe?

Answer: It would be just like a "black hole." The universe/blob is "suspended" inside of an immense black hole. Eventually, if the universe/blob "evaporated" into the surrounding "black hole" the universe would expire.

I know all of this sounds nutty, but it is very conventional. I have been working for years to make advanced physics more "accessible."
