Lord Rama Empire


Senior Member
Most Western posts do not talk about the Old Indian items (the real Indians) such as Ramayana and Mahabharata which are basically mythology based on actual facts. In Ramayana, they had serious space fairing civilization. Now those civilization is in Mizar Star System that drive Cigar shaped UFOs that you see every time.

My understanding is that until we form our space ships like Star Trek warp drive, they can not directly contact us...that is the Universal law..even though they are from here...White, Black, Brown and Chinese...all of them...

My lucid dream said I was from that time (my spirit). I checked with New Age people and they agreed...I could be just dreaming...who knows...but every UFO, Building on Mars and Moon etc can be tied to that past civilization...as I look after if I was just dreaming or some interesting issues out there...

I was a space engineer back when doing artificial intelligence on a cigar forrn space ship back then...or it is just junk science...but I can do the AI now with some serious money....but decided not to as it may kill us due to Hakings ideas...Oh...I can also do no-chemical carbon removal that was used in space ships but can be used on the planet to extract carbon and adjust hopefully the climate...do not know...

There you have it...junk science or some interesting stuff...
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I understand most of what you're posting but some of I just can't . Do you use google translate ?

Well, OK Krish, I understand pretty well what you're writing about. I have related data to share with you. Some important data about the Mahabharata is in the book Transylvania Moonrise by Radu Cinamar and Peter Moon, put out by Sky Books. It is suggested that Ramachandra and Sita lived somewhere in Romania and a time portal was built in that area, which Radu Cinamar and some others walked through. They started in Romania and ended up in Tibet, Where Radu Cinamar met the beautiful,blue skinned, two meters tall, yellow eyed, perfectly proportioned Goddess Machandi. This same Machandi, now in charge of a certain portion of this galaxy, was a friend of Sita and Ramachandra around 9,000 years ago and was instrumental in causing the kidnapped Sita to eventually be returned to her husband Ramachandra, but not before a cataclysmic war developed, with nuclear weapons being deployed. This is part of a repetitive pattern on this planet, which may have its roots from over 37,000 years ago. The Trojan War and other wars are connected to that pattern, I believe. Some, like Machandi and probably Sita and Ramachandra too have evolved to higher states. But some of us, who may even be their lower selves, are still stuck to some extent in these negative patterns, which we need to transform. One thing that definitely needs to happen on this planet is that the females on this planet need to be elevated to a higher level. Male anger needs to be demoted. In the future, men who won't transform their anger, can expect to get the crap kicked out of them by a more dominant type of woman. And that includes within the country of India, the Arab countries, the African nations, the Asian nations and everywhere else. Yes, we will be seeing and experiencing on this planet the mother light, the divine feminine and mother Goddess. And it will be like the Amazons of old to deal with any male recalcitrant energy.

I understand most of what you're posting but some of I just can't . Do you use google translate ?

Just see this...

If you are Judaism or know anyone...they may explain this properly. When a Human Soul connects to the Divine Soul...you get some information. And that is what I sometimes present...but sometimes I did not hear correctly and miss state them. Any way, our Western Civilization just does not get the real story and creates a mess which is not a good thing forward. That is what I was trying to bring in. By understanding your divine soul, you know what is happening. At the same time, if only your human or alien entity has there physical soul but went high up in technology...then they can start a war....because we look different.

That is what happened in Ramayana and later in Mahabharata...same idiots who fought. And we do not want to get there the same way. Knowing how Souls can move from physical nature is very important...that is one time you are White and other time you are Chinese....that part the Rabbi did not speak...hence the issues here and other part of rare planets too....and War people under these circumstances fight with others really well....

That is what I was trying to say....

I could be wrong...
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You are right on the mark and I understand you perfectly Krish. Though I'm from the Jersey shore this lifetime, I have a clear impression that I was British my last lifetime, hundreds of years ago I was Japanese samurai, in the time of Mohammed I was Arab, over 1,200 years ago I was one of Charlemagne's knights, over 3,000 years ago I was a Trojan warrior who defended the walls of Troy against the Grecians, other times I was Grecian, over 10,000 year ago, before the Mahabharata, I was an Amazon warrior, in the days of Atlantis. I was some of the Biblical characters, I'm not Jewish, I was ancient Egyptian and ancient Persion, before this planet I lived elsewhere, Venus(in etheric form) and elsewhere, etc., etc., etc. And I am trying to connect with my higher self and that self's higher self.
You are right on the mark and I understand you perfectly Krish.

Interesting...me too. During Ramayana time, I was a chief engineer in a cigar shaped space ship...after that everything went down as the group moved to Mizar Star Systems....A group of lives were gathered to do stuff on Earth. We are together now, though we each have different so called color....like the Chinese is now Black etc...

What I learned is that if you connect to your divine spirit (it has to start when you are very young....then you receive technical information very clearly and do your stuff. Otherwise the human body does not improve too much. It is the same as then....like flies 300 million years ago....so, it is your Divine Soul that provides the data.

Then...I was in China, France, Iran, Italy, America and India....others I did not ask....Ramayana stopped about 100,000 years ago, Mahabharata closed in 12350 years ago. Norse Mythology is about Mahabharata and Lord Krishna was there too....which is real from Andromeda Galaxy. ...and so...the fun begins...

Atlantis is same as Lord Rama empire...as to Amazon...I married one...
When I was young I began to read books by Lobsang Rampa and Rudolph Steiner and books about Edgar Cayce, reincarnation, out of body travel, extraterrestrials, the inner Earth and underground cities, time travel, parallel universes and ancient civilizations, etc. When I was 18 I began to have strange intuitive synchronicities, which I eventually realized must be coming from my higher divine self. At that time as a freshman college student, majoring in mathematics, I was home from college on Thanksgiving vacation. For some strange reason I picked a book out of my mother's bookcase, something I had never done before, and started reading it. That book, THE IRON MISTRESS, was about an historical character who had lived in Louisiana and Texas and who died in Texas on March 6th, 1836. I became very exited because I had the incredible feeling that I was reading about myself. I also took note that my younger brother's birthday just happened to be on March 7th. There's a lot more to this story. Also, at around that same time I felt that a better understanding of physics was being given to me(enough to understand time travel and parallel universes), even though I wasn't majoring in physics. I feel that my understanding of physics and metaphysics was mainly derived from my intense interest in these subjects, reading about them and the strange intuitive synchronicities provided to me from my higher divine self and not from anything I learned in school.
When I was young I began to read books by Lobsang Rampa and Rudolph Steiner and books about Edgar Cayce, reincarnation,......

Very nice. As a westerner, we need to understand what the Rabbi said. But we do not have to be Judaism...that is not the point. The idea put us in proper context. My spouse is 300,000 years old, I am 200,000 years. What I was doing before, I have no idea...someday I will learn. But here are the interesting part.

We maintain in two Souls (that is not exactly correct but will do for now). One side has physical structure and always brand new. That is because the Universe wants to develop and hence needs NEW Knowledge...not some Divine Soul did five Billion years since. Hence the new part. The Universe lasts about a Trillion Years. There are other Universes in a Net...some are older and some are younger. Ours is 14 Billion (about) years and has a long way to go.

We live in many Dimensions...But our existence is in four dimensions (not counting Time) . That is because the Universe want to grow and hence the structures are done to facilitate that. The fourth dimension is where our divine soul comes from and goes back. Out Universe has a dimensional Library the size of a planet....it is all in energy form...and we call it Heaven.

When you have the physical form, that is new. But the divine Soul stays and learns the new stuff and when the physical form dies, it takes every part of that new Knowledge and goes back to the fourth dimension...we can call it Heaven. That earns, the information does not go wasted...just the physical part. It is like if you have a super smartphone and all your data stays in the cloud...then if that phone dies, you still have everything in the cloud. That is similar. As to the Spirit part, they can see Facebook and this website too, as to what I am writing. It is a very engaging structure up there.

But it is always...our job is to come up with NEW Knowledge...that is why, our ancestors and friends can not interact very much. Think about it...when your data is in cloud and you lost your cell phone, then the data is static. That is why. That does not mean, spirits can not do certain things...but only at very high level...even then just nudge the process...it is always our job to come up with new knowledge so that the Universe grows.

Everything else is part for the course. Every kid up to about 10 years are connected to the Spirit Universe...after that most people lose it when choose to...some have it. Arthur Clarke wrote books and most ideas were correct as he got that from the other side. I saw him twice in spirit form. he belongs to another Spirit family...so he has things to do for his next birth.

Jesus (his real name I think was Jeshua) and Buddha are my Spirit Family...so do few others like Abraham Lincoln...etc. A spirit family is the family grouping over 300,000 years birth and rebirth...and we will last forever till the passing away of the Universe. But after say another 200,000 years we do not come back...let the young new spirits do the work. Never depend on the too old folks, spirit or other wise....kidding...enjoy this much and adjust your thoughts....Thank you....

Oh...you can not have basic Time Travel...that is because there is no future...they are probabilities based on Math...past cannot as if you are in the past, to you the future is there which is impossible. That is why Spirits make sure such terms do not happen for the stability of the Universe. It is like you are a person...you know what will be tomorrow but do not know exactly what it is. But within context one can create gadgets that can manage the time...very carefully. The Spirits are there to prevent it as they know what the future will be, not us.
I probably should clarify a few things I've mentioned elsewhere, which are not well understood. Maybe time travel is the wrong name for it. It confuses people. They have a hard time understanding that it's quick movement to a different position on the spiral 'time' stream. But the whole time stream exists right NOW, alongside parallel time streams, that also exist right NOW. Parallel time streams contain parallel universes to this reality, which are perpendicular to the parallel universes that exist at intervals in this time stream. It sounds convoluted and words can barely describe it. But look at it with the right vision and it all makes sense. This term parallel universe is being used in a different way than what we normally mean by universe. The way it is being described here, our universe('past','present' and 'future' parts of it) contains innumerable parallel universes, running in perpendicular and parallel directions to each other.
My ideas in this section:

Edgar Cayce – Yes, he connected to the spirit universe, he had 3 good spirits.
Reincarnation – Yes…definitely so for the Universe.
Out of body travel – Not really, just thoughts only. When your divine spirit goes away, you are dead, except when you are connected to heart-lung machine for a short time under duress..
Extraterrestrials – Yes, The Universe is full of them.
The inner Earth – not sure what that is…
Underground cities – While it is possible, depends on the Extraterrestrials….
Time travel - No…Physical level is impossible
Parallel universes – Like parallel countries yes…not exactly same.
Ancient civilizations – Yes, We are it….some left the Planet long ago including Lord Hanuman civilization...but they have mother ships around and see us directly 300 to 350 years to the future.
