Lord Rama Empire

The only other Civilization I know and no one talks about is Lord Hanuman a la Ramayana stories. They were a real group....but I do not have any idea where they lived. Best way to get that information is with someone who has a decent contact with Akashic Records and get the details...Another way is to get some fake data, that is the base data is correct but details are not so...from Ramayana itself - which has tons of details....they went to a different planet...may not be Mizar Star system...or may be....I have no idea. But as a civilization, they were real...100,000 years ago.
Except there are people who remember, but you wouldn't believe them.
If they are remembering Lemuria and Mu, then they are remembering proven mistakes made by a scientist (Lemuria) and an adventurer (Mu.)

So, why should anyone believe them? I mean, other than to keep the sparklies in their personal worldview.

I first encountered the idea of Lemuria from the writings of Tibetan Lama Lobsang Rampa, the writings of Rudolf Steiner and writings about the trance readings of Edgar Cayce, back in the 1960s. That 's probably all before your time. darwi
Edgar Cayce...if he said it...from Akasic Records, then it was true. The time may be 100,000 years ago as we had interstellar war...I was there but the details are prohibited to know...


Chinese and Japanese take the Mu seriously...that is why major War was a real possibility...

Genetic Evidence

"Edgar Cayce predicted that there was a room underneath the left paw of the sphinx in Egypt. He also predicted that the room would be opened from 1996-1998. Now, sonar reading have proven Cayce to be right about the room. Unfortunately, the Egyptian government has the right to open the sphinx room, and they aren't planning to. It is more of a political game than a scientific one. It is some people's hope (including mine) that this room holds information about Atlantis or the Rama Empire. When the room is opened up, I hope it will enlighten people about the dark time that history forgot and to give us a new understanding that would be a hell of a start to the new millenium."

"Also, ancient cities in India, Ireland, Scotland, France, and Turkey have been found with brick fused together" which sounds right for Interstellar war. Once you know that, a lot if items would become clear...this is 2015, there is no reason to be Dumb and Dumber...

I know the paw situation too. But our major Governments do not want that opened now...because it causes some issues with our creation...

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Thanks for the data, Krish. People could learn something from this. You may also be interested in the book, Transylvania Sunrise, by Radu Cinamar and Peter Moon, from Sky Books. That book actually was published before the Transylvania Moonrise book. It tells of the underground facility hidden in the Bucegi mountains in Romania, built around 50,000 years ago by very tall beings. It was discovered by an American satellite flying overhead that can see into things. It supposedly has a very high technology, including the ability to read people's DNA and determine the star system(s) of origin. And it contains a tunnel system that goes to Tibet, The inner Earth and the Great Pyramid in Egypt. I suppose you are aware that an extensive tunnel system honeycombs the Earth that was built tens of thousands of years ago.
While the stuff has been messed up for who ever wrote the stuff...at least they have Rama Empire in it, as documented but goes back to 500 BC and later a little more...

The reality is that Rama Empire was there since 175,000 years ago as a full scale modern civilization to 100,000 years ago. The reason it died at 100,000 year ago is because there are bad people out there like "Independence Day" movie.

By galactic Law, those creatures would not make mess to societies that are not space worthy. But when it starts as space worthy, the bad people (that we call Red and Evil) show up. In our case they did show up. Luckily Earth had a connection to very senior group of societies. So, War broke out while our friend helped. But it was a serious war...hence the damages to lands going under and other serious issues with weapons that are more powerful that nuclear. And so the war happened about 100,000 years ago but it was resolved and hence the group left to where other societies are close by to keep eye on each other.

We may have to do that, again...this time we have serious groups that will support us...

Top 10 Ancient Civilizations With Advanced Technology - UFO Evidence
Let me look in to darwi....My goal posting here and anywhere is because, we need to prepare for our future and get ready for the next interstellar war so that we can survive...our military is very low in technology compared to the "Independence Day" war capabilities. They will not fall for our crazy computer viruses...that happens only in movies.
Edgar Cayce...

Human Origin...
The prior date—10.5 million BC—talked of an early meeting of man. Was it humanity’s arrival on earth? Was this the time of Adam?

I should have known better not to be so dismissive, but everything I had learned in anthropology screamed “impossible.” This date placed humanity in the middle of the Miocene Epoch, when giants roamed the earth that would’ve made full-grown elephants look like miniature puppies!
I suggest you check out the Inner Earth website and see what they are saying about that. They say that major battles have been fought underground that we know nothing about. Our medias would never report these events because they are controlled. And therefore we are controlled. But we don't have to be. There is an extremely high technology that we can have access to. The darkside also wants access.
