Malachy's Last Pope

Whats interesting is that Pope Francis does not have a number after his name and he is the only one in the long list that does not have a number....And since the beginning of the church there has been an unspoken rule that no Pope would take the name Peter....

St. Malachys's Prophecy of the Popes, Explained​

While the above is short in content it makes some interesting points..

“In the final persecution of the Holy Roman Church, there will sit Peter the Roman, who will pasture his sheep in many tribulations, and when these things are finished, the city of seven hills [Rome] will be destroyed, and the dreadful judge will judge his people. The End.”

The destruction of Rome. With the safety of the Vatican, itself, being threatened, many are now paying close attention to this 12th century foretelling.

This being one of the most telling..

For example, Malachy’s description of Jon XXII, who held the papacy from 1316 to 1334, is "de sutore osseo,” which means “from the bony shoemaker.” This particular pope was, indeed, the son of a shoemaker, and held the family name of “Ossa,” meaning bone. In another close match, Malachy used the term "lilium et rosa" to describe Urban VII, whose family crest was composed of roses and lilies.

Malachy was extremely accurate in his foretelling of the coming popes above....

Malachy was summoned to Rome in 1139 by Pope Innocent II, and while there, he experienced a vision of future popes, which he then recorded as a series of short phrases. This transcript was then placed into the Vatican Secret Archives, where it lay until 1590.

This one I found interesting....Why did this lay in the Vatican Secret Archives for 451 years? The Vatican is its own country with its own set of laws, though small it rules itself and the power it wields is amazing...

The below link is from the Catholic Southern Front that lists all the Popes:

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Senior Member
@Evil Minion do you think in some way the last popes names might not be Peter, but in some ways have a connection to the 'Peter the Roman'.

Say if next year all of a sudden and new pope needs to be found if that was the name of the person wouldnt their not be panic in the churches ranks given the prophecy?

@Evil Minion do you think in some way the last popes names might not be Peter, but in some ways have a connection to the 'Peter the Roman'.

Say if next year all of a sudden and new pope needs to be found if that was the name of the person wouldnt their not be panic in the churches ranks given the prophecy?
The name Peter has an apocalyptic meaning to the church.....I do not think there would be any connection to Peter the Roman as this name indicates the Final Pope the last one...At this point the 7 Hills would destroyed and the Vatican would no longer exist...

However there was a Pope Peter 2 but it is highly unlikely the name would be used by any future Pope since many Popes have used the name as a baptismal name...

Peter is referred to as Petrus Romanus "Peter the Roman" "who feed his sheep"....Malachy's "Prophecy of the Popes" has no official standing with the church......

In answer to your question, Apostle Saint Peter was the first Pope and out of respect for him it was considered that no Pope would ever take the name but as I said they have taken it as a baptismal name...The below Wiki link can explain it better:

The church would never let it happen to answer your question directly...The Vatican is it's own law no one controls is its own state with its own laws....Vatican Law is tricky...

There is also a book call Exo Vaticana written by Tom Horn and Cris Putnam, Putnam has since passed on....You can get the book on E Bay or Amazon....Here is an archived version of the site: Horn and Putnam go into things like the Vatican preparing for an alien god etc....All this is fascinating stuff but as I said confusing.

I am still compiling a bunch of notes on this as it can become quite confusing...I will try to clarify anything you do not understand if you like? I own the domain name but have not done anything with it...To lazy I guess...
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