

New Member

Mine name is J. Edger. I'm from Ohio. I do NOT believe in anything paranormal. I do not believe in anything such as ghosts, UFOs or time travel. These ideas, to me, are ways of teenage boys to masturbate their imagination. But I do have information on a person who posted here awhile back under the name maxwell.

A friend of mine has a father who owns a series of apartment buildings in Indiana. My friend is in charge of the upkeep of the apartments, things like cleaning clogged toilets and fixing people's sinks and windows.
About a year ago, a man signed a lease for a room. The man appeared to be in his mid 30's to mid 40's. He spent most of his time in the room alone. Would seldomly leave during the day and would make sporadic and random trips and not return for weeks. The man never had water bills, electric ect. The complex paid for everything. Rent was steep for the building, but all utilities were included. Because this guy would come and go so often and be gone for so long, my friend would have to empty his mailbox everyday. The guy had subscriptions to about every major newspaper around the country. My friend would empty the box every day, take the stack of papers up to the man's room, unlock the door and throw them on the table.
The man didn't have much. He had a couple tables, a futon, a huge stack of notebooks, an older computer, a television, some old video games, a collection of DVDs, newspapers in boxes, a record player, encyclopedias, history books. There was rarely food in there but he always had a couple bottles of borbon and a bunch of empty bottles. My friend didn't think much anything of him. He never really seemed like a drunk and would all ways fix things around there byhimself instead of calling but anyways my friend thought he might have been weird but he was friendly, didn't bother anyone and he would mind his own business. My friend always thought it was strange. the man appeared to have no LOCAL job and would pay for his rent in strict cash. he had no visitors and no car at all. the man went by the name of chris and he had a real looking state i.d.

My friend left for a vacation with his girlfriend and wasn't around the apartment. When he came back, the man had moved out. He left the tables, the futon and the computer. He asked me if I wanted to drive over to Indiana on the weekend hangout for a while and grab some of the junk. I said ok.
Anyways, while scanning through the hard drive of the computer, I found some strange ######. All of his passwords were written in txt files, he had dozens of CD-rs full of information on nuclear programs of other countries and statistics of populations of things in the United States. All of the CD-rs were labels with numbers and short descriptians. most of the stuff is html files and pictures taken from webpages. the other stuff seems to be hand typed. And some CD-rs were exact copies. some of them are 3 or 4 discs of the same things. I thought it was weird.. There were lists of events with X's next to certain events and O's next to others. Very strange ######.
So to further go on, I grab one of the CD-rs and find a link to on it. he has txt files full of random junk. I goto the website and it doesn't work. So I end searching around and end up here.
Every login name for him was "maxwell" and every password was the same with three different digits on the end of them. Most of them were for email addresses or message boards that no longer wear around. I called my friend up and he's given me all the information he can on him that he's allowed (he's not allowed to give out personal things that his dad would have on file). He's basically just been telling me about the guy. He alwasy thought he was up to something. And at times thought maybe he worked for the government or was a spy or something.

But anyways. I have this guys computer and a bunch of CD-rs. I'm obsessed with this stuff now. And have been reading up on it latly. I've tried to read as many of his posts as possible but i cant find a lot of them. If anyone can help me, I'll help you in return. I have never gotten into stuff like this but this is crazy. I'm starting to believe some of this stuff. I've searched the computer for programs or files that might be from the future, but everything on here is pretty basic. it looks like if he came from the future he bought the computer here. i still have it. it's an older gateway.

So anyways i want to find a way to archive some of this stuff i have here and put it online when i have timeif any of you are interested. sorry that was a long and boring story but that's all i know

Well Jedger,

I suppose I can give you what I have downloaded from the old site. Just a bunch of postings from a Word file. I don't know how long this will be. Sorry. :(

My "name" is Maxwell. I am forty three years old, but was born in the year 1996. I, like Alexander, come from the year 2039. No I did not know John Titor. I have heard of him through the archives of his posts in the future, and from when I was going through my psychological training in order to qualify to travel through time.
I have a strange feeling that my posts are simply going to be tossed aside and laughed upon as a hoax, so please keep that in mind if you want to ask me anything at all. But I want to get the usual questions out of the way ahead of time.

Q: Do you believe John Titor and Alexander? A: I know people who worked with John. I've never met Alexander. I believe him, he has alot of the same experiences as me, alot of the same memories ect.

Q: Are you a hoax?
A: I am a hoax if you want me to be.

Q: You're foolish.
A: You dont' have to believe me. I know it is strange that there are two time travelers from the same year posting on this message board. I know this will be examined to somehow hurt my credibility. I have never even met Alexander (as far as I know. I'm sure he's not using his real name, as I am not. I don't know anyone from Jefferson County, Alabama) but I have something in common with him. I am also part of a team of people sent back in time.

Q: What are you doing here?
A: As a historian, right now I am collecting some information that was lost in the future. All of my work is mainly research and current events. I have alot of knowledge of history, especially the WWIII era (political science and history were my majors in school). I am here to see if there are any divergencies from the events in my world line, and yours. Right now I'm just cruising around on your internet (slowly, might I add) checking things that are of my interest. I have seen the logs of the conversations John Titor had online during my trainings and I decided to check out some Time Travel themed forums. I saw this one, saw Alexanders posts, read his posts and was intrigued. I read alot of the responses chuckled and thus decided to post as well.

Q: How does time travel work?
A: I honestly don't really know. Like I said, I was sent back with a team of others to observe your current events over the course of the next year, or until I feel I've gathered the information I need. I am traveling with a young man who is the operator of the machine. He knows the physics, but unfortunantly, he is off doing his own work and he will be returning in a few months.

Q: Where are you at now?
A: Central Indiana. I am currently living alone in an apartment.

Q: Have you seen your family?
A: Not since I have left 2039. I have no plans on seeing them now. Seeing how the FBI, CIA and other government agencies are watching other time travel forums very closely, I would not want to put them in any danger.

Q: Where are you from?
A: I am from Southern Ohio.

Q: What is it like in 2039?
A: There's a lot of differences and alot of different things to talk about.

Q: Was there a WWIII?
A: Yes there was. Alexander and John have convered it quite extensively. I do not know of Alexander's specialties, but he's seemed to have covered the history aspect of everything quite well. Alot more people in the future are interested in history than people are now. I have noticed a few slight errors with John and Alexander's postings. Or at least, I don't remember those things the exact same way.

Q: Did you fight in the civil war?
A: The war REALLY begins to break out in 2006-2007. In 2007, I was 11 years old. I started to fight along with my older brother in 2010 at the age of 14. I have killed people, but I was definately not made to be a soldier. I was fighting to survive, and I have obviously accomplished that at least.

Q: Who's the next president?
A: George Bush will begin his second term in November, if that's what you're asking.

thanks for your "time"
Here and Now

yes, very odd 2 ppl from the same time are posting here. but cool nonetheless. I will ask you a question I asked Alexander, to hear your response. Also, welcome to 2004 and to teh forums. =)

My questions:
John Titor said most trips were to 1970-80. So, is it possible that on another worldline in the year 2004 people already are more high tech than us on this timeline?

to clarify: can the ppl from our past on another wordline be more advanced that we are now on this worldline?

Also, are portals known about on your worldline? being able to go to a different worldline but stay in the same year?

If so, is it possible that if you go through a portal . .you could end up in a wordline that is the same year but they are more advanced?


Hello Max,

What are the differences, that you remember differently that is, about the worldline layed out by JT and Alexander as compared to yours.

Also out of curiousity, what was the accuracy rating on your machine at arrival, and are you using the same type of machine?



-"John Titor said most trips were to 1970-80. So, is it possible that on another worldline in the year 2004 people already are more high tech than us on this timeline?"

Most trips were from 1970 to 1980 at the infancy of the program. You are correct.

It is entirely possible that in another worldline, their 2004 is more advanced than yours. Just think if the telephone would've been invented 10 years earlier? Or if electricity would've been discovered 20 years earlier. In all world lines, all possiblities exist.

For example, as I see in the news today is the Mars Rovers. What if the Space Program would've kept the momentum it had in the 60's instead of slowing down? The advances in manned space flight and visiting other bodies in space would be light years ahead of what it is currently in this time.

-"Also, are portals known about on your worldline? Being able to go to a different worldline but stay in the same year?"

If I went into the past, then forward again to 2004, I would be in a different worldline.

A question for you...
Space Exploration is interesting to me.
Do you think NASA should've put as much weight into the space program after the cold war as they did during it? Do you think the expense of sending satellites, probes and rovers to other planets is justifiable?



How long have you been here and how long will you stay?

Also I will ask you a question I asked Alexander.

I am an inventor, and I am wondering if my products made it through the war. Within the last week, I have created a web site that details some of those that I plan to give away, that I belive would benifit all mankind.

Could you tell me if there exist a device for the deaf, a device for the blind, and the end to all friendly fire? These are those that I am trying to release. If you could, that is if they exist in your wourldline, briefly describe them for me? I will post my URL for confirmation after your reply.

Like I told Alex, this is not to validate your authenticity, merely to see if my products are in the future.




"What are the differences, that you remember differently that is, about the worldline layed out by JT and Alexander as compared to yours.

Also out of curiousity, what was the accuracy rating on your machine at arrival, and are you using the same type of machine?"

Historical differences, basically. Just smaller things that they have said I don't remember with as much clarity or significance.

Upon arrival, I woke up, the operator of the machine was looking at the data. I asked him how close we were. He replied "Close. Close enough. We're damn close." I believe 1% or less. A very close trip.
Although, I have yet to notice much of a difference between this time and my own historically. I'm too caught up in how different the past is to notice anything of that sort.

The machine we used was the model C204. The same as John's. We could've used a more high-tech machine, but the jump backwards wasn't very far at all.

"Could you tell me if there exist a device for the deaf, a device for the blind, and the end to all friendly fire? These are those that I am trying to release. If you could, that is if they exist in your wourldline, briefly describe them for me? I will post my URL for confirmation after your reply."

I know there exists a device to allow deaf people to hear. It's even in this time now. It's relatively simple. It's experimental, but it involves a piece of wire going through the spiraled canal of the ear (I do not know the scientific term). Another device is located behind the persons ear and sends vibrations through the wire that the brain in turn takes and interperets as noise.

There is no real device for the blind in the future, I'm sorry.

I still had to dodge friendly fire in the future.

"how long did it take ya to come to our worldine??? hours? days?? seconds?..

u like it here or prefer your time ??

take it easy~!"

This trip took about 4 hours.

I prefer my own time. I think this one is interesting though, that's why I'm here to study it.

Alright, hopefully you all will be able to sort through these answers, I forgot who wrote what, and hope I didn't miss anything.

The Titor from his worldline would not be able to visit this worldline again. There are an unlimited amount of different worldlines, I went back to 2004 in millions of different worldlines. I am in millions of different ones right now. There had to be some sort of chance that one of me from a different worldline would enter this one. It's not that hard to understand.

Titor was the pilot of his machine. He was trained to operate it, I was not. I'm just a historian who was sent back. I went through the normal training as far as psychological goes, but I do not know how to operate it. I'm not a physics major or an engineer of some sort. I did serve in the military, and was chosen to go back because my area of expertise is WWIII history and the history of the second civil war in America.

I've offered some of the people on this board, through private messages, to give them scans and pictures of the manual and maybe of the time machine. I will have to wait awhile until the machine's operator returns because he has the machine with him now. Originally, I decided not to do this. But Titor has obviously already exposed some of the proof about that in pictures, so I decided it would do no harm giving you something that you've already seen. I'm not here to verify my claims.

Who says Omaha wasn't nuked? Was that ever said? What do you think happened to Omaha? Wouldn't it be easier to hit Los Angelas, New York or Washington D.C. from Russia with nukes than it would be to hit some place in the middle of the midwest?

When I was 8, I believed I had a Game Boy. I've seen them for sale in a store here and it brought back alot of memories. Shopping right now, for me, would be the equivilent of someone in their 20's going to a Toy Store in the 80's and being able to rebuy all of the things they had when they was a kid. It's some intense nostalgia, and I really want to buy all of it again and take it back with me to give to my children.

"why do all TTers travel to America? why not other areas of the globe??"

I would love to travel to London, Paris, Moscow in the early 2000's. I've never been over seas before. I've only been out of the country once, to Canada on a fishing trip, but I don't remember much about it and it was before the war.
I can't speak for ALL time travelers. But I'm sure there are some in other places around the globe other than America. Those places might seem interesting now, but they're not about to erupt in a Civil War that will effect the entire western world.

psychologically, time travel does take it's toll. there are alot of things you have to go through. How would people look at you on the street if you were dressed as you are currently, and stuck in the 1950's?

sorry i don't have much time to correspond at this moment. I will be back tomorrow to answer the rest of the questions. the above was just a very very simple answer to the question of psychological training involved with time travel.

and no, i don't know of any time travelers that have gone insane during travel.
Moscow and parts of China were entirely wiped out, minutes after they launched a nuclear attack on the United States. Once again, I never said whether or not Omaha was or was not nuked. The term "easier" as you understand, does not nessecarily mean physically easier. The motive behind nuking the Unites States did not require strategy. They knew they were going to be counter-attacked as soon as the missles were launched. They picked key locations to drive the U.S. government into submission as quickly as possible.

You make it sound like surviving fallout is a hard thing to do? Do you know the effects of a surface, partial surface and aerial nuclear blase? Well, most of the nuclear bombs that hit the United States were not detonated at the surface, they were detonated in the atmosphere. The fallout didn't fly up into the air, the majority of it fell onto the surface. The wind did carry some, but for the most part, fallout existed largly in the areas of the blast radius. If I'm not mistaken, a 150 kiloton detonation would probably wipe out a populated area (such as a city) in a radius of around 5 miles, maybe a little larger. Can anyone get that kind of information for me? Of course, any kind of fallout completely voids the majority of rescue efforts. There's simply not enough hospital beds and burn units, and those who would chance radiation poisioning can go ahead and try to save others. The risk of radiation poisioning is not worthwhile. There would hardly be survivors, and they would die eventually anyways.

By looking online, here is the effects of radiation poisioning when exposed, measured by rems

Possible late effect; possible chromosomal damage.

Temporary reduction in white blood cells.

Mild radiation sickness within a few hours: vomiting, diarrhea, fatigue; reduction in resistance to infection.

Serious radiation sickness effects as in 100-200 rem and hemorrhage; exposure is a Lethal Dose to 10- 35% of the population after 30 days (LD 10-35/30).

Serious radiation sickness; also marrow and intestine destruction; LD 50-70/30.

Acute illness, early death; LD 60-95/30.

Acute illness, early death in days; LD 100/10

A 150 kiloton bomb would produce about 400 rems.
Fallout isn't as horrible as everyone thinks, and generally sticks to a certain area. If people are outside the blast radius, but fallout is headed in their direction, they can tape up their windows and stay put for a month, they will be fine for the most part.

The rem effect table is taken from:

This is an interesting read, and it will become of some use. If you don't know this already, or don't care to study it, don't worry, the news will explain it to you in the future...if you survive that long.


Just because Titor stuck to a certain moral ethic doesn't mean it's standard issue for all members of Temporal Recon. Don't jump to conclusions. As far as the Presidential thing, it's quite obvious, even if you're not from the future, that George Bush will be re-elected. I spurted that out because I thought some people here would have an interest in politics...but I guess that your time period is full of a bunch of lazy self-absorbed egotistical un-motivated slackers, not caring about those who they elect (loosely used) and what they do. The point of view of the majority of this time period is "The damage is done right? He's in office and there's no getting him out, correct? Might as well not worry about it."

1. You and Alexander say Bush wins another term. Here's a 3-parter: a) how can you be so very sure of that, given the divergence of worldlines? which democrat will Bush run against? and c) By announcing his reelection at this point, do you think you may have changed anything on our worldline?

A) The divergence between this and my own worldline is almost unnoticable.
This, I know, but will not tell you. The person won't win, and won't run in 2008.
C) Unless he reads that and changes his mind, no.

2. What is your worldline's opinion of the Patriot Act? I AND II. Of Ashcroft?

Mostly the same as here. Anytime someone's freedoms and rights are exchanged on the account of a few troublemakers, people get upset.

3. How concerned should we be about the recent Mad Cows in the news? How prevalent is Mad Cow disease in your worldline year?

Oh yes! Mad Cow becomes a large problem in the future. You should be very careful what you are eating. What made you decide to ask this question?

4. Will Russia's role in the coming civil war be similiar to that of the French in our own American Revolution? (In other words, will they help liberate the civilians from an oppressive government and then go away to let us form a new government)

Very similar, although, Russia was not concerned with helping us civilians...their primary goal was attacking and destroying the out of hand united states government.

5. Is there any way to avert the coming bloodshed? If so, how? If not, why not?

Possibly. Personally, I believe that the government has too much momentum to be stopped, peacefully, right now.

6. Please explain more about the "improvements" to Democracy that were made after the civil war ended.

Why are you putting "improvements" in quotation marks? Basically we have the bare constitution. Alot of people here complain about not being able to smoke marijuana. If you have enough time, you'll be able to do it in the future, in public, with authority figures. Although, your reputation might be laughed upon.

7. Why is the US still in Iraq after the civil war is over? Wouldn't those troops have been dismantled at the same their commander in chief was deposed?

I really have no idea.

8. Why is Israel attacked? What do the people of your worldline think of the wall they are erecting through previously held Palestinian land? Or the wall they are building around Jerusalem? Does Israel ever use WMD in the coming troubles?

Israel and the Jewish people have been the victim of persecution for milleniums. An attack on them is no big surprise to anyone. The wall was put up as a defense tactic. They can't declare war on an enemy that's simply a foundation like the United States has in the last couple of years with the war on terrorism. Israel does use WMD...but as a defense. They are struck a number of times before they retaliate. That was unforseen, because Israel usually strikes back immediately when attacked.

9. Why do you say not to believe everything we may read about 911? Is something going to come to light in mainstream media that may shock us about it?

I have no idea what to believe about 911. Do you think the mainstream media would publish something that is defamatory and would cause distrust in the government? By watching your major news networks, it's easy to see that they are not interested in covering the current events. 95% of their program is political based and all the channels are used as machines to sway votes to different parties.

10. How will the new touch screen voting machines do in this year's election. Any snafu's? Scandals? Massive recounts? Please give us any information you can that would help prevent problems in our election process.

Let's just say, this election is going to be messier than the last. Alot more name calling will take place, and the democratic nominee won't just fade into the background and give up the election like Gore did. He's going to be loud, and very angry. Although, whether or not he really has a claim is up in the air. Any accusement of cheating, forgery, or voter fake is going to go horribly, whether true or not.

Hope this answered your questions.

Alright, seems like you're game, so lets start over. In your time, is Omaha, Nebraska the Capitol of the United States of America? Was Omaha, Nebraska attacked with nuclear weapons during the nuclear war of 2015? Which cities were attacked in the nuclear war of 2015? Did the Russians take it upon themselves to launch this attack, or were they contacted by John Titor's rebel faction with a request for this action?

Most of the cities on the East Coast were reduced to pummel. Most of the major cities on the west coast were destroyed as well. Omaha Nebraska is indeed the capital of my country. Omaha was not 100% after 2015. It maintained damage, but not nearly as much as major cities. The Russians launched this attack themselves. Our rebel faction did not contact them, although I believe the Russians did have an amount of sympathy towards our cause, and the plight of our civilians.

1. Is there anything we can do as a nation to stop the wars and crimes of the world in the near future?
2. How many survive as opposed those that die in the war and do you think we will have food and water in the near future?

1) I believe it's not possible, but inevitable.
2) You will have food and water. Water will be a problem. You need water on a more regular basis, and finding clean water will be a chore after WW III. Alot of people died in the Civil War. But those numbers don't nearly touch the amount who died in WW III. There's no real clear record of how many people actually died. Alot of people were being held without due process, and some disapeered in the middle of the night, never to be seen again. It's very hard to find information, including numbers, of people who died. There's estimations...and those numbers are very high.

are you in a large metropolitan area, or out in the country?

any hypothetical stories that you can give us that may help us understand your mission?

I'm not in a large metropolitan area. But I am nearby a few. The location I'm at now allows me to get to the east coast in under 8 hours, and the major cities in Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Illinois ecetera, in a very quick amount of time.

No hypotheticals are nessecary. I am here to collect historical information, and to witness the events of the next couple years to unfold. I will leave when my next window of opprotunity is available, but I am here to watch the first misconducts of the United States Government towards it's citizens.

And the first nuke launched did not hit Jacksonville.

You should know exactly what you want to take, and have it ready. A gun, binoculars, map, compass, those kinda of things are priceless. Bring alot of socks, bring a number of hats. Dress in layers. A hooded sweatshirt can keep you warm, carry things in the hood, and can add extra warmth to the head to keep your body temperature up. Also they are more comfortable to sleep in than other types of jackets, and do not create noise when you move around. Most importantly you need something that can sterilize water. If you don't have one, then grab beer if you have it. It can stop dehydration and does not become un-sterile easily. A first aid kit is useful. A sock hat is useful. Bring more than one pair of gloves and ALOT of socks. Don't grab an excess of food, definately not more than what you would need for 3-4 days. If you have it, then try to save it as long as possible. You can shoot or find food on your own in the wilderness. Knowing where farms are is useful. Get to know plant types for the area you live, and realize what is edible and what is not and what is poisionous.


I'm sorry if it came across that way, and I apologize if I offend you. It was not an insult towards you, it was an insult at those who could care less about politics, which unfortunately is the majority. How can you disagree that alot of people here in America now don't fall into that description?

A dislike of answering questions? I'm trying to answer them all, despite the amount of time I have.
The marijuana answer was simply an example. Something that's seen very taboo by this government now is not considered much more than drinking in the future. Basically, you can do whatever you want, as long as you are not infringing on other's rights. Is that a more appropriate answer?

Who said I am here to study you? I am here to study and witness the happenings of your time. I think you gain more from conversation with someone from the future than I do talking with someone from the past. I have asked questions, and most of them have to do with how you view your government. I've gotten some surprising answers. It seems not everyone are slackers, but the majority still are. Maybe such an open-minded idea such as time travel draws smarter and more creative minds. I have no idea. The majority of the people I witness in public seem to care less what's going on within the laughable world of politics. The voter turn out for this next election will be bigger than the last. I do think more people should vote. But unfortunately, if you don't trust your vote going to where you want it to, or being counted at all, I don't blame you in the least.

Was telling us about Bush supposed to ENCOURAGE people to go vote?

Read the last sentence I wrote.

And of course there was the earlier priceless comment that YOUR time was just too uninteresting to talk about.

I never remember saying this. But I must say, I find my time boring compared to being in the past. I'm a historian.

Your most detailed answer dealt with Israel. Yet you knew nothing of Iraq.

I happen to be Jewish. I dont' care much for Iraq. They asked me why troops were still over there. I said I really didn't know. Strategically, they should've relocated the majority of them to the mid-west, but they did not.

In previous postings you inexcusably brushed off someone's question about your worldline's economics as too complicated for them to understand???

I do not remember making such a comment. In the future, more things are traded. It's a "I'll help you, if you do this for me" type of thing more than anything else. We have currency. There is not much interest in a stock market. People realize that financial gains do not make anyone happy. The United States is not the manufacturing and industrial powerhouse it once was...even compared to after all the jobs were being sent over-seas.

I'm not trying to convince anyone of my validity...nor am I trying to sway the vote of a couple of dozen people who seemingly agree with me, for the most part, politically anyways.

this was not a decapitation strike. they were not trying to completely pummel the united states. it was a "We bombed this, we're serious, and you either surrender, or we're going to continue." type of thing. They nuked smaller cities first to show their seriousness, and after that, nuked larger cities. After the United States nuked Moscow, and a few other major Russian cities, Moscow nuked Washington D.C.

1. What kind of technology is in the near or further future from your timeline and from this timeline?
2. Do people from this timeline and from yours wear different kind of clothing and what kind of government what is it called and who is the leader?

1. Time Travel (ha), genetic medicine, there are a couple more "concord" type planes in Europe now, computers are much faster (obviously), wireless internet completely annihilates your cable modems of today in terms of speed and reliability. There aren't very many consumer type advances in technology. Although, nuclear weapons are being disposed of and most nations have gotten rid of their chemical and biological weapons that are remaining. Those are the best advancements.

2. We have t-shirts, jeans, pants, shoes, socks. Styles do change. The clothes we wear in the future is not to impress anyone. There are very few girls you would see running around with belly shirts on, or see their underwear hanging out of thier pants. It's alot more simple. We get more of a kick out of dressing up for dates or for movies. Military uniforms look about the same as every single other military uniform in history.

The United States is split into 5 different regions, we have a president for each region. This is alot more effective than our current government. This allows someone to still be leading the country while someone else is visiting foreign nations. Most of the presidents after the war are not Harvard or Yale graduates or third generation politicians. The majority of them are more or less your average person...the people want born leaders in the future, not born swindlers.

1. If Bush doesn't get elected and therefore doesn't start his second term in November will we be able to install the new President in NOVEMBER, since apparently, according to you, that's when presidential terms will be beginning this year. Because, you know, that would be really cool...

Now you are using technicalities. You knew what I meant, quit fishing for an argument.

2. Let's say Kerry is ahead in the polls...ohhhh...(grabbing newsweek) 49% to 46%, does that mean we should and will all nevertheless just lie down and die because it's OBVIOUSLY inevitable that Bush will get elected? (for those interested: MUHAHAHAHHA)

You seem to continue to think that polls and votes count still.

"Suppose the next general election for president were being held TODAY and you had to choose between George W. Bush, the Republican, and [see below], the Democrat -- who would you vote for?" If "Other" or "Undecided": "As of TODAY, do you LEAN more toward Bush, the Republican, or [see below], the Democrat?"

This poll does not mention John Kerry in the question...just in the results. It's more or less a question of "Bush, or anyone else?" And they throw John Kerry in as the answer. That seems pretty shifty to me. A very typical political maneuver. What do you think?

3. You say in 2 places that you are a historian and an expert on WWIII and the coming US civil war. You are also Jewish. You know nothing about Iraq because (quoting you): "I dont' care much for Iraq." Is this considered professional behavior in academic or govt circles of your time period? You also mentioned you were in the military. According to Alex's answer to the same question, Iraq was apparently key to keeping our gov't tanks rolling...that's probably something anyone in the military would have been aware of...

There's a reason the government of the united states becomes known as an Empire. Iraq in the future will be to the United States what Puerto Rico is now, except with a much more valuable resource at hand. Why are you questioning this? I think I've been answering every question as accurately as possible in my point of view. Maybe we just don't see eye to eye, or can communicate very well. What's Iraq's main resource to the United States? A million some gallons of oil a day? That keeps tanks rolling, but if that were the case, why would we need soldiers over there? Everyone knows who has the reconstruction contracts over there. There's no need for soldiers to export oil. If that's the answer you were looking for, then there it is. I'm sorry I'm not answering adequately enough, or to your specifications. Maybe you should be alot more detailed in your questions.

4. My last question regarded the new touchscreen voting machines. No where in your answer do you address them. How do they perform? What goes wrong with them? I didn't ask about name calling or how the candidates would react. I asked very very specifically about the touchscreen voting machines. What happens with THEM? Do they perform their jobs adequately? What problems occur in regard to them that would make a historian "make a note of it?"

Touch screen voting is about as accurate as the ballots used in Florida in 2000. Do you think touching a screen is anymore valid than a piece of paper? Sure, even if someone hacked the machines and changed the votes, what would that change? They're just going to pull the strings in the direction they wish anyways. What didn't I make clear?

I'm sorry you don't understand my answers. I'm trying to answer your inquiries to the best of my ability. I only "dodge bullets" when I see nessecary to not unveil certain information.

1. Are their different races of people in your timeline or is it the same from our timeline?
2. What kind of weapons and armor do you have in the military or government in your timeline?

1) No. There's not mutants or whatever. The races are just the same as now. There's no further human evolution in 30 years.
2) The American government in 2039 has abolished it's nuclear, chemical and biological programs. The nuclear programs were obvious to destroy. The anthrax situation in 2001 is a major point made when deciding to abolish the chemical/biological programs in the future. Government owned chemicals and such being used against civilians by an American government employee using government owned toxic agents against civilians is a horrible thing, such as American soldiers opening fire on civilians. What is the definition of a Waco or Ruby Ridge type incident to you? Hopefully something in that nature. Other than that it's simliar to how it is currently. Infanty has assault rifles, armored divisions still use high-tech tanks, and jets haven't changed much. There's less of a military now, although politicians are looking to make the military grow, just in the small chance another country would try to invade while ours is weakened.

Who are they made by?

Independent contractors and such. Alot of the military stuff developed is no longer developed by the government, but through seperate companies through contracts.
The company that makes the concord type planes is one you would recognize. Although they've moved the majority of their operations to Europe. They're still on their feet even though most of their factories and headquarters were destroyed during the Civil and World War.

ok this is interesting...

i mean some guy made a comment about cars and planes were said to be impossible at 1 time but i mean u really think people are goin back n forth in time???

and Phenox or w/e u can flame me but u said here is where u post your opinions but why cant i post mine?? unfair

i just think u guys should sit n think..block out all those tv shows u watch n try n forget the terminator series for a sec.....humans will be humans and if they know what they claim to know they would be here cashing in on ideas that arent in our "present" but in there "future" since we arent gonna be here to see it as they say....

if u had that ability wouldnt u come back to yesterday with todays lotto tickets??i dont give a ____ who u are u would...

another thing if u guys are such top secret like u say why are u at risk by that i mean in population what if u slip in your tub n drown....choke on some mad cow meat...get ran over....fall under the mind control weapons that prove to be lethal later on.....

i give 2 middle fingers to u and your effort to screw up the screwed up people some more stop trying to dictate our future to us

I'm not trying to dictate any future other than my own. How could I dictate yours or anyone elses future? You obviously don't believe me, along with the majority of people here. So I'm obviously dictating nothing.

If they didn't think people were actually going back and forth in time, then why would they be posting on a time travel message board? You're insulting the intelligence and open minds of everyone posting here, not only with your statements, but with your grammar also.

I'm at no risk. I've managed to survive through two major wars. I doubt a piece of hamburger or a bath is going to be the end of me, but if it is, I accept it.

If there were listings of winning lottery numbers, maybe I would take advantage of them, but money is going to be useless for the majority of Americans in about four or five years. There's going to be much more valuable things to live for. Can you not think outside of your greedy instinct for five minutes? If I stole lottery winnings, then maybe I would be taking money from a single mother of 5 living in a trailer who can not have a job. There are consequences to every action. Think about it.

Now I have questions for all of you. If the next election goes as bad, or as worse, as the last one, would you let yourself be heard, or would you sit back and think you could do nothing about it? Would you feel ripped off? Is it worth living under a rule that doesn't care for your opinion, even if it amounts to .000001% of the overall vote? Do you think you can change the course of the worlds future through your actions? Can you better this planet? Or do you think that your actions are that of one person and therefore meaningless? Would you fight for your rights if your home was violated? Would you stand up for your friends? Your neighbors? Your family and other loved ones?

Who said my message was anti-American? Are you defending a government that's stripping away your rights as a citizen under the constitution? Being American equals being yourself and believing whatever and saying whatever you want. People have died for my right to have the freedom to say and express myself however I feel.

QUOTE (smokeringhalo @ Jan 26 2004, 05:17 AM)
If people are outside the blast radius, but fallout is headed in their direction, they can tape up their windows and stay put for a month, they will be fine for the most part.

I don't see how this can be true when its a well known fact that the only substance dense enough to block radioactivity is lead.

see the rems chart in my earlier post.

QUOTE (lighttouch @ Jan 26 2004, 04:41 AM)
And for the rest of our viewing audience, a bit about the "conversational terrorism" that Maxwell likes to use:

By the way, what he said about the Newsweek poll is absolute nonsense. They ask about Bush vs. Kerry, Bush vs. Dean, Bush vs Clark, etc. Go to the link and see:

And knowing when they inaugurate US Presidents is not a "technical" question, especially not for a self-proclaimed historian.

Max is riding on JT's coattails. Had he sprung up without the benefit of JT and Alex, he'd have not lasted a minute here on his own.

Fake, fake, fake.

Conversational Terrorism?

When are you going to stop hounding me about a simple mistake? You knew what I was saying, and you knew the context of what I was referring to. We're still making mistakes in the future.

This is an interesting turn of events.

I'm sorry I'm posting here, in my limited spare time, and trying to answer hundreds of questions, some of which the answers to I don't feel I should be revealing. All of my words are just attacked with scrutiny no matter how well I try to explain myself. But I degress...

I did not look up the rems table for my own, I think I would have a pretty good idea about how radiation works. I looked it up so I could post it as an example because fallout is not going to be the killer everyone thinks it is. It's not as horrible as the television would like you to believe. People are still living in Nagasaaki and Hiroshima these days, correct?

Apparantly some of you didn't get the joke. I guess I was a year off for the topical humor.

If you thought my duct tape comment was unorthodox, there's people who work with nuclear weapons who make me look like a rocket scientist.

QUOTE (Iain @ Jan 26 2004, 01:02 PM)

Hi could you let me know how England is doing at least, is it still there?


There's a chance of surviving a nuclear war in the United States. I can't say the same for in Great Britain. I'm sorry.


Sounds about right, The greatest nation of them all falling for a bunch of sausage eating europeans.

So you mean there is nothing left at all, no one living there??

No rabbits or gypos in caravans


There were survivors. But not near the amount you would wish for.

I have a few questions for you if you would so kindly indulge me:

What was your departure point in 2039, more specifically, what city, what facility, what day, what time. What were the conditions like when you left? Were you indoors or outside?

I won't tell you when, where, ecetera. I was outside, it was during the spring, the weather was alright.

When you arrive in 2004, were you in the same city, state, etc. and at what time of day did you arrive? What would your arrival look like to someone who was standing nearby? What is your strategy for not being seen by anyone as you arrive? What is the first thing you saw when you arrived in 2004?

Yes. I've never seen someone arrive in a time machine before. Not being seen? You try to pick a spot that would be more or less, well easily concealed...not too hard. The first thing I saw when I arrived in 2004 was my partner and the machine's pilot. Or more accurately, I saw snow on the ground, that was the first thing I noticed.

John Titor said that his TT unit captured a mound of dirt from beneath him at the departure point and deposited it at its destination. I presume your TT unit performs the same since you said it was the same model as Titor's. If you are in a vehicle that has a large mound of dirt beneath it does it prevent you from driving the vehicle normally upon entry?

Yes the dirt underneath, if there's enough of it, would stop you from driving the vehicle normally I would imagine.

Will you be returning directly to 2039, or will you make more leaps into the past? If you plan to go further back would you be willing to deliver messages to younger versions of the readers of this forum, a la John's 1998 email experiment?

It depends on when I decide to go back to 2030. I don't know the point of sending you an email from yourself you can't read. Perhaps you can clarify the point of this to me.

What kind of computer do you use to communicate with us? If it is a public use computer, what kind of facility do you use (internet cafe, library, etc.) to access it? If it is your own, how did you purchase it? How do you pay for food, housing, etc. here in 2004? How did you acquire money to operate in our society?

I use a computer much like your own, I'm not using a computer from the future. I brought it with me.
With the technology to build a time machine, I think in the future we can collect or forge enough old currency for us to get along nicely.

What items did you bring with you from 2039 that you have with your right now? Clothes? Watch? Jewelry? Books? Papers? Family photos? Did you bring anything that you could photograph and show to us to give a hint of an object from the future?

Clothes. Notebooks, pens. Those types of things. I didn't bring back much of anything that wouldn't be normal for someone in this time period to have. A time traveler doesn't want to stick out. I have a few family photos with me.

As a historian, how do you go about studying our time? Do you exclusively devote yourself to internet observations, or do you consult other sources? If mainly the net, then what specific URL's do you frequent the most to gather data. If you prefer offline sources, what do you use? What specific libraries, newspapers, books, journals or other non-digital sources do you consult? How do you record your observations? Paper? Small computer? Photos?

Video, Audio, written, newspapers...your libraries are humongous. Right now I'm doing alot of research on the internet. But that will change, in October I will be doing traveling and won't be able to communicate as much.

Have you ever heard of the zero year curse as it applies to the leader of the U.S.? If you have, does it come true with the person selected as leader in 2000?

No I don't have the slightest idea what you're talking about.

When does Ronald Reagan die? What are your memories of that event? What else was happening in the world when that occurred?

Why is Ronald Reagan of interest? I thought he was dead already.

He is widely considered one of the most influential leaders in the history of the 20th century. He is widely credited with bringing an end to the Cold War. He won the 1984 election by the largest margin in history. Political conservatives (which there are many in this time) loved him and many Democrats at least respected his influence. If you don't know when he died then you are probably not much of a historian or not much of a time traveller.

I know who he is. He isn't politically active right now is he? How many of you could tell me the date Lincoln was assassinated off of the top of your head?

I have to go. Just stopping in. I will be back later.

QUOTE (ZenAgain @ Jan 26 2004, 04:35 PM)
First off, lose the bold type. What's up with that?

I'm trying to understand here ZenAgain,he needs to brush up on Neuclear Theory for what reason,help me out here,to seem more credible to you me and everyone,don't get me wrong here.

You just answered your own question..........

The best evidence for me is hard evidence and he has not shown me or anyone else either,but...i'm not going to dismiss him because he lacks in certain areas that you deem,as justifiable to him being a TTr.

Did I tell you to dismiss him? Tell you what, get back to me when you get that "hard evidence".

Any "hard evidence" would be scrutinized, prodded at and drawn to conclusions based on innaccurate assumptions. Any evidence I give just wouldn't be "hard" enough, but I'm working on something now, I just need to get a digital camera. When I have time I will goto the store and purchase one.

A presidential assassination is more of a stamp in history than a president dying from alzheimers.
I can tell you, off of the top of my head, Reagan had an assassination attempt on his life in March 1981.
He won't live much longer and definately won't see the civil war completely kick in, if that answers your question, but you could've came to that conclusion on your own. As for exact dates, I do not know.

What year did Nixon die?

How am I conveniently dodging a question, when I already admitted I didn't know the answer.

I am hoping that you did not see me as being hard on you Maxwel.I was also trying to make a point,I know this is an open forum to who ever wants to join into the conversation,and post their views,and this was merely my point of view.You brought up a good point also.

I was not thinking you were trying to start a "flame" with me. I didn't think you were being hard on me.

My point is, why would I want to post "hard" evidence that would be scrutinized? I've already made it clear that I'm just answering questions, I'm being honest in what I do and do not know, and for some reason the people of the future are supposed to have an evolved brain capacity or something to that effect... Why would I want to verify or further prove my validity? I've made it clear that I had no intentions of doing that. The fact no one here believes me is what is keeping me safe in this time. If I posted a picture of nukes falling on New York City, everyone would comment "That is obviously a faked picture." and "I think those are stills from a television show." and so forth. What would you have thought if Titor would've posted pictures of the World Trade Center ablaze, or a copy of a newspaper from 2009? The fact that he would possess those sorts of things would just put him in further danger.

You say you prefer your time to this one...but yet..

in your time..there has been nuclear "war" and other unrest...many have died...

how in the hell can this be better than now?

I miss home, I miss my family, I want to get back but I have a job to do. This time, although I don't have to work as hard as I do in my time, does not contain the people I love. I miss my children, I miss my wife and I miss my parents. Without that here, this world means nothing to me.

What *specifically* were the central issues of contention between those who started the rebellion and the government?

Freedom vs. Security. People may feel safer under a government that has more power, but they can't speak their mind as much, and can't do exactly what they wish. Abuse of power to hold people without a reason (or due process) is what sets people off. Watching people you know have never acted against any sort of book of law get hauled away and never seen again can make you doubt your government very quickly.

do NOT think that the USA is the focus of evil in the modern world (as Churchill once described Hitler) and radical Islamism truly is a dangerous ideology which threatens the USA.

The USA is not the focus of evil in this world, but they are far from being a remotely un-guilty party to the things wrong in our international society.

Also why was it that on 9/11 all the jewish directors at the world trade centre were told to take the day off?

You want to also blame the Jews for the holocaust while you're at it?
You have no evidence behind your claim of Jewish directors being told to take the day off of September 11th. What is a Jewish Director anyways? Why would Jewish people do this in 2001? They would risk losing the United States as their strongest ally with Israel?

my mate who is a english muslim [pakistani] owns 3 stores in columbus and some place else and he hates the americans, he calls them 'jew loving *****'

The economy seems to be doing well for someone who hates America. How much money does he make with his three stores? Does he love paying his taxes to a Jew loving nation?

The ignorance of your friend is the reason for the downfall of your society in the near future. Your infatuation with blaming Israel, or the Jewish people with anything is ridiculous. At least Israel, unlike the muslim nations, have turned themselves into an actual economicly successful nation from the ground up, unlike Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iraq or other muslim nations. Do you feel like adding a few comments about black people while you're at it? There's no difference. Political correctness counts towards everyone in this time in America, as long as they are not white, and are not Jewish.

What do you have against the Jews? Or was this statement just an attack against me? If you wanted to make me mad, you've accomplished that.

Your are correct of course, I just went off on a bit of a rant there and I certainly didnt wish to offend anyone. However I do have a valid point

I'm glad to see that 'valid point' and 'coherent thought' don't mean the same thing in 2004.

and going on...

...exactly how long would beer stop the dehydration process, before it starts it again?

Beer has minerals in it that water does not. Drinking 8 beers will dehydrate you, drinking one will not. Beer is mostly water, and will last longer than water when openly exposed. Although, un-carbonated beer is not the best tasting thing in the world, at least you will not have to worry about mosquito larvae. I'm not saying you should drink beer that has been open to the air for a large amount of time.

I am assuming that England manages to strike back at whoever attacks us, is the royal Navy involved in this, if so what class of sub was used for a counter strike

You don't 'strike back' if you're the country that strikes first.

I remeber during the 80's a programme on BBC claiming that anywhere with hills & valleys would be a lot safer to hide from fallout, etc..

I do not know.

If you are from the future all you have to do is access the net or your historical archives, type in the data and it will access the information.

I've mentioned earlier, the only things from the future i have with me are pens, notebooks and family photos. I am using the same internet as the people of this timeline are. If I can access such information, so can they. Sorry. No videos, no news clippings. How do you know how the internet works in the future? I am here for research, and thought I would answer a few questions. I'm not here to jump through hoops and play Nostrodamus at your command.

If I said a plane would crash by the end of this month, and was correct, I would be subject to being interrogated, tortured and probed by government employees playing good cop, bad cop and I've never see my family again. What you think of me is hardly worth that, I'm sorry.

You can also tell us the names of all the future US presidents from 2004 to your birth date.

This is easy.

2004- George W. Bush

2000- George W. Bush

1996- William Jefferson Clinton

I'm sorry I can't provide documented proof. It's hard to find information from 1996 on the internet.

Read my first post if you're confused.

if i may quote myself for a moment...

My point is, why would I want to post "hard" evidence that would be scrutinized? I've already made it clear that I'm just answering questions, I'm being honest in what I do and do not know, and for some reason the people of the future are supposed to have an evolved brain capacity or something to that effect... Why would I want to verify or further prove my validity? I've made it clear that I had no intentions of doing that. The fact no one here believes me is what is keeping me safe in this time. If I posted a picture of nukes falling on New York City, everyone would comment "That is obviously a faked picture." and "I think those are stills from a television show." and so forth. What would you have thought if Titor would've posted pictures of the World Trade Center ablaze, or a copy of a newspaper from 2009? The fact that he would possess those sorts of things would just put him in further danger.

Please read the previous posts on the thread. I'm not trying to validate myself. I'm honest about what I do and do not know. Proving anything would put me in between more than a dozen crosshairs.

You want me to prove myself because you want to believe I'm a time traveler. If you think I'm a con man, why are you even wasting your time?

Come on Maxwell, you gotta know the name of the leader of the movement that challenges the government. Please name me all the key combatants in the civil war.

Oxford, Hayes, Wells, Foley
Those are names you will come to know if you live long enough.

I correctly answered your question. I gave you four names of key combatants and "revolutionary" leaders. This still does not count as any sort of proof. Proof can be proved. Only time will prove this.

By the way, Titor said the net worked in the future.

If I can access the internet of the future with my modem and computer I'm using now, then so can you. I am using no super computer. I am using a computer from this time period. Why would I want to bring a computer from 30 years in the future to the time now? You think your average 2004 internic card would work in it? How would I access the internet to download data from servers that were destroyed before my time?

Look at it this way, he is from the future and is so concerned about changing it for the better that he spends his time on this forum. You think he might be more concerned with other matters. I think that speaks volumes about the veracity of his claims.

I'm not trying to change your future. I never made such a claim. I'm here to observe the past.

My spare time is spent here. I have work to do. I'm not running around, socializing, going to the movies, drinking at the bar, racing cars and lying to women to impress them in turn for sexual favors. Enough of you are doing that in this time period. I'm not a man who likes competition, especially when I'm competing with skirt hounds. I spend my time watching television and on the internet. Is it that hard to understand? I arrived early enough to get more than enough work done before I must stop my internet research and go witness actual events.

There will be no civil war this year. You stay around to the end of 2004 (oh right, you are trapped here) and I will chat come December and we'll see who is right.

The first steps towards a civil war will begin this year. Wait around for yourself and see.
I won't be on the internet after Octobe. I'm sorry.


p.s. lighten up.

You have given me names of supposed military leaders. Sadly, you fail to provide full names, where they currently reside, so it's impossible to search for them on the net. Do they even exist? How can I find out someone by a surname alone? Please provide full names, their current domicile, so I can check their authenticity. Yet again, you have shown your folly. You still refuse to provide documented evidence - the cornerstone of proof. You stand up in a court of law without documented evidence and your case falls flat on its face.

Why would I give you complete names and locations of future famous world leaders and famous soldiers? You could assassinate them, and completely destroy any chance of the civil war being successful before WW III.

I know you are a liar, Max. You are not intelligent enough to provide even 'spurious' documented evidence to support your infantile WW3 fantasies. I find your mock-predictions laughable and insulting. Only a fool would make the most absurd predictions and not provide empirical evidence. And that, Max, is you.

I've already made it clear that there is not evidence hard enough I could muster up. Are you going to give this a rest?

So game on, Maxwell. Let's play your childish game of "I'm a time traveller" and see this so-called civil war take place within the next 11 months. It won't happen because America is as stable a democracy as any on this Earth. The current social-economic climate will not lead to civil disobedience on such a massive scale. There is no logic to your claims. You know that, I know that but I'll indulge your childish need for attention.

Can you even read, other than your own words? The country begins to head in the direction of a civil war, the civil war does not start in the next 11 months. Full scale conflict will be recognized in late 2007.

Please enlighten an ignorant fool like myself and explain how the original Maxwell fits into all this. As I wrote earlier, if he looked at your thread he would read posts he's yet to write. So how does that work exactly? How can he read stuff he's yet to write? Seems to be a basic contradiction.

It's not that hard to understa


I just realized that I didn't paste it all up, because at a certain point the posting cut off. Here is the rest of it. beginning from where the other posts left off:

Can you even read, other than your own words? The country begins to head in the direction of a civil war, the civil war does not start in the next 11 months. Full scale conflict will be recognized in late 2007.

Please enlighten an ignorant fool like myself and explain how the original Maxwell fits into all this. As I wrote earlier, if he looked at your thread he would read posts he's yet to write. So how does that work exactly? How can he read stuff he's yet to write? Seems to be a basic contradiction.

It's not that hard to understand. I do not remember reading this. If so, it would be alot easier to just copy and paste the comments I already made to people like you without thinking about it?

and going on...

You never answered my question! What was the title of the movie STAR WARS Episode 3, released to theaters in late may of 2005? Did you ever see it? Did you like it? How did it do at the box office$? Please answer, I'm a kid and a huge star wars fan! Thankx future dude!

I have never seen any of the Star Wars movies, nor could tell you anything about it. After doing a quick search, I can say it will probably make a bit of money, it seems to be quite popular.

There is an enourmous amount of speculation on other forums about the diagram that "John Titor" posted to the internet. Do you maintain that this device is the one that houses the singularities?

That looks very familiar and similar to the machine we used to get here. I've never seen the inside. An internal combustion engine is a little more recognizable than a time machine, don't you think?

From Rense:

Here's is how they can "tag" you: (from

Man Finds Surprise
In Wal-Mart Shirt
Unknown News
Posted by Underground Panther in the Sky

A couple of years ago, I bought a workout shirt from Wal-Mart. Mom was getting something there and I decided to go because I needed a new shirt to sweat up at the gym and I had nothing better to do.

Because I buy men's stuff, I find more often than not the armholes are too big. Since I liked the shirt anyway, because it was long enough I decided I'd get it and modify it. Shirts are always made too short for me (even men's, sometimes). I am tall, so shirts usually do not fall where I like them to fall on my hips. So when I find a long enough shirt I try to get it. Because I can sew (not at an expert level or anything, just basic stuff) I decided to take up the armholes in a rather cool manner and alter the design by installing "panels" in the pits to hide parts that need not be showing. (it turned out pretty cool looking too, I got compliments on it)

Well, I laid the shirt on the table. I started to cut where I needed to cut. As I cut my shirt, I hit something hard in the fabric, embedded in it. It was a little less than about a quarter inch big. It made a faint noise as the scissors banged into it. I put down my scissors, picked at the fabric and found a computer-type chip.

I tried to pull it out with my fingers and I got a small shock. I had to cut more into the shirt to cut around the damn thing to get it out. I pulled the fabric apart, and sure enough a thin metal/plastic tag was there between the layers with very tiny metal prongs holding it. Prongs you wouldn't notice easily at all without a strong light and knowing exactly where to look. I banged the metal casing apart with a ball peen hammer, and the thing cracked open. It had very tiny circuits on a plastic dot.

Back at whatever place they receive the information from that tag, whatever people were listening, I wonder if their ears got screamed off by the feedback of that chip meeting scissor, or some computer network crashed when those scissors cut into the truth that big brother was here -- hiding in the left armpit of my workout shirt.

I guess Wal-Mart doesn't expect people to know how to alter the clothes they sell.

Well, my workout shirt is tag-free (I hope) and it fits me now. But I still wonder whether there are other tags in it. I have considered cutting my shirt into tiny strips to see if there are any more tags because I'm curious. And I will do that when that shirt gets crappy and old.

Canada will have a similar situation as the United States, espeically concerning WW III.

Some Canadians will come south to help the citizens of America fight it's government. The United States actions against it's own people upset just about everyone, but the Canadian militias really pull through and help us.

I would say that statement is true for me. It should _not_ be true for you, if you are who you say you are. The number of parts look comperable, and your vague answer is fairly typical of supposed TT'ers.
Ask Neil Armstrong if he can definately 100% say a ceratin set of blueprings were of the rockets used to propell Apollo 11. If I wanted to convince you of anything, I'd lie and say "Yes, that is definately the machine we used. Those look like a correct diagram to me." But I'm not sure. I'm sorry I gave you an honest answer.

1. Why is the middle east important in relation to non-oil alternative energy generation?

I have no idea. There's no major influence on the need for oil after around 2020. But I have no idea why the middle east would be important.

2. What simple, cheap device (not distiller) will purify water of pathogens.

I had a Doulton water filter in the Civil War. Boiling is the most effective way of purifying water, basically...except if it has chemical run off, or the water source is a victim of fallout. There is also a way to purify water with bleach.

3. What relatively simple thing makes antibiotics obsolete.

Antibiotics are still used in the future. But I believe advancements have been made that involve studying the development of diseases and bacteria.

4. How can radiation toxicity best be reduced in the human body.

By immediately moving away from the area where fallout is occuring as fast as possible. Getting rid of the clothes you are wearing, and washing your body off in clean water. That is the first thing you should do.

Blood transfusions will help kick your white blood cell count back up if it is low, and IV's and water with electrolytes are given to you for rehydration as soon as possible.

is the American Civil War considered the 3rd world war???

The 3rd World War ends the second American Civil War.

Sorry, your answers were very poor.

If there was any chance that you were from the future, it would be
no wonder why you are all sick and dying...

Then if you are alive in 2039, please come back and inform people. From the knowledge you seem to know, but is not well known, but will be soon, that you fail to name, you should have a very easy time surviving in the future with your vague answers to my futures problems.

Sorry I didn't get to these sooner, I instead spent my time arguing.

? If I'm picking up on your hints correctly these are the final days before the beginning of the conflicts that lead to the civil war. You say you will be going offline in October to increase your firsthand observations of events. Can you tell me what states will be of most interest to you? Where will you be in October? Can you at least tell me a state or a region that you will be watching closely? What federal agencies will be on the front lines of these conflicts?

The East Coast will be one to watch, Washington especially.
These aren't the 'final days' before the war. Life will continue to go on easily for awhile now.

On a more personal note, what is your favorite book published after 2004? What is your favorite movie from childhood? What kind of music do you listen to in your current world?

I read alot of history type books, so even if I were to name one, it wouldn't be of much use to you. "The World of Flight" is one I particularily enjoyed. It's a documentary style book written about different eras of flight.

I listen to alot of Classic Rock. There are some local country, jazz and blues bands I really like.

One more question for maxwell and for anyone else who has an opinion on the topic. If you could time travel to Sept. 10, 2001, where would you go that day and what would you take? Possible answers I would expect would be New York to try and warn those working in the WTC or to record the events more clearly and accurately; Boston to see who actually boarded the flight leaving from there; New Jersey to see who was actually on flight 93; Pennsylvania to see what actually brought flight 93 down; Washington, D.C., to record what actually crashed into the Pentagon?

I would go to where I could see the first plane hit the first tower.

@ Jan 27 2004, 09:59 PM)
Are there any other land occupations by countries other than China?


Hahahah _YOU_ don't like vague answers that do not include specifics? Hahaha.
And telemarketers don't like to be called at home either.

"my futures problems" Don't you mean your _PRESENT_ ? Oops busted.

Seriously, though, keep going, you are entertaining for sure.

The vagueness in his answers included no details just "most people don't know about it, but..."

And yet once again, the pointing out of a mistake I made in my post, impressive.

If no one here gets any sort of true value out of my posts, then perhaps I will post somewhere else. No other "time traveller" on this forum has gotten the amount of fingers pointed at them as I have. I should really take time out of my job to use spell check or something similar.

What do you like to do in your spare time? When you are not doing your research.

In my spare time, I post on these forums, download music I have heard about but can not find in my time, watch your modern television and go for walks around town. I went to an animal shelter today, as a matter of fact.

No. I wouldn't want to bring a pet into mytime from this time. I have a dog of my own back home, and just saw the animal shelter and decided to pay the dogs a visit.

What kind of dogs did they have there?

What is your dog's name? What kind of dog is it? How old is it? ( in your time)

They had alot of mutts. A few golden retrievers. I wanted to play with this one doberman. It had his name posted on his cage. He was called "Bite Case".

My dog is named Blue. He's a mutt. He's about 7 years old in human years.

Perhaps someone else out there has more.

After the attempted edit. I tried to offset everything here in quotes with the exception of my comments at the top and at the end. Unfortunately, the system isn't taking it. So I am just using the quotes to offset what other people said. Max's comments are listed by themselves. I hope that will be clear as you peruse it. I just wish I could offset everything into one board. :(

Aurrrgggghhhhh! This edit isn't working for me right now. I am sure I can ferret out the reasons, but it will take some time and tonight is Yom Kippur, so I don't have the time. I will revisit this later.



Very interesting stuff. Expect a lot of questions. Some members here are going to "go wild" for information you may have. Some will accuse you of being "Maxwell" from the old board and that you're trying to perpetuate a hoax. BTW, did you know that a new member just signed on in the last couple of days by the name "maxwell"? Yeeha, things just keep getting curiouser and curiouser.

In any event welcome to the plantation, bud. Looking forward to the coming barrage of questions, comments and accusations, and how well (or not) you handle them. Thanks for bringing this to our board. You'll probably get a better reception here than just about anywhere else.


Please go to the "Current Projects" section and look for the "Time Travel Archive" project. Please post that you have some data to contribute to the Archive. I am sure that they would be more than happy to catalogue and store the information you have on the new archive we are setting up.


Would you do the same as well please?

Welcome jedger. You may have noticed that we have just begun an archive project. Your post is timely since most of Maxwell appeared to lost with ttk1. Please submit whatever you can to one of the Library team. I am one. Heggy, Ralan.

This is kind of odd, so forgive me and probably others for feeling suspicious. Are you the person who partially registered as Maxwell yesterday? Can you post anything that would prove that you have "our" maxwell's computer? Like mirc PM logs? Like PM's or emails from members here or on the other forum? Those would help give you credibility however we may still think you are just Maxwell in another shirt. It would be a start though.

Maxwell was never debunked and he and Alexander corroborated each other to some extent. Maxwell made a startling and accurate prediction on the other forum. I would love to see this list with x's and o's and anything else you have.

Welcome to the board. Many of us here are hooked on the story! Join in and enjoy the community.

From the edge or maybe a little beyond . . .

Snow Fire Watches

Pauli - thanks for posting the Maxwell transcript. I will post it in the library with credit to you for having it! What else do you have? LOL


Originally posted by jedger@Sep 24 2004, 10:46 AM
Mine name is J. Edger. I'm from Ohio. I do NOT believe in anything paranormal. I do not believe in anything such as ghosts, UFOs or time travel. These ideas, to me, are ways of teenage boys to masturbate their imagination. But I do have information on a person who posted here awhile back under the name maxwell.

A friend of mine has a father who owns a series of apartment buildings in Indiana. My friend is in charge of the upkeep of the apartments, things like cleaning clogged toilets and fixing people's sinks and windows.
About a year ago, a man signed a lease for a room. The man appeared to be in his mid 30's to mid 40's. He spent most of his time in the room alone. Would seldomly leave during the day and would make sporadic and random trips and not return for weeks. The man never had water bills, electric ect. The complex paid for everything. Rent was steep for the building, but all utilities were included. Because this guy would come and go so often and be gone for so long, my friend would have to empty his mailbox everyday. The guy had subscriptions to about every major newspaper around the country. My friend would empty the box every day, take the stack of papers up to the man's room, unlock the door and throw them on the table.
The man didn't have much. He had a couple tables, a futon, a huge stack of notebooks, an older computer, a television, some old video games, a collection of DVDs, newspapers in boxes, a record player, encyclopedias, history books. There was rarely food in there but he always had a couple bottles of borbon and a bunch of empty bottles. My friend didn't think much anything of him. He never really seemed like a drunk and would all ways fix things around there byhimself instead of calling but anyways my friend thought he might have been weird but he was friendly, didn't bother anyone and he would mind his own business. My friend always thought it was strange. the man appeared to have no LOCAL job and would pay for his rent in strict cash. he had no visitors and no car at all. the man went by the name of chris and he had a real looking state i.d.

My friend left for a vacation with his girlfriend and wasn't around the apartment. When he came back, the man had moved out. He left the tables, the futon and the computer. He asked me if I wanted to drive over to Indiana on the weekend hangout for a while and grab some of the junk. I said ok.
Anyways, while scanning through the hard drive of the computer, I found some strange ######. All of his passwords were written in txt files, he had dozens of CD-rs full of information on nuclear programs of other countries and statistics of populations of things in the United States. All of the CD-rs were labels with numbers and short descriptians. most of the stuff is html files and pictures taken from webpages. the other stuff seems to be hand typed. And some CD-rs were exact copies. some of them are 3 or 4 discs of the same things. I thought it was weird.. There were lists of events with X's next to certain events and O's next to others. Very strange ######.
So to further go on, I grab one of the CD-rs and find a link to on it. he has txt files full of random junk. I goto the website and it doesn't work. So I end searching around and end up here.
Every login name for him was \"maxwell\" and every password was the same with three different digits on the end of them. Most of them were for email addresses or message boards that no longer wear around. I called my friend up and he's given me all the information he can on him that he's allowed (he's not allowed to give out personal things that his dad would have on file). He's basically just been telling me about the guy. He alwasy thought he was up to something. And at times thought maybe he worked for the government or was a spy or something.

But anyways. I have this guys computer and a bunch of CD-rs. I'm obsessed with this stuff now. And have been reading up on it latly. I've tried to read as many of his posts as possible but i cant find a lot of them. If anyone can help me, I'll help you in return. I have never gotten into stuff like this but this is crazy. I'm starting to believe some of this stuff. I've searched the computer for programs or files that might be from the future, but everything on here is pretty basic. it looks like if he came from the future he bought the computer here. i still have it. it's an older gateway.

So anyways i want to find a way to archive some of this stuff i have here and put it online when i have timeif any of you are interested. sorry that was a long and boring story but that's all i know

This strikes me as the ideal opportunity to get to the bottom of at least one claimed time traveler's story, and shed light on the Titor stuff.

The key is Maxwell's actual identity. It sounds as though someone there has access to this information. What we ought to request is that the identity be verified as either a specific person walking around somewhere or someone who has no apparent connection to the world. This can be done without divulging the person's name or other identifying information.

The question is, is this a person who can be placed in the modern world?

I have to say that this reminds me of the old telephone trick of calling a speciffic # several times asking for a person that you know does not live there. Then, later. you call as the person who was being sought and ask if there are any messages.

One way to add more credence to a story imho.

This was how it struck me.

However Paul is correct if this is a real thing.

Well, as the Librarian around here I am very interested in getting missing info of Maxwell for the archive.

Please contact me jedgar.

I'll leave the sleuthing up to y'all for now.

Snow Fire Watches
