McDonald's logo explained


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McDonald's logo explained

Here are a few answers about McDonald's and the conspiracies around it. Don't ask me if it's true, I'll tell that it's like other conspiracies, maybe we'll never know. Though, it's interesting to read what some can find when looking for conspiracies.
Before explaining, ask yourself, why is it that McDonald's have been allowed to open up shop in front of the Pantheon in Rome or directly behind Luxor Temple in Egypt, both in direct line with an egyptian obelisk?
The Cosmic Mind : Musings From The Universe: The Eye in McDonald's
Maybe that's why McDonald's is so powerful and everywhere. There are McDonald's in almost every city in North America.

I used to eat there at every few weeks or so. I'm not going to stop going there, even if it gives money to the NWO/Freemasons, or whatever you call them. :eek:

Num7 !
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

I wouldn't doubt that the guy who started McDonalds was a Free Mason.
Free Masons like to do all that hidden word stuff...sounds more ctyptic than it relly is though.
I think that what makes McDonalds bad is how unethical they are..unethical in every way. Secretive. But that is what the Freemasons are famous for. Secrecy. And rituals....So I think the "hidden word " thing about the name is true but it doesnt mean anything..I mean if the freemasons want to be so secretive they need to try harder because so may people can crack their "codes"........What I think is interesting is the U. S. money and how much talk there is about the symbols..funny..It all spends the same to me!

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

any company that has a world wide market is tied into/owned by the TPTB what ever you wish to call them
I call them greedy bast87ds,sons of the devil,worthless bankers/thieves
they post record proffits and won't pay a livable wage
yep,yep,yep greedy bast85ds

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

They are taking our money, and then, when we have no more money, we are fat. Even then, they don't use our money properly, they just keep it, and put it in their bank account, keeping it safe. Money is power, they have money.

I think I'm going to eat there tonight :p

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

Numenorean7 said:
They are taking our money, and then, when we have no more money, we are fat. Even then, they don't use our money properly, they just keep it, and put it in their bank account, keeping it safe. Money is power, they have money.

I think I'm going to eat there tonight :p


Yes they have the power...$
But we have the ability to change things, even the practices of mcDonalds.
The problem is that we have been conditioned in the US to think that we have busy lifestyles and just dont have the time for activism. That is just mind programming to ensure that we are consumers and not activists. If all the people put energy ( not alot) into change then maybe we will see results. I mean, soccer moms put lots of energy into OVER scheduling their kids activities...why not devote 5 hours a week to change.
The reason is that we are apathetic and its because we think that we dont have "time" for this.
It's bull.
Thank the Universe for freedom of speech (whats left of it anyway)....
I think there is room for Mcdonalds once a month. I don't like seeing mcdonalds or Walmart or 7eleven on every fricken block...:mad:
this whole thing sucks because yes they have the best tasting fries!
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

well I don't see the stuff as real food, my kids do thow,its all they want to eat. that in its self is enough to scare you off . it is barely eatable. I see it kindah like the docs. and there dope
here take this pill three times a day, till it kills you. oh yeh don't forget to pay at the door.hell no you can't pay next time, you'll be dead in a week, I want the money now
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

I don't really mind McDonalds food. Sometimes the burgers are so greasy though that it's soaked right through to the bun. That's disgusting. I worked at one in high school for a part time job, and I did see people spit on the food there when customers gave them a hard time. They will hire just about anybody at those places. Always been a little weary of places where the application doubles as a table mat. When i order food from there I always leave it basic and never order it "without pickles" for example. THey hate it there when people make it difficult. They are much less likely to mess with random food thats pre-prepped. They are always trying to beat the clock in those places, that's priority number one, not the customers. You don't want to draw attention to yourself or give them a reason to spit on your food. I always remember my pleases and thank yous in the fast food joints. THose peoples jobs are already crappy enough without people making it worse.
Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

Yeah, food tends to be disgusting at some places, and people working at McDonald's like to serve standard stuff.
I knew people who were always asking for fries without salt !!! That must be anoying, they required to cook new fries only for them because they didn't want salt on them.

I think I was lucky when I was a kid, my parents weren't going to McDonald's, so now I'm 20, and don't feel the need to get there every 2-3 days or so. Some people I know are there 2-3-4 times a week, ugh.

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

I'm with Numie.

Y'all are makin' me hungry.

Just to spite everyone, I'm gonna get a sack o'burgers tonight.

I've been around since McD's first got rolling, since before the sign first started telling you how many millions had been "served." They had a little cartoon-like mascot lookin' dude that said "speedy service," which was what me and my sisters used to call the place.

Principal competitor back then was A&W.

Maybe I'll get some root beers too!

Re: McDonald's Logo Explained

baudmiksen said:
I don't really mind McDonalds food. Sometimes the burgers are so greasy though that it's soaked right through to the bun. That's disgusting. I worked at one in high school for a part time job, and I did see people spit on the food there when customers gave them a hard time. They will hire just about anybody at those places. Always been a little weary of places where the application doubles as a table mat. When i order food from there I always leave it basic and never order it "without pickles" for example. THey hate it there when people make it difficult. They are much less likely to mess with random food thats pre-prepped. They are always trying to beat the clock in those places, that's priority number one, not the customers. You don't want to draw attention to yourself or give them a reason to spit on your food. I always remember my pleases and thank yous in the fast food joints. THose peoples jobs are already crappy enough without people making it worse.

I used to work in fast food (briefly thank GOD.) I just couldn't understand why the police would go through the drive thru. I mean they gotta know that all the wanna be gangstas are a spittin in the food. I just try to go during the busy times because that is when they try to be organized and the fries are always hot...but I NEVER "send the food back"....I mean....
People even would spit in the food when I was a chef at a five star restaurant......No...not me..the waiters. If I caught em they were gone but it happens more than people think!!!:(
