Men in Black


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Men in Black

When the films Men in Black and Men in Black 2 came out, not every much people realize that they are behind the cover up by the government who use them as tools to silence those who tell other people about the presence of UFOs, alien abductions and alien sightings along other things related with ETs. There are several theories about men in black starting with the obvious that most people associate with, CIA-like men who wear black clothes, dark or black hair, white to tan skin, and wears sunglasses to hide their eyes for most of the time. But look closely and you may find that some are greys or hybrids or even synthetics (term being androids). Some of them are hired by the US from Tibet since Tibet has some legends dealing with UFOs, which may be true for those who mistake Centaurian Humans for the asian one. They often threaten people to be taken away. But when a famous UFO researcher continue to talk about it, he was mysteriously gassed in his car by the unexpected assailant.

They have some flaws we can see. Some of them move efficiently but have jargled or speedy voice and some have trouble moving.

They ride in black cadillacs in the US some older than the rest and still smell fresh as if it is recently brought from the car sale. Some of them teleport, which may explain some of the mysterious disappearances from those people who reported them.

If there is one in Missouri inside the News Leader, not only will the media will cover it up but the person who is haunted by the MIB feels uneasy about spilling the beans about the aliens.

What do you think of MIB dealing with the cover up of UFO dealings?
Re: Men in Black

I've heard some crazy stuff about MiB. One I remember involved an MiB that could be classified as an android... Skin was very pale, moved erratically and its lips looked like they had been poorly painted on with cheap lipstick.

At the end of the encounter it supposedly said something about being low on power and vanished... I'll have to find the article. It was bizarre.

Re: Men in Black

MIBS's- an interesting phenomenon that dates back to the 50's. What is their purpose? Too only scare or inflict fear into people to not talk about seeing supposed UFO's. I guess I'll have to review information who first reported MIB by the name of Albert K. Bender was running an organization called the International Flying Saucer Bureau (IFSB).

Re: Men in Black

Some people encountering them never return, that would explain a bit about why we never see detailled stories about MiB.

What do you need to do in order to get contacted by the MiB? Yeah, if you see a UFO crash, you'll see them, but are there other situations where you think they can interfere ?

I remember that some time travel stories contained MiB chasing time travellers through time, and that these TT MiB carried a special type of weapon that could knock out the time traveller for a pretty long time, long enough for the MiB to bring the guy back home, and get all his time travel gear with them.
Re: Men in Black

The government using the paranormal against us if their using TT to stop other TT's, I love it.. If there are any MiB, I think the government knows about it, but it's only a select few that are priveliged to hear about it.
Re: Men in Black

How do you become a MiB ?
I have no idea how they actually create MiB, are they a very special unit of the FBI ? How can you be selected to become a man in black, do they pick these guys really young to start a long training ?

As we can read on the Internet, they seem to be pretty effective, they don't usually fail at their missions.
Re: Men in Black

First you have to chase down a cephlapoid, on foot. Then Tommy Lee Jones pays you a visit.

That's how it happened for me at least.
