

Senior Member
Yes Dawg i too will be forwarding a cheque for $2900 immediately to help those wonderful millennials! :LOL:
I hope the preview to the video clip comes up first to explain Millennials, (Millennials In The Workplace, A Helpful Guide):LOL:


They claim they can't find jobs. True, I checked our job ads and the lack of jobs is shocking. However, I created my own job. Not just from being self employed, but not everyone advertises need. You have to approach companies in person with resume in hand and say, "Hey, it looks like you need an XYZ....". I got my second job via word of mouth.

But yeah, many of them are used to everything being handed to them. I say many because I am sure there are a few exceptions. I blame parents. My children -- I make them earn everything. Want an app? I need a week of good behavior at school, or clean their room, or unload the dishwasher. And if money is tight and I can't afford the app? Too bad. So sad. They learn to do without.But that's just me. What do I know? I'm just a Jedi. :ROFLMAO:

BTW, I will encourage my children to specialize in college: Teacher, Doctor, Lawyer, Mechanic, Engineer, Pharmicist, Veterinarian, Cyber Security, Etc.... General degrees like Art and History will not get jobs unless they also have a teaching degree.

My daughter loves art. I told her that she could become an art teacher AND sell her art on the side. Need to have that base income, first!
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Senior Member
This is very wise. Children need to understand that adults have to work very hard to make a little bit of money. After you pay all the bills, there is very little left over. Notice that taxes go up every year. However, that is not the case in pay. I know a lot of people force to take pay cuts so that their company can survive. Look at our wonderful health care. The amount you pay goes up every year. Well, so does the deductible and they reduce your coverage.


New Member
I would just like to say I am 24 years old so i guess technically I'm a millenial. However that being said I also own my own home have 2 children. I'm married and my wife doesnt need to work because i make enough to support us all while she goes to school. But most of the people i graduated with i have lost conact with for the simple fact of they refuse to grow up and take responibility for thier lives. So I'm just trying to make the point that some of us are doing it right.


Senior Member
I would just like to say I am 24 years old so i guess technically I'm a millenial. However that being said I also own my own home have 2 children. I'm married and my wife doesnt need to work because i make enough to support us all while she goes to school. But most of the people i graduated with i have lost conact with for the simple fact of they refuse to grow up and take responibility for thier lives. So I'm just trying to make the point that some of us are doing it right.
Good for you!
Boy I wish I was 24 again.


This is very wise. Children need to understand that adults have to work very hard to make a little bit of money. After you pay all the bills, there is very little left over. Notice that taxes go up every year. However, that is not the case in pay. I know a lot of people force to take pay cuts so that their company can survive. Look at our wonderful health care. The amount you pay goes up every year. Well, so does the deductible and they reduce your coverage.

Yep, My income went down and my insurance premium increased by $400 per month. The cheaper plans had a $12,000 deductible and only ONE doctor left on the list who was 30 miles away. Many millennials haven't had to experience this. Either their parents are still paying or they don't have children. Either way, they don't understand the struggles we are going through.

I feel the same way about some foreigners. (Again, there are exceptions like TimeFlipper!). Some countries criticize Trump, but they haven't had to live here and don't know what it's like to not be able to afford to have a tooth replaced or to get surgery as citizen, while illegal non-citizens and refugees can have ANY treatment they need free of charge. All they see is "racist". No, all Trump is trying to say is we need to FIX AMERICA and THEN we can help others.

Millennials --- would you turn down helping your own spouse in order to help a refugee or friend, first? Let's say you have $4000 (ha..who does?) to have a tooth pulled and a bridge installed. What if your best friend then asked to borrow $4000 to get some x-rays and tests done. Would you turn down your spouse to help your best friend? I doubt it. Family first, right? So, why is Trump racist when he wants to help citizens first before saving the world?

And btw, why do foreigners expect the U.S. to save the world? I don't see many other large countries stepping up to the plate. Why is it OUR responsibility when our system is already SO BROKEN that we have homeless veterans, middle class with rotting teeth, and old people that can't afford medication because Medicare doesn't cover it?????? HOW does it make him racist for wanting to tackle AMERICA first? I will NEVER understand liberal logic. Never.

The next time I hear a Millenial bash Trump, I am going to ask him if I can have $4000, because I'm the one that has the tooth infection mentioned above.


I would just like to say I am 24 years old so i guess technically I'm a millenial. However that being said I also own my own home have 2 children. I'm married and my wife doesnt need to work because i make enough to support us all while she goes to school. But most of the people i graduated with i have lost conact with for the simple fact of they refuse to grow up and take responibility for thier lives. So I'm just trying to make the point that some of us are doing it right.

There are always exceptions to every rule. That's why I carefully choose my words and say "many" instead of "all". :)
