
Orpheus Rex

Reality TV, a perfect example of why misanthropy is perfectly rational and preferred.
It's crap and it's popular. That means that society as a whole accepts this filth.
Society is made out of humans (and the occasional alien or bigfoot.)
Therefore, humans have an overwhelming tendency to accept filth, or even honor it.
Therefore, it is rational to dislike humans in a general manner for their acceptance of filth.

Misanthropy is akin to cleanliness. ;)

Night Vision

Senior Member
Reality TV, a perfect example of why misanthropy is perfectly rational and preferred.
It's crap and it's popular. That means that society as a whole accepts this filth.
Society is made out of humans (and the occasional alien or bigfoot.)
Therefore, humans have an overwhelming tendency to accept filth, or even honor it.
Therefore, it is rational to dislike humans in a general manner for their acceptance of filth.

Misanthropy is akin to cleanliness. ;)
:D I actually do believe in a Higher Intelligence not human or of any human form and not of Earth ( Alien ) I don't believe in Bigfoot though ::LOL:: :cool: :D
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