Most Haunted (TV Show)


Senior Member
Is anyone here an Yvette Fielding fan? I think her show is great, she's so cute when she gets scared, she uses a lot of humor, and sometimes the footage is impressive.

I think Amazon Prime carries her show it's called Most Haunted.
In the UK we have had a plethora of so called "Haunted House" programs on TV that are frankly beyond a joke! :LOL:..
No disrespect to you @OakFieldAlienz444

There are usually three or four people (always one woman) who run around like a bunch of frenetic lost clowns, constantly shouting out, "did you hear that, did you see that?", clutching their little so called Psychic devices that consist of highly overpriced items that are simply electrical/electromagnetic detectors which anyone can purchase from Ebay or Amazon for under $10 dollars! :rolleyes:..

In the UK we have had a plethora of so called "Haunted House" programs on TV that are frankly beyond a joke! :LOL:..
No disrespect to you @OakFieldAlienz444

There are usually three or four people (always one woman) who run around like a bunch of frenetic lost clowns, constantly shouting out, "did you hear that, did you see that?", clutching their little so called Psychic devices that consist of highly overpriced items that are simply electrical/electromagnetic detectors which anyone can purchase from Ebay or Amazon for under $10 dollars! :rolleyes:..

No disrespect to you @OakFieldAlienz444

I wouldn't worry about that...

But we do have a butt load of those same shows here in the US....I think they are mainly for entertaining television and thats about it....Too easy to fake crap with a camera. A little bit of editing and BAM! You got a ghost! Hell it's more dangerous to walk around an old cemetery at night or during the day...One wrong step and your knee deep with the departed...I have danced around a few myself back when I was recording cemeteries....Thats why it's never a good idea to step on a grave.....

I wouldn't worry about that...

But we do have a butt load of those same shows here in the US....I think they are mainly for entertaining television and thats about it....Too easy to fake crap with a camera. A little bit of editing and BAM! You got a ghost! Hell it's more dangerous to walk around an old cemetery at night or during the day...One wrong step and your knee deep with the departed...I have danced around a few myself back when I was recording cemeteries....Thats why it's never a good idea to step on a grave.....

So that's what you do during the night, you walk around graveyards trying hard not to step onto any graves! :eek:..
Is that the result of this new phenomenon, The Covid-19 mania? :oops: :LOL:..
So that's what you do during the night, you walk around graveyards trying hard not to step onto any graves! :eek:..
Is that the result of this new phenomenon, The Covid-19 mania? :oops::LOL:..

No I never ventured out to any of the older cemeteries at night....Believe it or not cemeteries can be dangerous places and it's not the dead you have to worry about...There is a site on the old inter webs it's more of a genealogy site I guess you would call it.....They have this massive cemetery database where it's members post request for headstone photos of loved ones grave sites that they are unable to visit ...I use to go out and photograph headstones for people that made requests where the headstone was in a cemetery close to where I live....
In the UK we have had a plethora of so called "Haunted House" programs on TV that are frankly beyond a joke! :LOL:..
No disrespect to you @OakFieldAlienz444

There are usually three or four people (always one woman) who run around like a bunch of frenetic lost clowns, constantly shouting out, "did you hear that, did you see that?", clutching their little so called Psychic devices that consist of highly overpriced items that are simply electrical/electromagnetic detectors which anyone can purchase from Ebay or Amazon for under $10 dollars! :rolleyes:..

Watched a few of these "did you hear that, did you see that?" shows they try and make it all look spooky and build the drama up only for nothing much to been seen or faintly heard. Guessing these shows take away from somewhat a more genuine or less exciting program but then people be saying this isnt entertaining.

Not to compare it to a TV show of this kind, but years ago i was eagerly awaiting The Blair Witch Project. While it might have be based on some real life incidents i was pretty disappointed in the movie got dragged into to the hype at the time.
I mostly watch it for humor.
She's in this library and says she feels the ghosts rub her leg and then says to the ghost "please do that to the guys, they would LOVE that"
I also notice she screams at literally nothing.
There was one episode where a ball kept seeming to follow them and
a cradle rocked on its own. That was the only impressive episode.
here's an amateur ghost hunter on youtube who went to the
hotel haunted by the "lady in red" a prostitute who was killed by her husband in the Wild West long ago.
The chair definitely seems to move on its own shortly after 11:47 (There's certainly some ways he could have faked it, could have pushed it himself off camera or used tricks with filming and computers)

However, the pace at which it seems to happen is impressive regardless.

