Most Terrans still aren’t ready for the ‘raw’ truth, but education is still the key to enlightenment


Junior Member
I was thinking tonight personally , if I was god, knowing I never had parents or descendants before me would make be feel pretty lonely...

It’d be nieve of humans to believe we can fully answer that question in its entirety of gods initial existence.

If you were god, do you think you’d be able to answer where you existentially came from? Especially since he is all knowing? Think about’s exactly what I’m trying to get across here. But really, has it been infinite? The length of his existence? Or do you think maybe, just maybe, it’s finite?

Spirits always came from somewhere . But I don’t know if I’d exactly call god a spirit...There must have been a calculable number of spirits, well bodies we have . When we go to heaven there’s a hall of Akashic records that record all of our previous lives, and because it’s recorded, I feel it’s finite. But I feel with each life, our consciousness grows, and we become more complex, but that’s just my theory, otherwise what’s the point of being alive and experiencing life?

Well, for god to have a family it didn’t have to just be humans. There’s billions of ETs out there guys. We all don’t all incarnate into human bodies. Same with future lives, we can come back on another planet as another ET. It all comes down to our life contract before we incarnate. We are just as alien as any other ET but we are definately way less advanced technologically, mentally, and spritually since we can’t even get our dumbasses out of our simple solar system or to cooperate as a global power

I’m honestly embarrassed for humans/terans, the idiocy for wars and starvation is beyond sad. My next lifetime I may try another planet . We are sooo primitive, we spend all our money on wars and not enough on the important issues. It’s why aliens avoid us. Like studying lions and hippos from afar

We are using chemical rockets still which existed nearly 100 years ago. Still in the infancy of useable solar sail technology which will get us 100,000+MPH...20-30 years off fusion power which might get us to the nearest star in 500 years or anti matter rockets in a solid lifetime. Perhaps thousands of years off from anti gravity when we are well into being a type 2 kardeshev type civilization. And THESE in my opinion are basic ways to space travel and colonize and propagate our species. I didn’t even get into black holes yet. Or traversing extra dimensionally into other universes which some species are advanced enough to do!!

I’m willing to bet most advanced ETS don’t even converse with us because they are SO FAR more advanced than us, it’s like trying to talk to your dog or have a convo. Don’t forget a few hundred years ago we lived without electricity barely out of huts lol . What do you think a civilization millions or possibly BILLIONS of years more technically advanced than us would have in common lol

It’s like trying to convince your dog that SSD drives are far superior to normal HD external strorage lol. Dog just wants a fu*kin tasty treat. It’s like us Terans, all we care about is materialistic in essence, and conquering different lands.

Everything I’ve mentioned is just what I’m capable of comprehending out of my measly slightly above cognitive average human brain. It doesn’t take a genius to understand that there’s way more to our existence than human coming from ape and that’s it lol. Just 10,000 years ago we were living in caves and hunting megafauna and trying not to die before 25/30 ,which was average. Don’t you think maybe just it’s a coincidence that we suddenly and miraculously technologically evolved from the sumerians 8,000 years ago and fast forward to now? Aliens definately tampered with our DNA and sped up human evolution, I’m positive!!!

We would have wiped ourselves out of existence like the Neanderthals did 20,000 years ago. We are humanoid like many other highly advanced ETS so if they can temper with our DNA and help us evolve, it’d be due to their ego of “perfecting/saving us” so we can join their galactic federation (of light) when we reach that stage of human evolution. Literally every race and religion depicts aliens in art and pottery, thousands of years ago. And they all had a lot of overlap. I don’t think the Indians were just bored AF 10,000 BC smoking opium and decided to start drawing actual depictions of aliens on their cave walls from scratch lol.

What pisses me is off how the government and CIA supress more evidence of aliens now than they ever have. I’m glad at least tucker on Fox News and a few others bring the subject up. In a way I understand since humans aren’t yet at a level of understanding nor accepting the truth. We are religiously corrupt with political dogma.

I’m sure there are many other ET species on millions/billions of planets that are even more nieve than us and believe they’re the only race, but I also think humans are not yet at a level of understanding to which we should even consider making contact. We are more malevolent than most species of ETs as a whole. We can’t even work together as a global entity. Many species of animals are dying daily as are acreage of rainforest/wetland. We aren’t good for even our own planet and THEY know this


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