Debate New Bob Lazar Movie. Thoughts?


Active Member
Just wondering what everyone thought of the Bob Lazar movie.

For me, it was a pleasant surprise to hear Mickey Rourke as the narrator. But overall the movie brought in some new ways of thinking about how and why Bob came out and why he went back to business as usual that I guess I never thought about.
Plus I never knew he was involved in setting up a prostitution ring.
Bob's story has always intrigued me. I'm old enough now to have basically seen it play out in its entirety. I believed Bob's story hook, line, and sinker as a kid all the way until about 5 years ago. When you really dive deep and see who he has been connected with and how those careers have also played out as well as statements they have made, you have to think twice. You also have to factor in the unverifiable parts of Bob's story, like his MIT education. He may be a smart guy but he made major claims about his education and even named names of people he "knew" and those people had no clue who he was. Plus knowing what I know now about propaganda and the overall agendas big govt has. The case can be easily made that this was all one big setup.

-He was literally hanging out w/ cia agents.

Since when does the UFO community / field trust the cia?

Since when does the conspiracy crowd trust the cia?

If this was such a big secret that shouldn't have gotten out, why did it makes it way onto the news? and explode the way it did? We all know the media has been tightly controlled decades before the 1990's (Look up Project Mockingbird)

Why does Jeremy Corbell have to be so defensive, vile, and flat out combative with anyone who asks a simple question that doesn't fit the laid out narrative of Bob's story?

Alot of people will say...but Bob's name was in the lab phone book and I even used to put some major weight into that myself when I was younger. But my thinking process was way different on ufos, "aliens", etc. at that time. In the end it's a name in the phone book, he could have been a janitor, a driver, a cook, or he could have been placed in that book to give the story credibility.

The entire thing lays out like a well funded cia story for the masses and in order for them to mold a story they have to show "proof" and I will say they engineered this story beautifully.

I'm of 3 opinions at this point either A) Bob got setup / jammed up in a legal situation and is just another pawn for the beast, B) He's an agent himself or C) He was manipulated and hired from the very beginning to be a propaganda guy for the beast without even knowing it (which I find hard to believe, but it's always possible).

We all know area 51 is real, we all know Bob got footage of ufos (or advanced govt vehicles) in the sky and was able to prove it on camera.

We also know many employees got rare illnesses and odd cancer diagnosis's from working in and around area 51 as well as other confidential locations in the area. A legal fight was brewing for restitution in the background by the victims families. Could this be the reason the story was put out? To keep it controlled? It's possible but we don't know why they do what they do.

In the end the entire thing doesn't add up...I believe something was about to get exposed about area 51 and the cia beat them to the punch w/ Bob's story in order to protect it's own ass and keep control of the narrative. The media is controlled and has been controlled for many years (way prior to the 1990's).

Are we really to believe that a top secret govt testing facility in the middle of the desert that had been known to very few prior to the 1990's, has now made nationwide news? That in and of itself is absurd given what we know about the media's infiltration by the cia decades before the 90s with project mocking bird.

Now you will see Bob & Jeremy making the rounds on state media again. Why? Why if Bob feels so threatened in his daily life would he even continue to tell his story, let alone be allowed to tell his story?

I regret investing as much time into Bob's story as I did, and feel like I was fooled. But he is also very convincing, seems like a nice guy, comes across as a laid back nerd who is intelligent, present evidence to boot that could easily guide you to believe everything he says.

In the end I think it's simply a well played out propaganda piece. Yes area 51 is real and weird stuff goes on that we aren't privy too, but that's about all we know for sure.

My advice friends, don't fall for this one. Every good story has sprinkles of truth mixed in with lies and disinformation.


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Senior Member
There is a movie? Like a fictional depiction??


Temporal Engineer
I've followed the Bob Lazar story for years. I do believe his story still to this day. I took a different avenue to see if any of his claims were true.

It's been a passion of mine throughout my life to develop an anti-gravity drive. So naturally I paid attention to Bob's story to see if he had given any ideas to help me in my quest. There was some info given on an Art Bell show one night that totally fascinated me. He described how the ET craft controlled the power given off by the matter anti-matter reactor. He claimed that the reactor was giving off gravity waves. The reactor was always run at full power. But in order to control the power output the phase of the wave output was varied against the Earth's own gravity wave.

So my experimentation with waves began. I wanted to see just what would happen if I built a device that had the ability to vary the phase output between two wave generators. I used two pancake coils to generate magnetic square waves. I designed a variable phase and frequency generator based on the 555 timer chip. I was able to vary the frequency output of the magnetic wave pulses from "0" to "360" degrees. Then the fun began.

My initial experimentation began with the elements of magnesium and bismuth. I placed a magnesium metal disk hanging from the ceiling between the two field coils. As I varied the phase between the coils the metal disk would move toward one coil at '90" degrees. And then toward the opposite coil at "270" degrees. It's my suspicion that a composite material of magnesium and bismuth would probably amplify this effect as if it were a motion propulsion battery. Here is just a small video clip of the magnetic phase field experiment:

Then one day I decided to see what would happen if I dropped a large neodymium magnet between the two coils. I turned on the device and was immediately startled. The two coils with magnet made a very high volume sound and started to propel itself across my work table. Let me just say for clarification that I did not know you could make a propulsion device by just playing around with a couple of magnetic wave fields and the phase relationship between them. Bob Lazar gave me the idea. I think this experiment validates Bob Lazar's story. Check out my Magnetic Propulsion device:



Active Member
Well, my take on this wasn't really to convince anyone of UFOs or much a do about anything like that. I took from it that it's more like.. what happened to Bob Lazar since his initial telling. Yeah they rehashed the original story line and went over details, but they also just got down to Bob and that his main point is that he doesn't care who believes in his story or who believes in UFOS and aliens. Bob says he said what he had to in order to get the MIBs off his back then that was it. There was no reason to stay in the lime light. He told his story and everything he had to say at one time then went back to being a regular person.

So while you may or may not believe Bob's story, its fine. But believing and not believing aren't what the movie is about. And you'll hear that from Bob and Jeremy.. Bob don't care who believes him. He had some shit to say, he said it, then it was finished.


Active Member
I will admit, I can't say whether or not I put any faith in his story. But Jeremy does a lecture for his trailer of the movie and brings up the point there that Bob didn't hang around and dwell in the public lime light after his story was out. He came out, then disappeared. It's been almost 30 years since the original story telling and Bob hasn't been out there selling books and doing movies and interviews. But the way the media sorts things out in our minds for us.. it feels to us that have been around for a while that Bob has been out there beating bushes to get his voice heard and it's just not true. I tried myself and you can do the same. After his original few debuts with George Napp, find somewhere that Bob was out there doing interviews and books.. I thought I remembered a Coast to Coast interview from a long while back, but I can't find it now.


Senior Member
Some people call running a prostitution ring a crime. Okay. Others might call that just trying to make a living and helping out the community in the process. You can't hold that against him.

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Didn't know about this until now. I have come across Art Bell's shows on Lazar on and off. The trailer definitely looks well made, as good as any Hollywood movie.

If anyone has seen it, any idea how to catch this flick?
