New Jerusalem, Measured?


Active Member
Why measure something you can not see? Or can you? Some say Archangel Michael lives in Banff, north of USA. So he protects the north wall from the north. 12,000 furlongs is an undetermined measurement but maybe 1500 miles give or take 100. Mississippi is too deep to really build upon. So west wall? Los Angeles or Borrego Springs maybe?
Revelation 21:16. I found Banff info in late 90's. The LDS church believes the USA is the land of New Jerusalem, or its landing zone. Where exactly? Did it ever leave?
Imagine if the fall of man destroyed it into splinters across the world. But Revelation 22 of the NIV says Eden is restored. If dimensions coexist then maybe New Jerusalem still exists and can only be seen by a few. The materials or elements of New Jerusalem exist on earth so its not some alien thing. Its made of elements found here.


New Jerusalem is yet to be made.. Read the Bible more.


Active Member
How do you propose man make it? I thought it "came down" from above. If something came down to John the revelator it could mean literaturally speaking that it came down to him in a vision (remote view) of another dimension that exists along side ours. We have all the elements scattered around the globe. Maybe man creates a type of pseudo magnet that pulls all elements from around the world. Kind of reminds me of the CUBE in original Transformers movie. The Quest for the Cube, seeing as how New Jerusalem is a cube.
