New music i have created this week.

Re: New music i have created this week.


I will definitely listen. I burned your last music on a CD and even made a cool label for it. My daughter took it to school for her friends to hear. They all really liked your music. Keep up the great work!


Re: New music i have created this week.

Hey Blair, Your musik rocks. I'd vote for you, but I really dont know how. So just keep in up to date with you new stuff.

Re: New music i have created this week.

Hi Blair. Decent work. I'm not a fan of the genre. I do more ephemeral electronica, but it's a decent job for sure.
Re: New music i have created this week.

That is a damn high quality remix Blair; is it really your first time doing that? I do some electronica with another member of my band. We're working on a remix of three Grandaddy tunes into one production, and I might try to dub some vocals from one song onto a sample from another. It works really well in your remix.

What software do you use?
