Nibiru: Why is No one Talking??

OK we have all seen and heard the Truth seekers talk about Nibiru the rouge Planet. You Believe?

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Active Member
nice..yeah after the show aired Wilcock said the events in the show were based on real events. Especially the first show where the black president is talking to aliens, ready to reveal them to the public then gets a 747 barrelling down on them which disappears in a large vortex.

Rumor from insiders was Obama was going to do it in Norway when he won the pulitzer prize. EXACT same time when his plane was in the air was when the Haarp generated Norway spiral formed. Not a coincidence.

Then in the show the white old VP tries to assassinate the black president. Ya had the Columbian secret service prostitution scandal which some say was a cover story for an attempt to assassinate Obama. Then the VP's son in the show dies, Beau Biden dies of cancer and Biden and Obama became closer due to it, same thing in the show, it's like WTF.

Wilcock has said Obama lost funding 3 weeks before the general election and was going to lose to Romney. Unexpectedly the queen of england stepped in and funded him last second. If you look up photographs of Obama after his inauguration closed door meeting with Bush W, HW Bush and Bill Clinton his suit was all discheveled and he looked scared.

Some time travelers saw Romney get in before the election, immediate economic collapse and then marches upon washington by the millions. They saw Romney launch nukes on them. Not good. Obama's no angel but sheesh.

There is an indicator Romney isn't a great guy, Cathy O'Brien of MKultra sexkitten sexslave programming said she was present with Pierre Trudeau(current father now deceased of Justin Trudeau) and George Romney(Mitt's father) who was in the upper peninsula of Michigan when he was governor in the 60's. Said she overheard George saying to Pierre he was going to bring ritual satanic sacrifice to the Mormon church.

Romney's first job out of college was to rescue Monsanto from the Vietnam Agent Orange campaign lawsuits. He restructured Monstanto and settled the lawsuits turning a profit. Then later got into Staples and built up that company.

Anyways, Romney himself said he'd proactively invade israel to protect it. That's antichrist stuff.

Time traveler stories that Gibbs' and Patricia Griffen Ress both relay in their reports and books say one guy traveled from the late 90's to 2008 where they witnessed people being burned to death in stadiums with flamethrowers.

The story goes they popped into the future, were arrested for not having identifcation as terrorists, zip tied, put in the back of a truck and taken to a stadium where they could smell burning flesh, they escaped, by running out of the car before it stopped, into the stadium and burning off their zip ties.

I think it was a post false flag nuclear attack on america and they introduced the mark chip. They didn't have it and were picked up. The people who picked them up kept calling them terrorists. That was the beginning of the tribulation. Was that 2008 president Romney?

2008 to 2015. 2015 as we well know was the unannounced attack by Russia on America with nukes that John Titor as well as hdr travelers witnessed. That's a 7year period. 2012 would've obviously been the halfway mark, 3.5yrs into it. Was that the 2nd rapture to have happened?

Since none of it happened and was changed, are we past the tribulation? Is revelations a partial fraud, or was it God's backup plan if not enough people raised their vibration?

Alex Collier claims revelations is a fraud and was being used by the illuminati to get enough of the population to manifest it happening through belief. Gotta admit, revelations is the illuminati's dream. Mass death and depopulation. I don't think it's entirely a fraud but rather was changed by bad people. The good parts of revelations are still happening.

Collier claims Nibiru is waiting cloaked for us, trailed and lead by two giant andromedan biosphere spaceships. Wilcock says his contacts told him it stopped in space, freaking out the cabal.

I think it's going to be unveiled to wake up the 3rd world people since they don' t have access to the media. Also why the computer simulations indicating the probability of planetX was made public(Planet9)
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S14 drifter

New Member
Nobody expects perfection in this stuff...Childress is good enough.
A guy who I have just demonstrated is not only willing to lie to you, but actually steal's other authors' fantasy claims and lies about them, for the sole purpose of transferring money from your pocket to his, is "good enough."

See what I mean TimeFlipper?

I certainly do Hartey (y).
There is saying which goes, Where ignorance is bliss, its a folly to be wise :D.
Harte is a legend. Don't know him but he always backs himself.....just sayin.....

John Sandraco

New Member
Is there or Isn't there a Rouge Planet
Called Planet X, Brown Dwarf star or Nibiru? And Please leave other comments so I can read what you say
On the matter?
Niku, A Mysterious Object Beyond Neptune, Is Traveling In The Wrong Direction
This object is about 125 Miles in diameter and traveling in an orbit opposite of all the other planets in the solar system. There is also increasing evidence of a Planet Nine (google it) located about 500 times the orbit of earth, 10 times larger then the earth and scientists think it is and has affected the planets orbital paths.


Active Member
interesting, thanks john. didnt know about Niku. It's like how venus is rotating the opposite direction as the rest of the planets and Neptune is rotating on it's side. Definitely something out there that screwed up everything.
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