Nostradamus, Time Travel and Prophecies

Nostradamus, Time Travel and Prophecies

Nice site Trickster. Thanks for the link.


Nostradamus predicted that a man named Mabus would kill thousands of people. In revenge, the next antichrist (who is already popular), would get revenge. (He didn't say Mabus was the antichrist, however). This would be the big war, the destruction of life as we know it.

Mabus - Some believe he was Obama-Bush Ma-Bus.

But I found this man, Ray Mabus, who was the former U.S. Secretary of the Navy. He worked under Obama.

What are the odds he gets his job back or runs for President one day?

Any other thoughts as to who Mabus would be? Maybe we aren't even aware of him, yet. But the antichrist would already be manipulating people into liking him along side of Mabus' antics.


And what is this mention of a comet? Could it be a nuclear missle?

And then we have this:

