Now a Shrinking Machine on Ebay ??


New Member
Now a Shrinking Machine on Ebay ??

I posted here on this site about the time machine on ebay a few weeks ago and I followed the sellers auction...then last night i was on ebay I wanted to see what other items this guy was selling, and I found he was selling a shrinking machine built in the year 2241, two years after the time machine. He said he found it in the attic. Do you think these items he is finding are real?
Re: Now a Shrinking Machine on Ebay ??

I wonder how many more items the good doctor made?

It looks like an old vacuum cleaner, kinda modified. As far as the 'shrunken' items, any of them (novelties) can be found at flea markets, etc.

Does it work? Boy, wouldn't it be nice to find out.

Re: Now a Shrinking Machine on Ebay ??

I think he might help you shrink the contents of your wallet.

Re: Now a Shrinking Machine on Ebay ??

LOL - "Hey! Get up here! I found another time machine"

Double LOL - a shrunken pencil and a very small key, you gotta admit it this guy is genius...well he made me laugh, again..
Re: Now a Shrinking Machine on Ebay ??

<div class='quotetop'>QUOTE(\"kenneth123\")</div>
I posted here on this site about the time machine on ebay a few weeks ago and I followed the sellers auction...then last night i was on ebay I wanted to see what other items this guy was selling, and I found he was selling a shrinking machine built in the year 2241, two years after the time machine. He said he found it in the attic. Do you think these items he is finding are real?


LMAO!! Not at you kenneth, but at what this Ebay seller is coming up and the goobers sending him money for some fake crap. What was P. T. Barnum's saying? "A sucker is born every minute." or something similar. Yeah, a shrinking machine from 2241. Uh, huh I'll take two in case one of them breaks. Too damned funny.

Re: Now a Shrinking Machine on Ebay ??

Dude this this is funny. If it stays around 20 or so I might get it... It will be a great relic for my B & B. All the junk is worth maybe 20 or so... we people buy tons of pointless items in our life, the difference is this one we cant get on the Home Shopping Network. LoL

Re: Now a Shrinking Machine on Ebay ??

If i found a real time machine and shrinking machine i would not sell them on ebay.... this whole thing is too funny. they cant be real

lol.... "a shrunken bible (i think its king james version)" funny
Re: Now a Shrinking Machine on Ebay ??

What kinda house do you lvie in where there are time machines and shrinking machines and all of that in there? all with nice shinny lables that state "TIME MACHINE" and stuff
I think once I found a dead frog in my basment that looked like he had been there for like 100 years. Oh and I found a nail once too. but yeah I wouldent mind liveing in a neiborhood where you find tiem machines and shrink rays and who knows what else in your house.
