šŸ“– Fiction Num7's Dream Log


šŸ–„ļø Staff
For some reason, I'm having some crazy dreams lately. I'm going to write them down, to practice my writing. It's an excellent creative activity.

Here's one from earlier this week:

Dream 1

The Batmen

Iā€™m with random people I seemed familiar with in the dream but do not know. We are some expo-center, at a conference. Lots of tables, counters, boots, and people sitting around and eating/drinking.

Suddenly, some sort of panic, people are moving quickly, looking up and around. Then, I notice Ben Affleck coming out of the crowd, walking towards me. Heā€™s dressed as Batman. Right beside me, my ā€œfriendā€ is dressed as Adam Westā€™s Batman. He stands up immediately as I turn to him.

So, I stand up too and we look at each other. I notice that Iā€™m dressed as Batman as well! My costume is from the Christian Bale movies. So weā€™re like 3 Batmen, and we look at each other in awe, capes floating around, even though thereā€™s no wind at all because weā€˜re inside.

Batfleck tells us we need to go, quick! So we proceed to go where the panic seems to come from.

I comment to Ben Affleck that he doesnā€™t have shoes on and that he looks slightly shorter than when we see him in movies. He answers dryly that itā€™s the magic of cinema shoes(!)

We end up facing a wall, and apparently, the danger is up there, near the ceiling. So we start climbing up, like the heroes we are. Jumping, reaching up for wires, ropes, metal beams, and shit that doesnā€™t make sense. We climb, we climb. We finally reach the ceiling.

In the metal structure up there, we spot a wooden box, about the size of a big shoebox. We move through the metal skeleton that holds the roof together and get closer to the box. We open it.

SHOCK! It contains Luigiā€™s corpse.

We look at each other and decide we canā€™t tell anyone, because theyā€™ll lose hope in a better world.

So we go down and split for now. Folks ask me what we found, and I say I canā€™t tell them. I feel like Iā€™m hiding something dark, that I need to protect everyone from this.

I remember sitting at a table, then using a microwave. Superheroes need to eat, too!

Then I woke up!


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Dream 2

Cathedral of Overconsumption

So, Iā€™m sitting with a couple of people in some sort of student lounge. A place at school where you chill at lunchtime or between classes. Apparently, Iā€™m an adult, yet, Iā€™m sitting in a student lounge. I spot a dude I knew back in high school whoā€™s also my age. Weā€™re not kids.

So we talk a little and exchange a few anecdotes from back in the day. Then he says we should move out, so we head outside and walk in the city.

Then he decides to take me to church. So we get in the queue to get in. Tons of people want to go to church, here! As we get in, I struggle to follow him, so Iā€™m unable to sit with him. I end up sitting beside an annoying kid.

So, the service starts and I spot the guy way over there. He rolls his eyes because I somehow got lost in my local church and couldnā€™t follow him properlyā€¦ He wonā€™t be mentioned from here on.

Alright, so, that kid Iā€™m sitting next to is super annoying. Even though I didnā€™t have a backpack, now I have one! Itā€™s sitting between me and that kid. For no reason, he starts looking inside my backpack and pulls out my Gerber multi-tool pliers.

Iā€™m suddenly super angry, I grab the kid by the neck and push his head against the benchā€™s backrest. Then I take the pliers out of his hands and I tell him something super violent!

ā€œIf you donā€™t stop being annoying and touching my backpack and stuff, Iā€™m going to gouge your fucking eyes out with these pliers, in front of everyone here, you little shit!ā€

The kid doesnā€™t care what I said, but his dad tells him to calm down.

Slowly, some of the aisles of the church move and change. Some church benches become mountains of boxes, and people walking between aisles are now pushing shopping carts. The church is turning into a Costco before my eyes!

At some point, some clumsy dude accidentally hits a mountain of pink muffin boxes with his cart, which causes them to fall down on the floor. Dozens of pink muffins roll around on the concrete floor. That little kid beside me is laughing his ass off, because of the manā€™s clumsiness. What a little turd.

Suddenly, thereā€™s confusion as to what I bought. So I have to search my backpack and pockets to find my receipts and show someone that I indeed bought the 2 boxes of weird pink muffins sitting in front of me.

At that point, I woke up.

I also had another dream in which I was playing electric guitar (and being very bad at it) on a stage with 2 other dudes. I was the secondary guitar, so no one noticed I was barely playing delayed single notes, because I had trouble following and didnā€™t know the songs. Not a great performance!



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For some reason, I'm having some crazy dreams lately. I'm going to write them down, to practice my writing. It's an excellent creative activity.

Here's one from earlier this week:

The Batmen
Iā€™m with random people I seemed familiar with in the dream but do not know. We are some expo-center, at a conference. Lots of tables, counters, boots, and people sitting around and eating/drinking.

Suddenly, some sort of panic, people are moving quickly, looking up and around. Then, I notice Ben Affleck coming out of the crowd, walking towards me. Heā€™s dressed as Batman. Right beside me, my ā€œfriendā€ is dressed as Adam Westā€™s Batman. He stands up immediately as I turn to him.

So, I stand up too and we look at each other. I notice that Iā€™m dressed as Batman as well! My costume is from the Christian Bale movies. So weā€™re like 3 Batmen, and we look at each other in awe, capes floating around, even though thereā€™s no wind at all because weā€˜re inside.

Batfleck tells us we need to go, quick! So we proceed to go where the panic seems to come from.

I comment to Ben Affleck that he doesnā€™t have shoes on and that he looks slightly shorter than when we see him in movies. He answers dryly that itā€™s the magic of cinema shoes(!)

We end up facing a wall, and apparently, the danger is up there, near the ceiling. So we start climbing up, like the heroes we are. Jumping, reaching up for wires, ropes, metal beams, and shit that doesnā€™t make sense. We climb, we climb. We finally reach the ceiling.

In the metal structure up there, we spot a wooden box, about the size of a big shoebox. We move through the metal skeleton that holds the roof together and get closer to the box. We open it.

SHOCK! It contains Luigiā€™s corpse.

We look at each other and decide we canā€™t tell anyone, because theyā€™ll lose hope in a better world.

So we go down and split for now. Folks ask me what we found, and I say I canā€™t tell them. I feel like Iā€™m hiding something dark, that I need to protect everyone from this.

I remember sitting at a table, then using a microwave. Superheroes need to eat, too!

Then I woke up!
what a detailed log that is num7, im loging my bizzare dreams to and anomalies

Dream 3

Drill Duel

I was at my uncle's place, and we are closing the doors and windows tightly because, for some reason, the air outside makes people crazy. We hurry up and close the last one, just in time.

A little while later, 2 dudes with guns show up outside and try to shoot at me. So I decided to go outside. It seems the air outside doesn't make people crazy after all, as I'm okay.

So, outside, I spot the guy, right around the corner of the house. He sees me and shoots. I grab an axe that's been lying on the ground and throw it at the guy. The axe hits something on the way, bounces, then the handle hits the dude's gun, which he drops.

I take the gun, but it's empty. By the time I notice, the bad guy has a new gun. I'm able to literally hit that gun with the gun I have in hand, so he's disarmed again.

This time, he takes a huge drill out of his jacket.

Something like this:


Suddenly, I have one too!

So we fight with those drills as if they were swords. A ton of sparks, and whirring noises. You can hear the drills' motors struggling, varying in speed and strength as the battle rages. I know, it sounds ridiculous!! It lasts for what feels like a couple of minutes, it's pretty cinematic.

Then I'm able to dodge an attack, and I drill a hole in the guy's chest, through his bulletproof vest. The guy falls down on the ground.

I wake up. The end!


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Dream 4

Chicken breasts from outer space

This time, I'm at the grocery store and panic sets in. People are running around, attacking others and stuff. Like zombies, except they don't bite.

My GF and I are able to avoid them and get out. But on the way out, we notice that some of the "zombies" are in fact controlled by a parasite. Some sort of chicken breast, that gets glued to you and holds on to you using small tentacles. Gross.

Once outside, the zombies are throwing these evil chicken breasts at us, with the hope they get in contact with our bodies and get to use us as new hosts. Ew...

So we're running outside, fighting these people and stuff.

At some point, I'm fighting zombies with a 2x4 piece of wood, and I hit an alien chicken breast that was thrown at me like I'm playing baseball. Bam! It exploded! Pretty awesome LOL šŸ˜Ž


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sounds familiar like one of the horrors dvds i saw where everyone even the military was affected by some alien host that attached to there bodies and they was all being controlled by the alien hoist attached to there backs near the neck area
