NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.


Active Member
NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

We all know that im was basically republican. From time too time, i pick up on things though, and its ironic.

Basically, it coincides with Cary's, and anyone other thoughts on Bush, and Kerry both. Both, are basically the Republican and Democratic NWO candidate. Both, are the worst thing ever. Best chance at having a "good" president again would be, the Libertarian Party (According to Cary) :D

So, here is where, my own thinking came in, without talking about this prior too talking too Cary, though he was trying to get it into my brain.

Most people, not all, believe that Bush, did not create 9/11. Honestly, do you believe that for a second? Can you stare me in the eyes and tell me that Muslims would love too do that? Heck, we trained bin Laden, what was his purpose for coming back down upon us? We had the chance too kill him with Clinton, we didn't?

Bush, more than likely, coordinated the 9/11 attacks, as sad as that is. All it took was that, one little thing, and it sparked what we now know as the War on Terror. Come on, let's just call it World War III. Were all so caught up in, the word "Terror" because we think thats what it was. Nobody knows for sure if another attack happend on this countries ground, heck, they can't even bring in the military unless were under martial law. Then the military can step foot into this country.

So, here is my theory. The government was behind 9/11, in some way, whether or not they funded it, actually pulled it, is beyond me. We haven't had a terrorist attack since then have we? We've been on the offensive, kickin some peoples out of their homes. First Afghanistan, then Iraq. Whos next? Iran? Syria?

If we get attacked again, it was brought too my attention, that we then gain control of Mexico, and Canada, and a few Carribbean Countries. Thats amusing, we get control of countries on top of Iraq and Afghanistan? Also, we have train cars too imprison people? For what? Speaking out against their country?

Plus, if the military steps foot in this country, god knows what they'll do to us. What will they shoot us, when we don't want too quarter their soldiers?

It's at the governments dismay now, whenever they want too launch the next terrorist attack, it doesn't matter, they'll use it for a political ploy, just so they can get Bush back into office, too finish his dastardly deeds.

Plus, the HAARP. And I forget what its called, Scalar. Scalar, can control out emotions, they can depress us, and such, make us tired.

Just our government, trying too be "good people".

NUT JOB PYRO! :love:
NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

Wait. :D'oh:


Okay, forgot.

Government, has the right too do this all, on a whim. Blow up a city. Any city, take your pick, with a nuke. We blame the nuke being sold to the terrorists by...Who knows. We invade that country, its going to be a bigger country.

Bye UN...

Double :D'oh: :D'oh:

Anyone know why the Illuminati symbol is on the back of a US dollar?

NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

If we get attacked again on our own soil, the backlash towards ALL muslims will be horrific.

NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

No doubt.

Must be those :angry: Muslims, blow em' up. Reicht 4. Only this time its not the jews.
NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

Originally posted by Unintentional@Sep 16 2004, 09:26 PM
If we get attacked again on our own soil, the backlash towards ALL muslims will be horrific.

That's what the neocons/Zionists want us to believe, that muslims are to blame. Michael Ruppert's new book "Crossing the Rubicon" explains a lot of what happened on 9/11 and the ongoing coverup since. Ruppert was a cop with a detective badge for years. He knows what it is to investigate a crime, what evidence holds up in court, how to break a witness/suspect, etc. His analysis of the facts concludes that Dick Cheney was orchestrating the whole 9/11 scene from the White House that morning. Bush is too dumb to do much on his own. He's a good meat puppet though - does what he's told without having to think about it much. Why do you think those in power behind the scenes got him elected?

Interesting that there's finally some awakening in the public right before the elections. Public opinion polls are showing a growing awareness that the govt. had some complicity in the events of 9/11 and have been in an ongoing cover up since then. Will Bushco give us another terrorist event to scare the sheeple into gladly surrendering what's left of their civil rights? I'd say the odds are pretty high. The NWO (new world order) seems to be coordinating around the globe. Russia's Putin is cracking down after their series of events. Preparations are being made for war with Iran. A military draft will be here in the spring 2005, despite denials of the govt.

Some clarifications and amplifications:

If we get attacked again, it was brought too my attention, that we then gain control of Mexico, and Canada, and a few Carribbean Countries. Thats amusing, we get control of countries on top of Iraq and Afghanistan? Also, we have train cars too imprison people? For what? Speaking out against their country?

In the event of another major "terrorist attack" the U.S. has, by authority of signed agreements with Canada, Mexico and some Caribbean countries, the ability to take actions in North America to fight, pursue or intervene on terrorists. This includes rounding up "terrorist" suspects. It's not like the U.S. govt. will "take over" these countries, but will have free reign in them. My guess is this approval was obtained to be able to pick up dissidents who thought they could escape prosecution by crossing the borders.

The train cars Pyro writes about are very real. The reports I've read on them say the total number of "prison" cars have a carrying capacity of about 15 million people if all loaded at once. This is part of the FEMA "crowd control" plans. FEMA has internment camps around the country. These camps are supposed to house survivors of a catastrophe. Why are these camps surrounded with high fences that are topped with razor and barbed wire slanted in? Why are these camps currently manned with guards and maintenance personnel, but no prisoners? The camps are all accessible by rail (think prison cars) and automobile. Some are accessible by plane. Several are adjacent to military bases (how convenient). The stink is getting rank.

There's lots more if you're willing to get off your complacent butt, and look around.

NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

Admittedly, I find some of this stuff pretty convinient for this day and age's conspiracy theorrist. However, interesting points are being raised, and I wouldn't mind picking up that book to look more in-depth at what is being discussed here. I've heard about these camps for a while now and find it a pretty shocking concept that we could easily have a similar round up to the Jews in Nazi Germany, and the Japanese right here in the United States of America.
As far as the government being aware of the chances of 9-11, that I'll buy. The concept that they were BEHIND it is a little far fetched. Sure, they would have something to gain from it; but rational thinking people would understand that if anybody found out that the government was behind such a catestrophic event, there would be a coup or something similar.
Anyway, interesting points have been made.
NWO/Illuminati/All The Others.

To the people who truly run this world, billions is a drop in a bucket. Thats not even chump / pocket change for them. They would spend alot more of your hard earned dollars to manipulate events to get what they want in a new york second.

There is something else you are not looking at, erasing hundreds of millions from the face of the earth is only a good thing for them as it lessens the burden on the planet.

Trust no guberment official, Always, Always, Always Question Authority.
