How to Purify the Ritual Components

Integral to every ritual and invocation are the Ritual Components. Though not 100% necessary, it is a good practice to purify the basic components for the ritual or invocation he or she needs to prepare.

The purification of the objects used in Magic cleanses them from all the negative or unwanted energies that it could have absorbed from the previous owners, if you bought them from someone, or during multiple changes of hands during the craft, delivery or sale of it.

Keep in mind:

  • The Purifying Invocation does not exclude you from procuring and presenting a suitable offering, which may or may not be necessary for the ritual you’re performing.
  • The Purifying Invocation does not exclude you from preparing the specific components required by the invocation.
  • The Purifying Invocation does not exclude you from preparing a proper Magic Circle

To be fully prepared for an invocation or a ritual you should follow the full basic preparations for invocations.

The Purification:​

Preparing the ritual:

  • Purify your body with baths and practice the ritual in place clean and quiet
  • Place four candles (black or any other color of your choice) at the cardinal points
    • You can use your Magic Circle if you already have one
  • Procure
    • A Bowl filled with fresh, or tap, water that has been exposed to the last full moon
    • A Bowl filled with cooking salt that has been exposed to the last full moon
    • A red candle
    • Purifying Incense (lavender, sage, rosemary, laurel, thyme, artemisia, cedar or holy pole)

When everything is ready:

  • Light the four candles at the cardinal points
  • Place the four components in correspondence with the four candles:
    • place the Bowl filled with water North
    • place the burning incense East
    • place the red candle South, and light it
    • place the salt Bowl West
  • Place the object that you want to be purified in the middle of the four candles
    • You can place it in the middle of your Magic Circle if you already have one
  • Stare into the candlelight and quiet your mind
  • Starting from the North and moving counterclockwise
    • North: splash the object with some water from the Bowl with your fingers, visualizing the negativity being washed away
    • West: pour some salt from the Bowl on the object with your left hand, visualizing the salt absorbing negativity
    • South: pass the object over the flame of the red candle, without burning it, and visualizing the flame burning away the negativity
    • East: pass the object over the incense, visualizing the negativity dissipating with the smoke.
  • End the ritual paying respect to the primeval forces
  • Extinguish the red candle between two wet fingers or a candle snuffer.

Put out the other candles and the incense as well. Keep the red candle and use it in the future only to perform this kind of ritual. Return to the earth the rest of the components: the candle wax (if natural or home made), salt, water and the incense’s ashes.

Simplified rituals​

To speed up the process you could also consider some long term specific ways to purify the objects.

  • You could submerge the object for three nights in undisturbed water, a pond or any kind of vessel. The water will absorb any kind of negative energy. Be sure to place it North of the location where you will perform the invocation
  • You could bury the object for five days in an isolated patch of dirt and grass. The earth will absorb any kind of negative energy. Be sure to place it West of the location where you will perform the invocation
  • You could expose the object a day to direct sunlight (or a heat source). The heat will dissipate any kind of negative energy. Be sure to place it South of the location where you will perform the invocation
  • You could fumigate the object for a night with incense (smudge or holy pole). The smoke will disperse any kind of negative energy. Be sure to do it East of the location where you will perform the invocation


Once the objects are properly purified you can proceed with the Consecration. Consecration is needed to align the object to its new purpose, morphing it from a simple object to a magical instrument.

You can choose your own words of power, crafting a ritual phrase or just a few words that feel suitable to call upon.

Preparing the ritual:

  • Purify your body with baths and practice the ritual in place clean and quiet
  • Place a candle (black of any other color of your choice) in front of you
    • You can use your Magic Circle if you already have one
  • Procure the object you want to consecrate

When everything is ready:

  • Light the candle
  • Place the magical instrument before you.
  • Meditate a bit, focusing on the magical instrument before you.
  • When you are sure start chanting your words of power
  • Repeat for as many times as you think is necessary
  • Focus your mind on the power entering the object
  • When you are done blow out the candle

Once you have purified and consecrated the magical instruments you can go on with the other basic preparations for the ritual.

The post How to Purify the Ritual Components appeared first on Occultist.

Source: Occultist | How to Purify the Ritual Components
