Ok here is what is up
Area 51 is a research facilaty owned and operated by boeing. where they design test and fly the latest and greatest things that they can come up with. nothing there is "alien" mostly because UFO's dont crash, and they arent gonna make any deal involveing technology with us, we are like cattle to them. and some day(hopefully soon) they will come down and start raiseing us like cattle
nice neat organised structured lives, birth eating breeding then off to the slaughter house to have our throats slit and out finger nails removed to be served at every fast food joint from here to the beta riticuli
or not
I could be drunk and rambleing

Area 51 is a research facilaty owned and operated by boeing. where they design test and fly the latest and greatest things that they can come up with. nothing there is "alien" mostly because UFO's dont crash, and they arent gonna make any deal involveing technology with us, we are like cattle to them. and some day(hopefully soon) they will come down and start raiseing us like cattle
nice neat organised structured lives, birth eating breeding then off to the slaughter house to have our throats slit and out finger nails removed to be served at every fast food joint from here to the beta riticuli
or not
I could be drunk and rambleing