Opinion on Mars? Is there a coverup? Or is it really dead?


Senior Member

Above is only about Mars in the far past.

BUT----it IS an actual declassified CIA document AND.....are the anomalies signs of life still on Mars?
Or are they rocks fooling us like when we looked at clouds in the sky as children and tried
to imagine they looked like various things?
We now have more images of Mars in HD than ever before---crystal clear
and all we see is dirt and rocks. Looks pretty barren and dead.
But is it really? IMO it most likely truly is dead but I am not one hundred percent sure I leave a small
chance that maybe there's still some life there. I find the claims of David Wilcock that there's giant bases up there a tiny bit hard to believe though,
although Google Images has some interesting spots.

IMO there is life on Mars but mostly underground.I saw the heavily blurred mars anomalies photos years ago.

This subject fascinates me to no end!
So many I have talked to share such differing opinion that it's kept fresh.
I stopped everyone dead with the following Fictitious Scenario...Straight out of the twilight zone.

A very short story of Pure Science Fiction:

Icarus Arising

(An Anachronism of thought being it was from a greater time period than our own,
has produced in me this ridiculous idea, a warning if you will, that somehow....we were all wrong.)

So, just how did Mars become so desolate?

We had surmised that all planetary formation had had the same history.
They did...but not as we had once thought.

What slowly happened wasn't even theoretically possible but, it happened.

The Sun grew it's largest dark spot (sunspot) and began to expel it outwards,
causing a ripple affecting our own Earth's positioning as
this thing arose from out of the surface of Sol.

A New planet was being born right before our eyes and the very magnitude of cataclysmic disaster
caused by this Shifting of Earth from the Goldilocks area of Orbit around the Sun....Was unfathomable.

For Years we have studied Mars from our colonies erected there and year after year
we wondered how the planet became so very desolate when the final answer is before us...
...Right here, right now.

'As our seas dried up, our air polluted with over abundance of carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide
not to mention our own fluorinated gases and loss of atmosphere in general, we watched as our world
was being pushed aside, away from our own sun and we stood silently watching in awe as another arose
from out of Sol.'

"Impossible," Cried our largest minds yet, there it was. Our final answer.

This burning orb born anew provided that answer,
as the Earth slowly turned into a New Mars as She took over the Martian orbit
and the rest of our planetary system swelled outward, welcoming this newcomer named Icarus.

Those of us whom were left recorded our new history.

'....And She our Earth, our home was lost forever.

As we prepared to leave our home before the event arrived, we still were not ready for the greatness of our loss.

In the New Mayflower Station...we drift away in Hope of finding a new home, our next 'Terra Firma'.

Only THIS TIME AROUND we will not erase our history,
we will teach those who shall come after
of our own past mistakes and glories.

God Willing.....Maybe THIS TIME, We'll listen.'

The End.


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Above is only about Mars in the far past.

BUT----it IS an actual declassified CIA document AND.....are the anomalies signs of life still on Mars?
Or are they rocks fooling us like when we looked at clouds in the sky as children and tried
to imagine they looked like various things?
We now have more images of Mars in HD than ever before---crystal clear
and all we see is dirt and rocks. Looks pretty barren and dead.
But is it really? IMO it most likely truly is dead but I am not one hundred percent sure I leave a small
chance that maybe there's still some life there. I find the claims of David Wilcock that there's giant bases up there a tiny bit hard to believe though,
although Google Images has some interesting spots.

It's a living planet, but in a partial desert mode. Arachnids and reported reptile life there. A lot of it in cavern systems leftover from the once ocean there.
