


Welcome Padraic! I have taken the liberty of starting a topic here for you so you don't get lost in the roster thread.

Glad to see you on this board. Word is that Gavin has "turned off" ttf1 and since we don't know if this is temporary or permanent, your previous posts may be lost - very sorry to say.

Originally posted by Padraic@Aug 16 2004, 12:49 PM
Here are my answers to your questions here.? I have several posts on the other board, including a detailed story of my experience along with answers to several detailed questions from several people on that board.? I probably don't have too many answers regarding actual methods of travel, given that my \"trip\" was not by my intention and was not something I would have chosen to do at the time.

Location Then:
( Or now if you are from this time period)
? ? Norfolk, Virginia June 1807
1) People you knew, alias ok
? ? served with Robert Milliken, Midshipman Bratty, Lieutenant Ludlow, Captain Morris and later Captain Barron.? There were many others.
2) Occupation you had
? ? seaman aboard USS Chesapeake, US Navy frigate, sponger on 18 pound gun crew
3) Recreation you enjoyed
? ? playing music, reading, and griping about officers

Who you are:
1) What you wished to be called on this board
? ? Padraic
2) What languages you speak
? ? English
3) What education/training you have
? ? equivalent of modern high school diploma, basic seamanship (not much of a topman, but can go aloft if needed) firing cannon and small arms.? (dreadfully slow at musket loading, though, which is why I served as a sponger on a gun crew and was rarely trusted with much else.)

The Trip:
(Or trips you took)
1) Month, day, year left
? ? June 22 or 23 (not sure, since I was wounded and asleep a lot) 1807.
2) Method of time travel
? ? I have no clue.? I would like to know that myself.
2b) Capabilities and limitations of travel if known
? ? I ended up here, so at least that much is possible.
2c) Why you time traveled if intentional
? ? I would not have intended to do it.
3) Month, day, year of arrival if known
? ? June 22, 1994.

This Forum:
1) How you found this forum
? ? Someone on the other forum mentioned it.
2) Why you are posting on this forum
? ? The other forum is down and I saw some familiar names on this one.?
3) Any goals you hope to achieve
? ? I have been here too long to hope to go back, but I would like answers about how I could have ended up here.? I do not know how it happened and I am curious.

Location now:
( Or that you went to )
? ? I arrived in Norfolk, Virginia, in close proximity to where I was when I? went to sleep.? I now live in Ohio.
1) Geographic region you live in
? ? Cincinnati, Ohio
1b) Type of building you are staying in
? ? house
2) Who you live with, alias ok
? ? wife
3) How you live, (Job/Money/Guardians/Begging/Foraging)
? ? I work as a financial analyst.
4) Media technology available to you
? ( Scanners, Webcams, Digital Camera, mics)
? ? computer, printer, and broken scanner

Welcome Aboard.

I work as a financial analyst.


How did you learn the skills to become a financial analyst without formal education? Are you licensed with the NASD or the SEC? Do you work for a large firm, or a smaller one? What area of analysis do you specialize in?

Thanks in advance for answering my questions.



Everything he stated in the thread on the other forum checks out. All names he posted and dates to go with events checked out. The name he messaged to me, his real name, also checked out as a member of the crew.
I'm not saying what happened to him actually happened. I'm just letting everyone know that the story seems to be true.


Cloaked: It may be far wiser to say that Patrick's story is for the most part accurate, that doesn't necessarily preclude it from being true, but you are suggesting that he may be a genuine TT'er. I think that is a state yet to be verified. ;)

Padraic knows his way around historical facts but there is stuff he gets wrong. If his feelings and sentiments are smack out of the early 19th century than all of our history books are way off.

I'm not saying he is a real TT'er. Just that his story is true. It was easy enough to verify and would have been easy for him to research it to get the facts straight before his first post.

History can be different depending on who is telling the story. I am sure that the history books in Europe give a much different account of affairs than what we have in the States. His version of events is from someone that was supposedly there. There can be many versions of history and all of them can be true. It just depends on who wrote it and at what time.

There are many errors in Patrick's tale, errors that he has unwittingly subscribed too in my brief encounter with him.

Reading history can only tell you so much and to be really good at passing yourself off as being from a previous point in time, you need to research real well. I did, he didn't, but he is such an agreable character that I never pursued these errors with him. Sometimes the company is more important than the journey and I like his company.

Make no mistakes though, Patrick's tale is far from watertight. :huh: :lol: :lol:

Hello all,

I do not have much time to be online tonight, so I will make an attempt at answering your questions as best I can. I may perhaps come back on later, but I am canning vegetables tonight and expect that to take a fair bit of time. If I have time later, I will come back on.

Regarding my work, I am with a division of Citigroup, which is what you would call a large company. They don't require a degree to do what I do, just that you go through their training and pass the requisite exams to be licensed. I carry a Series 6 license.

Someone else mentioned that I have attitudes that are not wholly from the 19th century. I can see where that might appear to be a sticking point, but I have been here for ten years and have over that time been attempting to adapt as well as I can in order to not stick out too much. I have adopted some of the attitudes of this era, but there are others that I find disturbing. People in my time were as varied in opinions and attitudes as they are now, so coming up with one composite attitude for the time would be stereotypical at the best and not an accurate portrayal of every person living then. Yes, I do not fully fit a profile of someone from that era, but I am no longer in that era, having been here for ten years, so it stands to reason that I would not fit that profile 100%.

Errors notwithstanding, I do thank you all for the benefit of the doubt that you are at the least welcome to give me. My memories are by no means infallible, and had I done even a minimum amount of research, I would no doubt have come up with a tale that could have met with whatever level of scrutiny you could choose to employ. The truth is that it was never my intention to provide a scrupulously detailed account of the early 19th century, with every t crossed and every i dotted. It was my intention to relay my experience to the best of my memory and see what everyone thought of it and if anyone could give me some answers to the questions I have. There were some who believed me, some who did not, and quite a few who remain undecided. If I were in your shoes, I would most likely find myself in the undecided camp, given the nearly unbelievable nature of my story. Either way, the company on the other board, and here so far, has been agreeable, so I thank you for that courtesy. I will answer more questions later. For now, I must get to my canning.



Welcome to the forum.

I was following your thread very closely on I never posted. I enjoyed your posts very much. I admit, that when the forum was closed down, yours were the posts that I missed the most.

Kick back, make yourself comfortable, tell your story. There are many members here that are interested in what you have to say.

(sosumee2 on

Got to hand it to you Padraic, the chicks dig you. They love your eloquent replies. Keep 'em comin' ma man.

I have a couple of questions for you, based on your last response.

What does your Series 6 allow you to do?
Were you required to obtain any other licensure?
How were you able to sit for an exam with the NASD without proper identification and background check by your employer?
What classroom or other study methods did you use to obtain the "knowledge" to pass your Series 6 exam?

Repeat of former questions.

What area of analysis do you specialize in?
Where/how did you learn to do financial analysis that warrents your current position?

Thanks again for your answer, and for the upcoming answers to my questions. You may have some possibilities here.

