Welcome Padraic! I have taken the liberty of starting a topic here for you so you don't get lost in the roster thread.
Glad to see you on this board. Word is that Gavin has "turned off" ttf1 and since we don't know if this is temporary or permanent, your previous posts may be lost - very sorry to say.
Welcome Aboard.
Welcome Padraic! I have taken the liberty of starting a topic here for you so you don't get lost in the roster thread.
Glad to see you on this board. Word is that Gavin has "turned off" ttf1 and since we don't know if this is temporary or permanent, your previous posts may be lost - very sorry to say.
Originally posted by Padraic@Aug 16 2004, 12:49 PM
Here are my answers to your questions here.? I have several posts on the other board, including a detailed story of my experience along with answers to several detailed questions from several people on that board.? I probably don't have too many answers regarding actual methods of travel, given that my \"trip\" was not by my intention and was not something I would have chosen to do at the time.
Location Then:
( Or now if you are from this time period)
? ? Norfolk, Virginia June 1807
1) People you knew, alias ok
? ? served with Robert Milliken, Midshipman Bratty, Lieutenant Ludlow, Captain Morris and later Captain Barron.? There were many others.
2) Occupation you had
? ? seaman aboard USS Chesapeake, US Navy frigate, sponger on 18 pound gun crew
3) Recreation you enjoyed
? ? playing music, reading, and griping about officers
Who you are:
1) What you wished to be called on this board
? ? Padraic
2) What languages you speak
? ? English
3) What education/training you have
? ? equivalent of modern high school diploma, basic seamanship (not much of a topman, but can go aloft if needed) firing cannon and small arms.? (dreadfully slow at musket loading, though, which is why I served as a sponger on a gun crew and was rarely trusted with much else.)
The Trip:
(Or trips you took)
1) Month, day, year left
? ? June 22 or 23 (not sure, since I was wounded and asleep a lot) 1807.
2) Method of time travel
? ? I have no clue.? I would like to know that myself.
2b) Capabilities and limitations of travel if known
? ? I ended up here, so at least that much is possible.
2c) Why you time traveled if intentional
? ? I would not have intended to do it.
3) Month, day, year of arrival if known
? ? June 22, 1994.
This Forum:
1) How you found this forum
? ? Someone on the other forum mentioned it.
2) Why you are posting on this forum
? ? The other forum is down and I saw some familiar names on this one.?
3) Any goals you hope to achieve
? ? I have been here too long to hope to go back, but I would like answers about how I could have ended up here.? I do not know how it happened and I am curious.
Location now:
( Or that you went to )
? ? I arrived in Norfolk, Virginia, in close proximity to where I was when I? went to sleep.? I now live in Ohio.
1) Geographic region you live in
? ? Cincinnati, Ohio
1b) Type of building you are staying in
? ? house
2) Who you live with, alias ok
? ? wife
3) How you live, (Job/Money/Guardians/Begging/Foraging)
? ? I work as a financial analyst.
4) Media technology available to you
? ( Scanners, Webcams, Digital Camera, mics)
? ? computer, printer, and broken scanner
Welcome Aboard.