šŸ§Ŗ Project Particle Masturbation Theory


Senior Member
Decided to attempt creating a theory of everything that explains all observations, so I start with time branching discrete fabric without quantum uncertainty, where every particle that can move is a wave to maintain stable direction using surrounding pressure. Instead of having time reacting to the curvature of gravity (strong side effect of weak force) which does not add up so well, I suggest that time itself is a radiation and gravity can only affect particles that have a radius. The closer to the source of radiated time a particle is, the bigger the difference in time is across the opposite ends of the particle, thus creating a weak force from deviating interaction with itself (naming it PMT or particle masturbation theory), which we observe as gravity. If time is an intrinsic radiation that builds new time nodes in the space time fabric, then maybe it can be proven by controlling radiated time and using it for time travel.
If gravity comes from time, we should be able to observe waves containing negative gravity from deriving varying exposure to time waves.

Each particle that moves only need a fixed length 4D vector to represent a 3D velocity, because any unused spatial velocity goes into traveling across time. If we assume that a wave is formed around the particle to maintain an exact direction of travel, this might look something like the smallest dick in the universe with trembling balls around for stability.

Then the attraction between electrons and protons can simply be explained as attraction.
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