Pay attention


Senior Member
They've always been here and always will, the biggest problem is no one looks at the sky anymore, we're all too involved in our cell phones and electronic devices to look at the sky and see them. Sit outside on a clear night away from the city and you'll be guaranteed to see them.

And i wouldn't say we are being conditioned to see them or conditioned to hear about them as if i recall correctly i heard a article that basically well over half the population believes in UFO and ET beings.

It is simply just a matter of looking up not down.


Senior Member
I do agree. Something is coming our way.
This is conditioning that seems to gear itself towards a future control system. The CIA has been actively rolling out this agenda and pretty much admits it by having a panel of agents on the "to the stars academy" freak show. It's a pathetic roll out, but it's fun to watch it crash and burn.

The most important thing for control is:

You don't have to fool all the people, all the time.

True disclosure will come from the people , not the media.

Some small independent groups are now pushing hard for grass roots disclosure with the objective to collect and present scientific data as well as multiple camera angles on multiple platforms to the general public.

Unfortunately, my opinion is, even if these are successful then it will only please the seekers, not the masses. Because the masses will never know :cry:

Peace & Love to All


They've always been here and always will, the biggest problem is no one looks at the sky anymore, we're all too involved in our cell phones and electronic devices to look at the sky and see them. Sit outside on a clear night away from the city and you'll be guaranteed to see them.

And i wouldn't say we are being conditioned to see them or conditioned to hear about them as if i recall correctly i heard a article that basically well over half the population believes in UFO and ET beings.

It is simply just a matter of looking up not down.

Imho, there are at least 2 places that such technologies could be hidden from the populations.

Space. (The most obvious imo)


Under water.

Our planet is covered by water and a great portion of which has never been explored, we just don't have the technology to go the deepest depths.
