Phil Schneider - Alien Agenda

Himalayan Hermit

Active Member
Professor Opmmur had once shared this name and I finally decided to look it up. I wonder if anyone has done any research on him or has any thoughts on him. Many including Al Bielek has spoken about him. Phil's connection to the Philadelphia experiment comes through his father Oscar. Oscar Schneider was the medical officer for the Philadelphia Experiment and kept that secret with him until he was close to death. Before he died, Oscar told Phil the true story of his past and gave him photographs to back up his claims.

Philip Schneider was an ex-government structural engineer who was involved in building underground military bases around the United States , and to be one of only three people to survive an incident that occurred in 1979 between Grey aliens and U.S. military forces at the Dulce underground base .
For the last two years of his life, Schneider gave lectures about government cover-ups, black budgets, and UFOs. Schneider was never able or willing to prove his allegations (e.g. showing the entrance to Dulce Base). His claims received little mainstream notice, but caused quite a buzz in UFO enthusiast circles.
Schneider was found dead in his apartment on January 17 1996 Some suggest Schneider was murdered.

Some Links:
That Time Subterranean Aliens Killed 60 People in New Mexico
The Phil Schneider Story


Senior Member
He prob got done in, lost a hand in said battles.


New Member
I met Phil in 1987 and I told him my story and he said there were many kids they were experimenting on just like they were going to do to me.


Junior Member
I'm not trying to disagree with anyone, but I personally don't find anything he says credible. He had declined testing of his evidence and offers nothing else in contrast other than hearsay. I see a dying man with serious mental problems, and though that doesn't mean he is a liar I do not find any of his claims compelling. I believe he superficially sought to inspire individuality and awareness, but used a tall tale as an analogue to a fear influence he wanted to leave on the world. I believe he killed himself because of the suffering of his own existence, primarily an overt tendency for self-inflicting wounds combined with naturally failing health and a gasping desire to have an impact. I do not think he was a kind person in the slightest, though I do not see an overtly malicious motive for his deception.

A big part of this is how he relays his story, it's never procedural and vivid, it's always very elemental and a bit sophomore in continuity. His routine digressions into the need for American individual liberty, while I certainly appreciate the spirit, digress wildly from his overarching aim of relaying his story. Inconsistencies about his death relayed by his wife imply that he did, in fact, kill himself and that more than a few people were obviously lying to encourage the notion that he was certainly killed— either for a life insurance payout or simply to perpetuate the relevance of his legacy. Some of his claims, such as the use of underground maglev trains being a technology far removed from any civilian sector are plainly false, the first maglev train was finished in 1902 by Germany. Also, he seems to be unaware of the difference in hardness between Ruby and Diamond, which while only one point away on the Mohs hardness scale is magnificently harder than Ruby. I think an engineer should know these things or at least have a notion of them.

I find his account interesting but ultimately not a shred of it is corroborated. This is simply because there is no evidence other than a wildly meandering verbal account and material proof he claimed to be genuine but would forever deny laboratory testing. The fact that there was evidence but he would not submit it for any testing is the biggest red flag in my mind. As far as counter heresay, his hand was reportedly mangled from a job accident as a lineman, and he had previously spent time in the hospital for getting "shot" before scampering off for a few more years when the doctor told his friend who admitted him that his wound was very likely self-inflicted. Whether such is true doesn't especially matter in my conclusion, but it does fall in line with it.


Junior Member
i absolutely believe he is/was the real deal. ive watched his speeches...and researched things like dulce base and the alien agenda there. Everything he says seems to check out if you do your research. He risked his life to tell the truth and paid the price unfortunately.
Yeah his theory (conspiracy) that is some kind of alien agenda take over...Supposedly aliens are suppose to take over the world in 2029....I agree with Jack.


Aliens that want to take over the world? Sounds like bad ones to me. There's a lot of good in the universe and even in this galaxy, there has to be. We're not alone in the universe for a generally benevolent race. This is what is hinted in Ancient Aliens, the History Channel series. What a great show it is!
Aliens that want to take over the world? Sounds like bad ones to me. There's a lot of good in the universe and even in this galaxy, there has to be. We're not alone in the universe for a generally benevolent race. This is what is hinted in Ancient Aliens, the History Channel series. What a great show it is!

There are no aliens to take over the world its bs....Ancient Aliens is a lot of what if's and unadulterated stupidity...History channel well speaks for itself I guess.


@Alien Origins - To each his own dude, because I think Ancient Aliens is not "unadulterated stupidity" but absolutely intellectual. What I think is unadulterated stupidity is, however, thinking Obama was a great President. But that's a whole other topic.


Junior Member
@Alien Origins - To each his own dude, because I think Ancient Aliens is not "unadulterated stupidity" but absolutely intellectual. What I think is unadulterated stupidity is, however, thinking Obama was a great President. But that's a whole other topic.

♂️♂️ . 110% with everything you just said. What i feel is conspiracy is the fact that ancient history wise, in schools they pick and choose what they want us to learn to fit their agenda. Same with the news.
