Re HDR Pictures


Senior Member
CN years ago had taken HDR use to a very advanced level. This TT user could not only hit the 1920s, but was able to land on bordering timelines and come back sharing his stories. He took me under his wing, teaching me a lot.

So,.." I'm not trying to hurt your feelings here, or make fun of you. lord knows we don't want that social quality here"? , but' this unit to me, has the value of a current day to this post, a reconditioned U.S. Vietnamese country owned, past, U.S. M-60 Army tank. Do you see the position your'e placing me in here? This is like, old dated technology.

So again, and "not attempting to hurt your feelings", can you show us a little sauce for the gander, so to speak? Maybe a story or two, of how you had, or didn't yet use this device?
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