Save Time Travel Institute


Senior Member
Don't let Time Travel Institute disappear forever!

Several months ago, Mop (current owner and operator of TTI) announced his intention to shut the site down, barring any outside offers to purchase it from him.

For over 15 years, Time Travel Institute has been one of the best places for people to discuss and share their enthusiasm for time travel, physics, and other fringe topics. It was the first place John Titor posted and is home to almost 80,000 posts, over 7,000 discussions, and more than 2,600 members.

As of September 4th, the site's hosting has been suspended indefinitely and unless we can pool our resources, we will not see the site return!

Let's save TTI!



Time Travel Professor
I am a successful businessman with over 50 years running multiple businesses. I could pull out one of my many American Express cards and save the website.

I’m not going to do that, because I was poorly treated about six months ago, when I registered for membership, 36 hours later I was accepted, I posted three or four items and was promptly informed that my membership had been canceled. The posts, I posted were copies of the same information word of word from this website “Paranormalis, none of the postings were derogatory, negative, or insulting to anyone, just information like I always post on this great website.

Perhaps 15 years of karma has finally caught up with this website!

Professor Opmmur
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Junior Member
Don't let Time Travel Institute disappear forever!

Several months ago, Mop (current owner and operator of TTI) announced his intention to shut the site down, barring any outside offers to purchase it from him.

For over 15 years, Time Travel Institute has been one of the best places for people to discuss and share their enthusiasm for time travel, physics, and other fringe topics. It was the first place John Titor posted and is home to almost 80,000 posts, over 7,000 discussions, and more than 2,600 members.

As of September 4th, the site's hosting has been suspended indefinitely and unless we can pool our resources, we will not see the site return!

Let's save TTI!

I love this place, I'll chip in hope it helps


Senior Member
Why can't their various time travelers come up with the cash?

REAL time travelers could get the money in a Harte beat.



Why can't their various time travelers come up with the cash?

REAL time travelers could get the money in a Harte beat.


Uh-Huh. Time travelers are sooth sayers and bank robbers. Surrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre.

I'm trying to think of a heart joke but none of them fit here. lol
