Scott Peterson Case
Hold there a min. Karizma. There is alot more to this case then meets the publics eye. Ask yourself this;
If you were innocent, would you die your hair from brown to red, grow a beard and go next to the Mexican Border with some $15,000 in your pocket? What better place to hide from the authorities that are looking for you to cross a border than at a Golf Course? There are many very nice golf courses in our area, why go all the way down there to golf?
As many times as he flipped his stories, there is a very good reason his lawyer would not let him take the stand beside the fact that he didnt have to, the prosecution would have cut him to shreds. Hell, he couldn't even lie to his mistress effectively and keep his story straight. Imagine what a lawyer would have done to him without having been bought dinner,wine and flowers.
He was tried by his peers, he was fairly represented in court, all the evidence ALLOWED, was heard and deliberated by a jury.
Did you think that he did not do it? Did you think he was set up?
The only person that stood to get anything out of his wife being gone was scott himself. I would not waste taxpayers money to give him 3 hots and a cot for the rest of his life.. Just one single bullet to the temple.
I do have a question for Paul though, WHO pays the bills for the appeals process, is it ALL on scott's side or does the state keep having to waste money?