Secret Messages of Time Travlers

Secret Messages of Time Travlers

Serious question

Could you meet a Time Traveler, learn information about the future, but not realize that the person you were talking to was a Time Travlers?

I have a few events in my life where I believe this could have happened. I was just wondering others views.
Secret Messages of Time Travlers

Originally posted by XDrFirefly@Dec 13 2004, 11:37 PM
Serious question

Could you meet a Time Traveler, learn information about the future, but not realize that the person you were talking to was a Time Travlers?

I have a few events in my life where I believe this could have happened. I was just wondering others views.

Welcome to the site X. I would have to say that if you could meet a TT, chances are you may or may not find out any useful information to help anyone of any type of importance. J.T taught us that timelines are not what we have originally thought them to be, so what you may find out could have no real impact to life on planet Earth. As far as not knowing if the said individual was a true TT.........well, you will have to draw your own conclusions there bub. (IMO) I would have to raise the question that if you know, than how could you not know....I mean you wanna know stuff right? It makes perfect sense to me that if I ran across "Joe Time Traveler" on my way to the market, and this person started rambling on and on about the future, that I would run across 3 distinct possibilities.

1. This person needs more thorazine.
2. I need more thorazine.
3. It is all true and "The Man" has whipped us like govenment mules for so long that when the truth slaps us in the face, we laugh and walk the other way.

In short, I have to refer to a quote from a movie as a final thought.
"The future's not set....noone's is. So make it a good one." (Christopher Lloyd: BTTF #1)

Secret Messages of Time Travlers

If you suspect, ask.

If your suspicion is correct, the suddenness and impertinence of the direct question will cause a remarkable reaction.

Secret Messages of Time Travlers

That happened to me ONCE, suddenly I was in the military. I learned how to phrase my questions after that.
Secret Messages of Time Travlers

The only stupid question is the one you never ask. Unless of course you're a paratrooper.
Secret Messages of Time Travlers

Originally posted by XDrFirefly@Dec 13 2004, 09:37 PM
Serious question

Could you meet a Time Traveler, learn information about the future, but not realize that the person you were talking to was a Time Travlers?

I have a few events in my life where I believe this could have happened. I was just wondering others views.

The many other versions of ourselves, including others we have met, or those we will in the future, all exist within an endless sea of multidimensionality. If your desire is strong enough, your will can manifest and shape destiny to become whatever you so desire, and if one such desire is to examine, or observe other versions as such, that too can become so.

The Question remains is that when you are observing another version of yourself, how many (you's) are there that now exist in the same location, at any given moment?
Secret Messages of Time Travlers

Life is sad enough, but when you realize that there are more than one of You out of Beer at that moment, it's almost too much to take.
Secret Messages of Time Travlers

Originally posted by StarLord@Dec 15 2004, 11:01 PM
Life is sad enough, but when you realize that there are more than one of You out of Beer at that moment, it's almost too much to take.

If I met myself in another time, I would kick my ass.
