Secret Messages of Time Travlers
Originally posted by phase12@Dec 26 2004, 09:38 PM
I had a strange thing happen to me back in '96 when I was living in NYC, which is about the time all of my interest in TT was sparked.
I had a man on crutches single me out in the subway trying to get upstairs, but had trouble making it through the turnstial.
It was a comment he made. \"1996... interesting year to be alive.\"
Which freaks me out to this very day, because on a personal level, 1996 seems to be linked to everything has come to be in my life thus far. I'll elaborate on that fully later.
This is the kind of encounter epitomized in
12 Monkeys-- and probably its inspiration. In fact, the scene in which the traveler is stalled by a crone or soothsayer is classical, and probably goes back to the most primitive kind of stories we told one another. My favorite version is the disturbing geezer in Coleridge's poem-- with the albacore around his neck.
I know, I know. I just like the idea of it being an albacore instead of an albatross. It could also be an abalone.
The story seems related to the one about many of us having "entertained angels unaware," which is found in both Ovid and the Bible. One of the lessons might be that there are walking among us some who are not from our time or place-- heaven or hell, past or future.
By the way, has anyone noted the future year in which Bruce Willis/James Cole lives? Talk about your Miracle Year, or resonating date.
My view of the possible presence of supernatural travelers among us centers on a formula which contains a "miracle premise," or presumption of an unproveable step. The premise is that time travel is possible; it is only unproveable because the technology hasn't been invented yet.
In my opinion, it will be put to use if invented; it will not lie idle. If used, there will be travelers. That the travelers are not more obvious or numerous must mean that they conceal themselves and are legally restricted in number, or that it is possible to only
view the past and not actually "go there" physically.
If, as seems likely, the past is accessible to the future but "travel" to it is not possible, it seems also likely that some sort of "communication" between eras is possible. Simple information is quite as powerful as one's physical presence-- as we should all know from being active on the internet.
Or the information may only flow in one direction, such that we can be told certain things but cannot tell back with any immediacy. This actually conforms with what we know of history and the human experience, with its ensemble of prophets claiming to have inside information on fate and the constant pattern in human behavior of radical reform and quantum progress, which possibly reflects access to special data.
But what do I know.