Shadow People & Dark Mass Humanoid Figures in Trees


There was a period of time about a year and a half ago, I was seeing dark humanoid figures in the trees. and or tree line.

lately I've been seeing a good amount of shadow type people(?) things around.


Active Member
Well that's creepy. I've always seen shadow people. There are alot of theories as to the shadow people that are seen in or around trees. Some think they are nature spirits, or demons (I particularly don't think they are). Some say they are spirits of Indians connected to the land. I think that some shadow people, especially the ones that hangout in nature, are ancient spirits. They've never had a physical body. They can definitely creep one out. And they sometimes like that. Others choose to hide in trees and watch from afar. Just my opinion from past experiences.


Q. CDS, did this first start (increase) after you were attacked by that black mass or before?

It sounds very familiar.

You can pm me if you wish.


Q. CDS, did this first start (increase) after you were attacked by that black mass or before?

It sounds very familiar.

You can pm me if you wish.

I started seeing dark humanoids in the trees after the black mass attack.

EDIT: To clarify, I've dealt with "shadow people" my whole life. These "tree people" humanoid things are different.


Senior Member
Q. CDS, did this first start (increase) after you were attacked by that black mass or before?

It sounds very familiar.

You can pm me if you wish.

I started seeing dark humanoids in the trees after the black mass attack.

EDIT: To clarify, I've dealt with "shadow people" my whole life. These "tree people" humanoid things are different.

Interesting...there was a member on a Chemtrail site, I am a member of, from Montgomery, Al. The member had submitted many pictures of dark humanoids in the trees. He thought they were aliens of some sort. All of a sudden he drooped off the site, for no apparent reason, and all his pictures were he never existed. you have any pictures of the tree people? The guy from Alabama had equipment to take pictures at night and enhance they are gone.


New Member
I've always seen shadow people. The theory I've always heard most is that the dark figures are said to be evil. But I've never had problems with most of them. I've heard of the "tree spirits" but never really heard much. My brother has seen one. Maybe not the same one. But during our childhood, he claimed to see a dark figure either standing at the bass of the tree in our backyard or hanging out in the branches. And the next time he'd look, it was gone.


Active Member
Interesting.. I have a question and without trying to seem like I'm derailing your thread, at what point in your life did you consider them shadow people or did you always consider them this? I've only recently started hearing this name within the last few years. I've seen dark figures here or there but always just considered them ghosts.


Active Member
I think they are spirits. I don't know when they ended up with the name "shadow people" but from what I gather, that is the form they choose to be seen in. I think all spirits can let us see them in whatever form they want. Whether it makes us more comfortable or uncomfortable, depending on the intentions of the spirit. But my opinion is alot of these are ancient maybe they don't have a true form or human look to them. So shadows is how they appear. That's just my opinion. I've seen many since I was little and have always called them spirits or ghosts but then I realized quickly that they are different from the misty, see through, missing feet ghosts to the ones that are plain as day, almost like you can touch them and then there are some that appear as rotating balls of energy, trying to form. The shadow people are what they are...a black shadow mass in the form of something human like. Never have I been able to make out facial features, though. Creepy! !


Q. CDS, did this first start (increase) after you were attacked by that black mass or before?

It sounds very familiar.

You can pm me if you wish.

I started seeing dark humanoids in the trees after the black mass attack.

EDIT: To clarify, I've dealt with "shadow people" my whole life. These "tree people" humanoid things are different.

That 'black mass' sounds like a hierarchical warning in that you were attacked by a spirit that was given direction to do so, I can only imagine the pain.(!)

I can't shake the idea that in an earlier investigation, someone or 'something' noticed what you were trying to do..some/most don't wish to be exposed and because of this, when you were finally alone, it attacked.

The 'dark humanoids' are called watchers. They can be sent also to watch and report back to the sender.

You mentioned in a different thread that some spirits seem to follow an order or rank of some kind well, you're right some do.

One more thing I will wager as a guess... I'd bet that since after the attack, your senses became heightened and you became more aware of these spiritual entities. Like overwhelmed by them.

This can also happen after having a NDE.

I Hope you are no longer seeing these odd 'dark humanoids'.

Fwiw...I was told 'shadow people' are basically harmless spirits that seem intrigued by people who are gifted/can see them.

I hope that some of this Post makes sense to you.


Q. CDS, did this first start (increase) after you were attacked by that black mass or before?

It sounds very familiar.

You can pm me if you wish.

I started seeing dark humanoids in the trees after the black mass attack.

EDIT: To clarify, I've dealt with "shadow people" my whole life. These "tree people" humanoid things are different.

That 'black mass' sounds like a hierarchical warning in that you were attacked by a spirit that was given direction to do so, I can only imagine the pain.(!)

I can't shake the idea that in an earlier investigation, someone or 'something' noticed what you were trying to do..some/most don't wish to be exposed and because of this, when you were finally alone, it attacked.

The 'dark humanoids' are called watchers. They can be sent also to watch and report back to the sender.

You mentioned in a different thread that some spirits seem to follow an order or rank of some kind well, you're right some do.

One more thing I will wager as a guess... I'd bet that since after the attack, your senses became heightened and you became more aware of these spiritual entities. Like overwhelmed by them.

This can also happen after having a NDE.

I Hope you are no longer seeing these odd 'dark humanoids'.

Fwiw...I was told 'shadow people' are basically harmless spirits that seem intrigued by people who are gifted/can see them.

I hope that some of this Post makes sense to you.

Actually, a lot of it does make sense.

If I summarize a bit:

  • I was seeing shadow people (hat man type) when I was 3
  • I had a NDE in 2004, this is when I became extremely sensitive.
  • Started investigating and seeking answers in 2007
I agree and think Shadow people are rather harmless. Black masses on the other hand are NOT, nor have ever been human and are quite easy to piss off. I've had several encounters with them. The tree people could be what you say, watchers. They are rather new to me and seem to follow me around.

I've had several channeling episodes, I can get pretty ill during these, I have been careful not to let this happen when alone. I'm to afraid to... :rolleyes: I get crap loads of information in a brief episode though, so it is helpful.

And finally I've picked up some hijackers just will not leave me... I've tried. They manifest in balls of light (energy). They never leave my side, I do not fear them, in fact I consider them guardians of a type. They warned me and i feel like they protect me to some point. there are times they have fled, this is when I really know to get myself out of where ever I am.

So... I have come to know many types of ethereal characters. Still looking for answers...
